Author Thread: Here we grow again!

Here we grow again!
Posted : 24 Jun, 2009 03:17 PM

Ok. So today yet another public figure serving the public has lost his footing and slipped...again. Today its Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina who finds himself in the crosshairs of many who have been waiting for just such an occaison to shine the spotlight of shame on someone!

Another day another scandal to put it in the words of one CNN reporter.

Governor Mark Sanford mysteriously disapeared for a few days this past week deceiving and shaming not only the grand ole party, but the people of south carolina and his family as well...Initially, he was said to have comandeered a state vehicle and headed to the appalachian trail for some peace of mind. Instead he was caught like a deer in the headlights disembarking a flight from Argentina and confessed to a year long sordid affair with an Argentinian woman.

I know what many of you are thinking: Shame on him! I also know what the rest of you are probably thinking: Shame on you Elisee for bringing this up!

Well...actuallly, I happen to see this little indiscretion as a lesson for all of us - male, female, this culture or that, democrat, republican, conservative or not:

The moment we begin to point fingers at others we should take note of how many fingers are pointing back at ourselves. The moment we think it is somehow ok to malign others for situations we have not yet found ourselves in we need to think it over again. The moment we feel secure in some area of life know that God will allow our security to be shaken unless and until it recognizes just how human we all are and in need of grace, forgiveness and a stronger desire to love one another DESPITE our shortcomings - obvious or not.

*One thing have difficulty understanding before and yet today is why do some (not all) christian men continually point at examples of male misbehaviors in the Bible as evidence that "somethings are just male and cannot be helped"?

I am not suggesting that women do not have indiscretions...not at all. I referring to having listened to men explain why some things like slecting a mate not based on Bible instruction but on looks is "just a man thing". It may be...but when will we all get that David's example and others in the bible were examples of what NOT to do in terms of seeking a mate, not subtantiation for it!

As for our dear brother and still Govenor of SC...He belongs to the same God that we do and is no more or less than deserving of our prayers and Gods mercy than any one of us. He that is without sin...put the rock back in your pocket and walk away quietly knowing that God has and will extend both mercy and grace to you in your hour of need.

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