Author Thread: Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 18 Nov, 2020 07:32 AM

I Think the question speaks for ITSELF?

I send a single, polite message, to an appropriate lady. I can see she has read it, but never get a reply. Never

I'm ssimply curious, and somewhat incredulous, as to how supposedly Christian women justify such a lack of basic courtesy?

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 30 Jan, 2021 08:52 AM

" aren't interested in me"


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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 6 Feb, 2021 03:09 PM

Why reply to someone in whom you're not interested? It's a waste of time, and could lead to arguments. It happens all the time, not just to you, but to all of us. Move on.

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 8 Feb, 2021 04:23 PM

Fire and forget, if you are not getting replies then you are not sending the right messages.

On the occasions I send a message I've forgotten about it almost instantly.

I mean back in my going out days I'd work the room rather than concentrate on a single woman unless I really liked them. Even then I'd still be chatting to other women. Then what happened happened, sometimes nothing, so what?

Nobody owes anyone a response.

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 8 Feb, 2021 04:40 PM

I mean, would you rather have her ignore the message or have her tell you to **** off and never respond to her again? If they don't respond, take the hint that she's not interested and continue to navigate the site until you find someone who is. Makes life a lot easier.

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 16 Mar, 2022 05:23 AM

First of all, is it truly 'discourteous' to not reply to someone's attempt to connect? I dont think so. With half of such attempts eventually marked with a red circle/slash, obviously there are people whose 'knock at your door' are best left unanswered. I don't find 'a nonresponse' offensive at all. Why should l? If they find nothing of interest in me - so be it... they don't have to tell me --- l'm sort of intelligent and can figure that out all by myself. Let it go and move on.

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Why do "Christian" women think its ok to be discourteous?
Posted : 16 Mar, 2022 05:35 AM

Dazz, l read your profile... l think l can tell you what is most likely the issue regarding you not getting responses back.

You are 'separated' yet you say: "l should also be clear, that I am serious, and not mucking around." Truth is, by most 'Christian' women's standards - you are not 'free' and until the divorce is final, you sort of are 'mucking around'. The women who are not answering you are probably not answering you because they are, in fact, standing firm on their 'Christian' values. Your implied questioning of them being 'christian' because they wont reply to a technically 'married man' falls far short of a valid criticism and in fact, turns the magnifying glass back on your scruples.

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