Author Thread: Please pray for me

Please pray for me
Posted : 9 Sep, 2014 05:15 PM

Please pray for me. To make a very long story short I filed years ago with Inland Regional to get me help I need (I have mild Aspergers). They re-diagnosed me (I already been diagnosed at least twice before in Canada where I was born) but since it was done in another country they wouldn't recognize it so I co-operated got diagnosed again. They said I'm disabled but not sever enough and sent me to the Dept of Rehab saying they could help me with a job and all kinds of stuff. So I did that and the Rehab diagnosed me again and they put me through vocational training and stuff. They agree I'm disabled they agree I need help they want to help me but they can't without Inland Regional agreeing and saying I need help so I have to go back to Inland Regional and re-file and get re-diagnosed again and hopefully this time get the help I need. So here is my prayer request. My prayer request is that if this is something GOD really wants me to do to get help at Inland Regional that it'll be done by telling the truth without any lying or exaggerating or over dramatizing at all just the truth and that whoever will be diagnosing me and helping me will easily see that I need help and will be able to actually help me and be willing to help me do whatever it takes to get me the help I need and that they're not gonna mess with me or give me a hard time at all. So please pray for me.

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