Author Thread: Seriously, what's the deal?

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 27 Nov, 2008 08:25 PM

I need an objective opinion and I don't mind constructive criticism at all really.

What exactly is it that I'm "lacking" from my profile here? I message someone, and they just never bother to respond. The message is read, they look at the profile, a lot of things in common, close distance, etc... It's happened a couple times.

I get the feeling that some girls here are just looking for trivial and shallow things. Granted, a lot have a true heart for God, but others seem like snobs almost.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 05:20 PM

Hey Dox, have you read "I kissed dating goodbye"? You remind me of Joshua by making that statement. God has his hand on you. I can just tell by reading. Keep up doing and THINKING how you are. You sound like the kind of guy that I have prayed for my daughter to meet and fall in love with but she has other ideas...please pray for her. Her name is Rachel and for such a loving, caring Christian girl the first 23 yrs of her life, she sure has changed since she met her very first boyfriend a year ago. I know she was tired of waiting and all her friend always had dates but this guy is not Gods best for her and it breaks my heart. God bless you and the stand you have taken, Helen

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 4 Nov, 2010 06:10 AM

There are some woman out there that are also looking for that great guy. They seem to be great in the beginning then they fade away.

I have talked with 2 not at the same time and both of the say they are a great guy and my profile is everything they want and they talk to me for a week or so then then just stopped emailing they stopped communication with no explanation.

I agree! What is the deal?

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 23 Nov, 2010 10:27 AM

you are right...

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 10:27 PM

They cannot reply if they have no membership?

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 07:40 AM




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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 20 Jan, 2011 12:02 AM

hi how are you may God bless you more

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 6 Sep, 2011 05:26 PM

Cute:)...however I can appreciate a man who takes the time to wear a tie...

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2012 09:10 AM

I completely understand but it also goes both ways.

A profile is just the stepping stone to what God has in store for all of us as a partner.

Some of US have this preconcieved notion of what we want in a partner. Although that is not a bad thing, it is just a limiting thing.

I think if we stick to seeking Gods will and what he wants then we ultimately line up with his ways and not ours which if you are a true christian have learned that Our way and God's ways are so different, but way better!

In retrospect, I must say this I understand what is written in a profile is not always what a man or woman turn out to be.

From lessons learned, I see these men who want this fairy tale barbie doll, model type women, and same with the women who want these buff daddy, centerfold for UFC, type men.

The fact of the matter is this be open if you get a message from someone whos picture doesn't fit image you want have a conversation with the person you never know after a few messages back and forth if nothing clicks then you have nothing to lose, but if you don't even try well why are you on here!

I can say first hand that I have sent dozens of messages and in all reality I am a single mom with 3 children and I am divorced. So to a man this screams gold digger or poor wellfare mom who needs a baby daddy. Well the reality is this if some of the men out there took a second to move beyond my profile and send a message they would learn what a great woman I am. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I have never been on welfare and I am an honest great looking woman. But for the most part I am stereotyped by what others have done.

I still don't give up hope, I believe there is that one special person out there that is great for me. I don't ignore messages I answer all of them if you are not right for me I will let you know in the most sensitive way.

So be it as it may Gentlemen, Ladies, don't sell yourself short based on a profile picture and a few words if someone takes the time to show you they are interested take the time to respond who knows that could be your future.

God Bless!

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 30 Nov, 2014 05:07 AM

I have been on dating sites for a very long time, and what I have learned is that that the overwhelming majority of women, and I am sure this is true for men as well, that the Christian community is over run by false converts, and it does not matter where you meet them (the internet, church,singles groups,grocery stores etc.) your just going to run into so called Christians, that serve a God to suite their God less lifestyle.

Gallup did a poll of Christians, and 87% of those polled said they were in fact Christians, but only 7% of those polled read their bibles on a regular basis, or went to church weekly, or even prayed. So what`s that tell ya? That the odds are slim at best to find a True follower of Christ. To me being a 7% single Christian in today`s society, is being under a curse. If someone I contact, does not respond within a week, I just delete the e-mail I sent and then go and block them.

Their are just to many fish in the sea, to be wasting your time on someone so disrespectful of your interest in them. I myself no longer put much into pursuing someone much these days, because so many singles have been wronged by relationships, and in some cases you are never going to gain their trust, or any commitment from them. Its just easier to stay single, even though I my dislike for it is off the charts!

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 30 Nov, 2014 05:13 AM

I have been on dating sites for a very long time, and what I have learned is that that the overwhelming majority of women, and I am sure this is true for men as well, that the Christian community is over run by false converts, and it does not matter where you meet them (the internet, church,singles groups,grocery stores etc.) your just going to run into so called Christians, that serve a God to suite their God less lifestyle.

Gallup did a poll of Christians, and 87% of those polled said they were in fact Christians, but only 7% of those polled read their bibles on a regular basis, or went to church weekly, or even prayed. So what`s that tell ya? That the odds are slim at best to find a True follower of Christ. To me being a 7% single Christian in today`s society, is being under a curse. If someone I contact, does not respond within a week, I just delete the e-mail I sent and then go and block them.

Their are just to many fish in the sea, to be wasting your time on someone so disrespectful of your interest in them. I myself no longer put much into pursuing someone much these days, because so many singles have been wronged by relationships, and in some cases you are never going to gain their trust, or any commitment from them. Its just easier to stay single, even though I my dislike for it is off the charts!

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