Author Thread: Advice Please...

Advice Please...
Posted : 30 Dec, 2008 11:26 PM

Can a non christian man work in a relationship with a christian woman? I believe in God but honestly I'm not where I need to be with God myself and I've sorta ran from him. Do I have to get my life fully right before I persue a christian woman or what? I'm not even sure where I went wrong in my walk with God. I've just always felt lonely. I need a loving woman in my life to give me the love I need even though I know God is the source of love. Do I have to wait till I am fully right with God before I'll find her?

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Advice Please...
Posted : 31 Dec, 2008 09:00 PM

I believe that even if you find a girl who will love you like you desire to be loved, you will not be satisfied. That longing and lonliness in your heart is for the Creator, not the creation. Only He can fill that void and give you the happiness that you long for.

Another thing, let's say you meet a nice Christian girl, who has a solid foundation and a strong relationship with God...if her standards and convictions come from God's Word, then I doubt it she will want to enter into a serious relationship with someone who is not right with God. She will look for someone who meets God's standards for a husband and who shares in her strong convictions...

Hopes this helps a bit :)

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Advice Please...
Posted : 1 Jan, 2009 09:26 PM

Hey there,

Thanks for the honest question. I think the real question here is "Does a Christian have any place being in a relationship with a non-Christian?" NO! I can give you a couple of reasons why. First and foremost, the Bible says it's a big No-No. I Cor 6:14-15 in the Message says "Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives." Next, I remember hearing a saying once that said a fish and a bird can fall in love but where will they build a home. How can one who is walking in the Light of God's love into a deeper relationship with God come into a relationship with someone who is walking in a completely different direction. It causes a lot of frustration and anquish. I think the biggest issue here is your relationship with God. I can tell you, if you have questions, that is a terrific place to start. But, do NOT stop with just the questions... look for the answers. The questions are simply a key that opens the door into the greatest relationship out there. I have found that in a relationship with God, there is true contentment. As for not being where you want to be with God, a lot of us find ourselves there. And there are tons of examples in the Bible and amoung my acquaintances of those who have run from God. The question is are you going to stay out there or are you going to come back and find God waiting for you. Do you need to get your life fully right before seeking a relationship... did you want to get married before you die? The last time I checked the only time we will be prefected is when we are in Heaven. Should you be seeking to be healed and in a good place with God? Yes!!! Seek God, learn about Him, discover His character, get in a relationship with Godly men who can show you what a Christian life is all about. I used to run a singles group and I told the men who came "Become an annointed man of God. It's like catnip to a cat, women of God are so attracted to that." Hope this helps.



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Advice Please...
Posted : 10 Jan, 2009 11:35 AM

Can a non christian man work in a relationship with a christian woman? I believe in God but honestly I'm not where I need to be with God myself and I've sorta ran from him. Do I have to get my life fully right before I persue a christian woman or what? I'm not even sure where I went wrong in my walk with God. I've just always felt lonely. I need a loving woman in my life to give me the love I need even though I know God is the source of love. Do I have to wait till I am fully right with God before I'll find her?

We would all be waiting if this is how it would be for you.

Yes it can work but its hard and as hard for 2 christians to work things out also.Check out how many christians are divorced. Keep working in your realtionship with God as well as with your love your trying to find in a woman Christ should be your first love . . Sounds to me like you want a good woman and thats why you persue a christian woman so, stay with your first love and walk keep the pace where you started. Don't end up frustrated and stop trying. With God all things are Possiable.

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