Author Thread: Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?

Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2008 11:33 PM

I know in society men are supposed to be the dominent ones but still sometimes I wish if a woman was interested she'd let me know.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 31 Dec, 2008 01:05 AM

Personally I am "old-fashioned" enough to feel the man should make the first move. Even if I am not interested, I will always respond politely.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 31 Dec, 2008 10:48 AM

I think on a site like this that sometimes a women needs to make the first move. Now don't get me wrong, I am old fashioned.

Heres the thing though. First I could notice that a woman viewed my profile. Or a woman could view my profile and I might not notice. If I don't notice then even if she is interested I will have no way to know. Second if she views my profile and I do notice but she doesn't send me a message then I view that as her not being interested. And I can't go and email every woman that views my profile and assume they are interested.

So I think its hard because with so many women on a site like this a guy isn't going to know who is interested if she doesn't say anything.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 31 Dec, 2008 09:26 PM

I want the guy to chase after me, not me after him. I've done the chasing before and I realize that I would rather him do it and show interest. Now, I will from time to time send a wink if I am really interested...but I don't want to be forward. But like I said...I will, just less than more.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 2 Jan, 2009 09:19 AM

:glow: good question...can u let me answer this question :laugh:

maybe some women are shy and waiting guys taking the first move..

or maybe they are not interested at all ops :peace:.

I'm old fashioned too if related with men hehe...

Maybe I can add more here that, if I view any guys profiles, that's mean I'm interested to know him, maybe just for friends, I'm not thinking too far about how the relationship would be. Bcos on here, everybody freely to know each other.When I view him and he does'nt view me back, so I can say that he's not interested in me but if he views and I view him back but after that he does not write to me, so that means he doesnt want be my friends too :p. Normally guys write to women. I prefer if a man writes to a woman or maybe just send a wink. That's what I was thinking about this but dont know what other women on here think. So, dont shy write to any women u like :peace:.

May God Bless U!!!

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 2 Jan, 2009 10:12 PM

I was raised that ladies do not initiate contact with gentlemen. In my youth, that meant we did not call them on the telephone. Now, that translates to not emailing, texting, or iming. Obviously, friends and family are exempt from that rule, but for me to initiate contact on here would be the height of impropriety.

Biblically, the male is the head of the house. It therefore becomes rather an oxymoron for the female to become the aggressor and pursue him. Adam recognizes the rib, not the other way around. It is the male�s responsibility to recognize and woo the lady. Not easy for the guy, I admit, but then neither is being the head of the house. If a man cannot handle the responsibility of the one, how can a woman expect him to handle the increased responsibility of the other?

Blessings in your search for answers. I wish you well.


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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2009 04:12 PM

I 'won't' chase after a guy. Way more self respect than that ~ and usually would just be a turn-off for the guy anyway.

I 'will' and do most definitely send a breif initial contact if I'm interested.

Ladies ~ if you don't ~ you're missing out. The men I've met and been most interested were those I contacted first. Won't say that's been a huge number ~ but enough to know that (at least in that aspect of dating) it works for me.

It's still that darn aggressiveness by the men which I'm dealing with ~ but am getting (a bit) better at weeding it out before bothering to even meet.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2009 08:43 PM

I am old fashion as well, but if I am interested in a guy I give him a wink or I might ask him a question about his profile, but I rather he do the chasing.


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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2009 09:52 PM

I know in society men are supposed to be the dominent ones but still sometimes I wish if a woman was interested she'd let me know.

Are you asking if she would let you know she likes dominent men or to let you know she wants to be dominent?

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2009 09:57 PM

Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?

Sorry I didnt notice where the question was posted earlier.

I 45 I guess its the age thing I do write the man first if I am intested I have no problem with that or quilt. Good luck

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 15 Jan, 2009 05:10 PM

I much prefer to contact the gentleman first. I have found that the ones that contact me first have been a little bit over-bearing at times. Not all the men are of course, please do not misunderstand me, I mean no disrespect to the gentlemen on this site. I have just had a few lately that have bothered me a bit...and when I send a polite reply and state that I feel we would not be a good match they are the ones that tend to become very aggressive and angry about my reply and become rude and sometimes even mean. I have had some men tell me that they are not interested when I have e mailed them first...its all a part of life...I usually only send a wink, and see if they respond with a note...unless I am really taken with their profile then I will write them and say so. But we must all remember as well, no response from someone is in fact 'a response.' If you write a lady once and she does not respond and you can see that she has read your e mail... simply let it go and move on. But as far as contacting a man first, at least in this medium, I believe if you read a profile and you are taken with it, it moves you, your spirit...tell him so, for sure...and if you find his pictures attractive and you are interested...tell him so. If nothing else you have paid him a great compliment because lets face ladies...we are all lovely women of God :glow:

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