Author Thread: Wondering why some people so strongly justify sex chat and pornography watching? IT IS A SIN!

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Wondering why some people so strongly justify sex chat and pornography watching? IT IS A SIN!
Posted : 3 May, 2020 01:48 PM

Have you women encountered men whom when you first meet jump into these topics? seeking for sex chats and asking for nudes? I find this being disrespectful. My view is that pornography watching is very wrong and a sin, sending and receiving nudes is also a sin as well as sex chat. When we justify our choices of sin, we allow the devil to make us think that our behaviors are okay and we know that He is a master at that! These behaviors are ungodly. What are your views? Would you justify these behaviors? Would you compromise your values just because you have loved a man?

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Wondering why some people so strongly justify sex chat and pornography watching? IT IS A SIN!
Posted : 1 Jun, 2020 04:56 AM

As Christians we should never tolerate this. Justification is done by people of the world who approaches us in sheep clothing yet they are ferocious wolves. Let us always be aware of them. The Word of God has nothing to justify. What it says is what it means. We do not need an interpreter to change the meaning. Be blessed.

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Wondering why some people so strongly justify sex chat and pornography watching? IT IS A SIN!
Posted : 10 Jun, 2020 09:23 AM

Awesome Topic!! The short answer is anyone PROCLAIMING to be a Christian and justifying pornography, fornication, etc. is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing. Porn is sexual immorality. God's Word is filled with warnings on Sexual Immorality. Very harsh warnings about those caught up in any kind of sexual immorality will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. God's Word tells us to FLEE sexual immorality. Jesus said anyone who looks at a woman with lustful thoughts has already committed adultery. That's all you need to know God's view on Porn. I run a Men's Integrity group at my church and we discuss this very topic. We are men who used to fall short in this area but have decided to abide by God's Word on the matter and seek sexual morality instead of following the culture into sexual immorality. Women don't give in to the CHILDISH ...BOYS... out there who can't MAN-UP and follow God's Word and treat ALL women with dignity and respect. There are some of us out there who want to honor God and honor His daughters!!

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Wondering why some people so strongly justify sex chat and pornography watching? IT IS A SIN!
Posted : 10 Jun, 2020 12:51 PM

😣 Actually had someone suddenly send me really disturbing and inappropriate pictures of themselves without me even being aware of what they were about to do,just two days in after exchanging greetings,on two occasions.Thank God I never even bothered loading the pictures but deleted them straight away.The best I could do was tell them to stop wasting their time,send them a number of verses and advised them to spend some time with God and meditate on the scriptures.It left me wondering about their relationship with God.

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