Author Thread: Tell me...

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Posted : 25 Jan, 2009 10:49 PM

What are the pros and cons of being single for life? What do you think would of happened if Romeo never met Juliet?

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Posted : 26 Jan, 2009 06:29 PM

Well, if Romeo and Juliet had never married, they would have experienced life. Life in those days often consisted of arranged marriages among other things. So, it depends upon your beliefs and perspectives if this would be a good thing or a bad thing.

Pros of single life:

No one to worry about but myself.

Cand do what I need to when I need to.

I set my own expectations.

The toilet seat is always down.

I know how much is in the bank at all times.

If I decide to move, it takes about a week to pull up stakes and make it happen (providing a job has been found first).

Cons of single life:

Sometimes lonely.

Nobody to share things with.

Traveling alone.

No honey for the honey do list.

Having to fix all the "boy" stuff.

Growing old alone.

Cooking for just me.

Moving toilet seat.



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Posted : 30 Jan, 2009 04:17 AM

If Romeo hadn't met Juliet...welll...Mmmm...he would still be alive. Sometimes it's best to be single instead of being in a "poisonous" relationship.

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Posted : 11 Feb, 2009 08:36 PM

What are the pros and cons of being single for life? What do you think would of happened if Romeo never met Juliet?

That is a long list and will take the rest of my life to put down. lol speaking in the flesh and about the flesh...(being single and being married)

Romeo probably would have met Julie instead of Juliet.jk

I love that love story. Christ sure made me believe in love stories that ended in death so, Therefore I believe in a GREAT LOVE. thats the pro and the con is there is none in christ. He promises me a everlasting love. Who can die for me and give me a promise to find true love when I die?

Now in this life I would have to say I am just waiting on christ for the things he wants for me and the other possiable candidate in my life. It is a love story

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