Author Thread: Interested in knowing how electronics work???

Interested in knowing how electronics work???
Posted : 3 Sep, 2012 09:31 PM

Are there any young ladies on here who happen to be the outdoors type, or have an interest in electronics (not the actual devices, but what makes them work). I'm a self-taught basic electronics engineer. After hours, days, weeks, and months of searching the internet, I finally found a freeware (open source) program several months ago that allows me to build circuits out of what are called "gates". I've managed to build an alarm system and watched it in action on my computer screen. It would reset itself after a certain amount of time and so forth. My mom was fascinated when I showed her...and I thought she'd never understand how it works...but after much explaining, it finally made sense to her.

So, when did I get interested in electronics and how they work??? Well, I'd say about 10 years ago. I've pulled apart so many electronic devices, such as vehicle radios, that I've lost count! I currently just play around with simple circuits as a hobby...but I could probably do far more with what I know. Why haven't I pursued it as a career??? Simple...I just don't have an interest in being a millionaire. Why??? Well, I could think of a few reasons...but mainly because life isn't all about money...not for me anyway. For me, life is more about finding and having a wife to share life with...a woman who truly loves me for me...not for the benefits.

Anyway, am I the only person on here who knows about circuit "gates"???...or digital logic??? Do you know what transistors, resistors, capacitors, and diodes are???...or what they do??? Unfortunately, this stuff is, for the most part, boring to my family I don't really have anyone to talk to about it most of the time.

By the way, if you get me talking about this subject, I might not ever shut least not for a little while...LOL :)

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Interested in knowing how electronics work???
Posted : 4 Sep, 2012 04:11 PM

Hmmm...I must be one of the only people on here who knows about circuit "gates". Did anyone on here study about electronics in school??? I'm just curious because several people have viewed this post, but nobody has said anything in response.

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Interested in knowing how electronics work???
Posted : 6 Sep, 2012 07:38 PM

if you want someone to talk to about circuit gates then maybe you should go to an electronics forum...

Why haven't I pursued it as a career??? Simple...I just don't have an interest in being a millionaire. :rolleyes:

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Interested in knowing how electronics work???
Posted : 6 Sep, 2012 08:36 PM


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Interested in knowing how electronics work???
Posted : 8 Nov, 2012 03:29 AM

ehmm are you talking about logic gate?

there a lots of sample in net. just get the device from lab or you can buy from electronic shop. maybe this things quite simple because every time I go to laboratory I meet that thing. Them quite cute :ROFL:. Learn to connect the connection in breadboard quite interesting. If you interesting how all this thing work, try make simple circuit example, automatic light ( using (LDR) light dependent resistor ). and you can impress you mum :glow:. God luck :)

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