Author Thread: Dating Experience and Testimony

Dating Experience and Testimony
Posted : 1 Apr, 2009 09:05 PM

So, I felt like I just had to share my testimony and experiences...

So, I was not raised in Christian home, and my parents divorced when I was very young. I lived my mom and my younger sister. All grewing up I thought I had a pretty good life except for my rebellious stages of breaking things, slamming doors, fighting with my mom (literally physical fights), and what not. Also, when it comes to middle and high school, I would always run to guys for comfort or just having that crush on a guy since I didn't have a serious relationship til I was 17. It seemed like always needed a crush or just have attention from guys even though most of them disliked me.

Despite some of my stages growing up, my sister and would at least always get along long enough to go down to our wonderful neighbors down the road. There we'd just sit and talk with them for hours, and they'd give us treats and tell us about the Sunday school class they taught. I think this was when I was first truly introduced to Christ. These neighbors were the ones to give my first bible as a Christmas gift one and I actually read some of it but I never really thought to much about it. I just went on with my life.

Even through all of this, I had values like I didn't want to have sex til I was married and I wanted to save myself. I was afraid of all the things that could happen when you actually really get involved with a guy. Well, I think I still am for the most part.

Senior year of high school came around and I found myself in my first serious relationship with an amazing guy I thought. The summer before we started dating we spent a lot of time together biking all around the 3 towns that are very near that we went to high school. We dated all through senior year, our first year college together, and my second year of college. At that point I could say I was totally in love with him, and I could have seen myself with him for the rest of my life probably.

But I think dating him was kind of where I got another insight in Christ well more of goiong to church and what not and kind of sparked my interest. His mom would usually ask maybe once a month or every two months (not sure how often) to take her church since she doesnt drive.

I think where my story really begins though is when I got my job at McDonald's. I was in school and commuting 30 miles so I needed a job to pay for gas and school. When I started I mostly worked nights, like a 4pm to 8pm, and somedays during the day I think like 9am to 4pm. (don't really remember cuz it was 2 years ago) I was really quiet when I first started and didnt really talk to anyone but I did eventually come out of my shell there. There was at one point around the summer of 2007 that a girl from work befriended me. Little did I know then she was a Christian and really truely trying to live the Christian life. So one day she invited me for coffee and we just sat and talked. After that initial time, she kept inviting me to things like bible studies, campus crusade for Christ, intervarsity, and all these Christ-centered things, and also introducing me to all her wonderful Christian friends. The more and more we got to know eachother and the more she kept talking to me about Christ the more I wondered what I was missing. Then one night the she invited me something called City Prayz, where people from my surrounding area come and gather to worship and praise and pray and whatever you want to glorify the Lord. This was December of 2007, and it was that night that I prayed to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I can't say my life has been easier, but it certainly has been filled with more joy and I've learned so much because God is great.

I've fallen majorly into sin, mostly sexual sin, that I thought I'd never do. It's been a struggle but I've come to realize that what's done is done and I just have let God shape me from now and not worry about the past because he's washed me white as snow. I'm just always praying and praising God that he'll keeping shaping me to be the person he wants me to be in him.

Oh and I feel so great and I'm proud to walk into City Prayz every month here in this town. I especially was one night when I for the first time saw my neighbors from growing because I knew they had a part in me knowing Jesus.

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