Author Thread: Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?

Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2009 08:25 AM

I'm sure there have been discussions on who the Antichrist might be on these message boards. But recently, I've been doing a study on Islam and what their fundamental beliefs are. And the media is definitely portraying the religion wrong, as I have read many passages in the Koran and this religion is not one of peace, as they portray it to be. And I know that that's one of the ways Antichrist will have come onto the scene. But anyway, in my studies, I came across a man by the name of Mr. Walid Shoebat. He is a former PLO terrorist-turned Christian and he makes an extremely compelling case as to why Islam is the Antichrist. It's way too much for me to type on here, but I would encourage Christians to check him and his teaching out. It's very fascinating and for me, eye opening. For the Bible to be virtually Middle Eastern focused, we put a lot of Westernized spin on things and have gotten a lot of it wrong, in my opinion.

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Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 26 Mar, 2010 11:48 AM

.. 2 Thessalonians 2:4..

"Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

It is more likely that Darwinism/Science Is The Religion Of The Antichrist,

It is a religion whose founder claimed to be a scientist, its holy book a treatise with a supposedly scientific message, and its devotees people who think of themselves as learned. This religion has penetrated into almost every civilization, every school of thought and every ideology; its adherents number in the hundreds of millions. In every field of specialization - history, sociology, philosophy, psychology, biology, etc. - it is a basic dogma, the "light that illuminates truth."

Darwinism is founded upon the denial of God (Allah) and that it is actually a pagan religion is something that a lot of people - even its followers - have only recently begun to state openly.

Many people fail to realize how intricate and widespread this false religion is. But facts are being continually uncovered in the realm of science that this godless religion cannot tolerate.

With every new development people are once again coming face to face with the reality of creation. The religion of Darwinism is losing strength before questions about how living things first came into existence, the flawless design and complex structure of living creatures, the variety in species, etc.

Every day it loses one more lifeline, for it is a religion that is founded on blind faith and remains impotent in the face of developments in molecular biology, genetics, paleontology and biomathematics. The many recent discoveries in these branches of science show clearly and definitely that evolution is not true.

The only true fact demonstrated time and again by scientific advances is the reality of creation. If you look even with the naked eye at the living things around you, you will find the proof of an extraordinary intelligence, strategy and design. Whether you examine a microscopic sea creature, a single atom, a cell or any living organism, you find an astounding composition. This great intelligence, flawless planning and precise design in every part of nature comes from God, to whom all power and ability belong.

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Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 30 Mar, 2010 12:15 AM

You could also put Nationalism/Capitalism here as being the Antichrist...

As this would say: Look, my nation is the best, chosen by god himself, so everything my country is up to is a good thing. Thus, you need not focus on god anymore, but focus on your country. I know this existst. I know it from history class. I am German.

And it brought death and destruction across Europe. Twice!

The other possibility: See how rich I am, thus god himself must have blessed me, so whatever I do is right in the eyes of God. So, don't focus on god anymore, focus on getting rich like I am, so you will be like a god yourself.

Actually, all those programs have one thing in common: Get rid of God for something different, an idea, a person, a country, an attribute (like beauty, health, youthness)...

You can even twist christian faith that way. :angeldevil:

You just need to take some preacher, some dogmas, some scripture verse and use it in a way that is opposed to God. This is more than possible as we have seen throughout the years. People focus on fulfilling the law ("If you don't do this and that you go to hell"), people focus on their own freedom from the law ("I can do whatever I want for I am safe"), they focus on anything but God. In the end, they focus on themselves.

All of these ways of the Antichrist lead to the idea to be strong enough yourself, that you can accomplish things yourself, without the help of God. You will be leaded to get yourself money, power, but finally you end up being a slave to the idea of money, power nation, whatever yourself.

It isn't yourself who gets the benefit of your efforts. Actually no one does, as the ideology, whatever it might be, Islam, certain branches of christianity, Nationalism, Darwinism, Capitalism, Communism, has exploited your efforts to be used against others, so people are fighting one another and all going down in chaos. Remember how God created the earth? First there was chaos, and then He put things in order, by putting them in relation to Himself. The Antichrist does the opposite: He tries to put things out of relation to god but into relation to themselves, so order is broken down, all are circling around themselves only without caring about the others (they'd say: I do care for others, but first I have to take care of myself). The result is chaos, the breakdown of creation.

So I think it is losing the big sight saying: Look there, the Antichrist. The antichrist might have taken control of you from a completely different side. Look to be focused on God and His empire, so everything else will be given to you.

God bless you

De Benny

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Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 24 Jun, 2010 03:36 PM

I have watched several video's by Walid Shoebat on youtube and I was so surprised. I could sit and talk for hours on this subject. I have several friends who are Muslims and talking with them would be like banging my head on a brick wall! I just give praise to God that my eyes are open and I have Christ and His mercy and grace in my life...those things are not evident in Islam at all!

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Can the religion of Islam be the Antichrist?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2012 03:18 PM

!)Walid Shoebat has been shown to be a likely liar and extremist.Operating from a position of hate and/or vindictiveness, certainly an extremist.

2)AntiChrist....could come in many forms and it is VERY foolish to attempt to label Islam as if it were the antiChrist based upon HISTORICAL and BIBLICAL reasons....just doesn't fit.

3)Mormonism or the LDS church actually comes closer to fitting the bill than Islam. The religion is one in which they claim to be Christians yet they claim that God(not Christ) once was like us and we can become Gods like him. They believe that God the father once lived on the Earth....they insinuate that God the father in flesh had sex with Mary to create Christ. They believe that Lucifer was the brother of Christ when they both were on Earth before Adam. They believe there are 3 heavens.They believe that Christ set up a priesthood on Earth and that it left and came back to Joseph Smith in 1820. My point, a religion of deception in which it CLAIMS Christianity and by very nature is deceptive and full of smoke and mirrors is much more likely to be Anti-Christ. The LDS church goes against the very core of Biblical belief. Wolf in sheep's clothing.

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