Author Thread: Seriously, what's the deal?

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 27 Nov, 2008 08:25 PM

I need an objective opinion and I don't mind constructive criticism at all really.

What exactly is it that I'm "lacking" from my profile here? I message someone, and they just never bother to respond. The message is read, they look at the profile, a lot of things in common, close distance, etc... It's happened a couple times.

I get the feeling that some girls here are just looking for trivial and shallow things. Granted, a lot have a true heart for God, but others seem like snobs almost.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 29 Nov, 2008 06:31 PM

Brother you are not alone!

There are numerous reasons why this occurs. One of them sadly enough is that they lack common courtesy. If they don't have the courtesy to respond back to you even if it's just to say "thank but I don't think we would be a good match", would you really want to get to know that person?

Then there are women who simply do not like to hurt a guy's feelings. They just don't know what to say. There is one thing for certain. Women are as visual as men are but just don't admit it. After all if it was a man's heart they seek then why is the physical attraction necessary.

The other reason is that some women are motivated by a man's "career" whether it is a prestigious one or not. What is his potential for being a "good provider"?

There are many more reasons Brother. Just keep on trusting the Lord and keep the whole armor on because there are women just like men who are predators just seeking physical relationships that are unholy.



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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 29 Nov, 2008 10:26 PM

Before reading your profile I thought "I'll probably try and offer this guy my honest opinion of what he;s doing wrong'.

Usually it's poor grammar...picture...something obvious. But I have to say...Your profile is really great. Nothing there for me to pick apart. Very nice, attractive photo also.

Are the girls you're writing to Christians? Do they live within reasonable drive of you? If so, I just have no idea why you aren't getting the responses. If you were twice the age you are, I'd be very interested. Aren't there any girls who are contacting you? You sound like a real cutie.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 30 Nov, 2008 02:05 PM

My initial reaction was the same as Rose. So many people have typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, and mistakes that show poor education, or simply laziness. Any of the above can be a bother and detractor. Sir, I have to confess, my red ink pen did not get even a small twitch.

Your layout was friendly, inviting, organized, grammatically correct, and easy to read. You also look quite nice.

Maybe the profile is not the problem? That being said, what are you writing in your introductory letter? Could the problem be there?

A difficulty may also be with the girls you choose to write. One definition of insanity is doing things the same way expecting different results. Why not try writing to a girl who is a bit different than those you have chosen previously? I don�t mean going off in a totally wild direction. Obviously, you want someone close to your own age with Christian beliefs similar to your own. For example, contacting someone who looks different than the previous ones might garner different results.

In the end though, seek God. Maybe He is running interference to ensure you don�t make a mistake.

May God Bless You Richly,


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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 30 Nov, 2008 03:51 PM



a) the picture is good

b) the grammar is good

c) you are NOT a bum-you have a job! :peace:

d)you do mention God

Possible reasons why no responses:

a) you sound too good to be true :nahnah:

b) you look too good to be true

c) they are fools and Jezebels

e) Jesus has someone special for you. :rocknroll:



Peace & Love



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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 30 Nov, 2008 08:21 PM

Thanks for the responses, compliments, and ideas everyone. I'm still scratching my head over it, but I'm not too worried about it.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 2 Dec, 2008 10:30 AM

I know what you mean. I know I'm a great guy but some ladies just don't see it, I suppose. Oh well....

Would someone kindly review mine and let me know if it's my tie?

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 4 Dec, 2008 03:45 PM

^^ nice tie dude.

I've had a few people message me concerning this as well and they're experiencing the same thing. Even some women are. I included another little blurb in my profile discussing it, and how we're not all Italian kickboxers.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2008 05:41 PM

That is just to cute!! do you have more outfits like that!:ROFL:

Could be the tie!

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 7 Dec, 2008 12:40 PM

Yeah the women on this site confuse me. Most women don't respond. I am kind of convinced that women don't want nice Christian guys.

I have read a lot of profiles on here and out of the people I have sent emails to very few have responded.

One of my problems I have seen is some women even go as far in there profile to say things like they want to meet someone in ministry etc. To me thats limiting God, saying you want a certain type of person. What if the person God has for someone is not of the profession or looks they think they want? Like I said things like that to me seem to limit God and His plan for an individuals life.

Its one of the reasons I don't have a picture up on this site at the moment. People make snap judgements based on looks. They think someone is attractive then maybe thats the only reason they email a person. On the other side they don't find the person attractive so they miss out on meeting someone really amazing. I know I have found people way more attractive after I have taken the time over the years to get to know certain people.

But we live in a society where if someone is asked if they could go out on a date with anyone who would it be, and they respond with a movie stars name or some other celebrity. Personally for me, if I could go on a date with anyone, it would be with the women God had for me, because if I was going on a date with her, well that would mean I found her, and well nothing could be better than that.

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Seriously, what's the deal?
Posted : 19 Dec, 2008 08:01 PM

Unwaving83, I 2nd your motion....

Sharp photo by the way.

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