Author Thread: What's in a name?

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What's in a name?
Posted : 2 Feb, 2009 12:15 AM

Hey, I was just wondering. You know how when some of you gals were young and you were infatuated with someone....well, you'd do the Mrs. Such and Such or Mr. and Mrs. Such and Such, maybe write you first name along with his surname, or write both you first names together (like "Ken and Barbie") a dozen times? Do you ever outgrow that? Do you think the melody of a name is another factor to sway you into considering marrying someone? If you did marry someone whose surname just didn't go along well with your first name, would you consider keeping your maiden name?

Sorry I can't sleep and I get these odd question in my mind sometimes.

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What's in a name?
Posted : 2 Feb, 2009 06:26 AM

Ephesians, your question isn't

You couldn't sleep last night, and I couldn't sleep this morning and have been up since arounf 4AM... crazy!

I remember playing tha name game. I also remember playing the game with the flower, he loves me, he loves me not... Silly but both were girl fantasies.. never got the guy of course LOL...

However when I got married, I used both my maiden name along with his surname. As I sometimes say, "Your maiden name is what the first man in your life, your father, gave you and its never changing... your married name is what the second man in your life, your husband gives you, and he might be gone next week... so use both names, and if the husband should end up leaving , you still have a name that no one can take from you.:winksmile:

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What's in a name?
Posted : 2 Feb, 2009 02:22 PM


I remember doing that as girl in school but I've definitely outgrown it. I do not believe the melody of name would have any factor in deciding to marry someone and i haven't ever really considered not taken my future husband's last name.

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What's in a name?
Posted : 2 Feb, 2009 03:10 PM

Haha...I remember once in 7th grade (I think) I handed in a math paper. When I got it back from the teacher, I noticed that right on top of the paper I wrote "I love Jason" with a heart around it. I was sooooo embarassed - especially since it was a male teacher. Oh, memories...

But no, now as an adult I don't do anything like that. But as far as the man's last name - it really seems to be up to the woman nowadays. For a long time I always said I would keep my last name. My reason for that was because in my family there are no other girls with my last name.

My grandma took my Grandpa's last name and then together they had four sons. Two of my uncles never had children and my other uncle had three boys. Then my mom and dad had me and I have one brother. So in my immediate family there are no girls (born) with my last name. So that is why I wanted to keep it. But now I think I would definitely take my husband's name when I get married.

But I suppose it depends on the last name as well. Being partly German, Weiner is a name that runs in a distant part of my family (not joking). I would not take a last name like that. I would never want to be known as Mrs. Weiner :ROFL:

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What's in a name?
Posted : 2 Feb, 2009 07:04 PM

Well my name is Irish and therefore, has an Irish meaning: it means, Irish Pledge, freedom.

Well, I have never really thought about marrying someone just because their name did'nt go with mine. But I do remember writing down my first and last name and the guys first and last name. Funny, what some people do in the name of a hopeless teenage crush.:hearts:

I never really hoped to marry someone -except one of my crushes in 8th I really am starting to feel old:laugh:



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What's in a name?
Posted : 3 Feb, 2009 07:25 PM

I don't recall playing the name game as a young girl....but then, that was many moons ago. As for later, I always assumed I would take my husband's name. Now though, there is simply no way I would. Because of my age and education, it would be incredibly difficult, expensive, not to mention risky with the chance for multiple errors. So, if he wishes my name, great. But, my name is not changing.

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What's in a name?
Posted : 5 Apr, 2009 05:53 PM

I'd take the man's name because, just as Jesus's signature (blood) covers me, I think it's symbolic for a woman to take the man's surname and use it. However, I also think it's important to know where one came from so I guess my maiden name would be my second middle name.

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