Author Thread: 9/7/08 Sunday Sermon - - PAUSE - - -

9/7/08 Sunday Sermon - - PAUSE - - -
Posted : 9 Sep, 2008 08:15 PM



Posts: 233

9/7/08 Sunday Sermon ** PAUSE **

� on: Today at 12:12:28 PM �


Pastor Joey's Sermon ** PAUSE **

Luke 10:30-37 A certain man was robbed and left by the road to die...Levites and Priests passed him by....only a Samaritan helped him out.

The Samaritan PAUSED in his life to take the time to help the wounded man. Is our life interruptable? Will we PAUSE and seize the opportunities that God presents to us. Press the PAUSE button on our lives to do the unexpected for God. Is our life interruptable for God? We need to press the PAUSE button on the movie of our lives to tend to the needs of people in front of us.

Galations 6:10 As we have therefore the opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Those of faith meaning fellow Christians!!

This starts with us embracing others of christ. We are all called of God to press the PAUSE button and to minister to Christians. If we don't do this, we are missing out on giving and receiving the blessings of God. As long as we have Christ in the center of our friendship, we should minister one to another. We all need spiritual friendship so they can deposit the word of God into our lives and we into theirs. Testimonies of God's miracles that he has done for others can encourage us to keep on believing and have faith in God.

Press the PAUSE button to connect to followers of Christ. Connect to receive, connect to minister. We need spiritual friendships to encourage and support us. Who is pouring into your life?

Colossian 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without (outside), redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

We have to press the PAUSE button multiple times to be there for people. We need to make the most of opportunities that God gives us to PAUSE!!

***How Do We Pause ?

1) Pray for Opportunities:Expect, Pray and it will happen. Watch God!

2) Slow Down and be Aware: Why are you in such a hurry? You need to slow down and go the speed limit of life. When you go too fast in life, you will miss the opportunities in life that God has for us. Opportunities to Receive as well as to Give.

3) Seize the Opportunity:

A.. Don't look the other way like the Levite and Priest did.

B.. Be inconvenienced in our life. Be interrupted.

c... Walk thru the fear. Fear the missed opportunity MORE than you fear the invconvenience of PAUSING.

Take a walk accross: your neighbor's yard, your work cubicle, your street to minister to those in need! Seize the opportunity! It starts in our own household and flows out! PAUSE !!!



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9/7/08 Sunday Sermon - - PAUSE - - -
Posted : 15 Sep, 2008 08:36 PM

What is amazing about this story is that the Samaritan was considered a dog by Jewish standards. Here it shows the lowly helping the injured and the esteemed preacher not lending a helping hand. it truely is our job as Christians to "Pause" and know the environment around us. Your Pastor Joey has some good thoughts!


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