Author Thread: Video games

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Video games
Posted : 14 Oct, 2012 12:15 AM

So, yeah, I like video games, but I've never played any M rated games due to my own philosophical convictions. I don't look down on those who do or anything, but I have just personally chosen not to play them.

Anyway, if I were ever to play an M rated game, I really want to know about it first. The main problems I have with Mature games are sexuality/nudity, excessive language, and lack of morality. Let me explain the last one. I am fiercely patriotic, so I do NOT want to play any games where the protagonist kills American troops, policemen, or innocent people for kicks. The ONLY exception I would even consider would be if the game strongly discourages these actions and clarifies their wrongfulness ( i.e. Infamous).

So, I guess my question is: What are the most morally sound Mature video games out there? Particularly, I am interested in Tom Clancy games and Resident Evil. I trust Clancy games to be pro-American, and I am very interested in RE.

Thanks! Any and all advice would help!

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Video games
Posted : 14 Oct, 2012 10:52 AM

I'm not sure what to tell you since I've only played games that were rated "Teen" or "Everyone". By the way, most of the "Teen" games I have are wildlife hunting games. That's right, I bought a PS2 console mainly so I could go deer hunting all year long.


I know, it's pathetic isn't it! It's called "country as cornbread".

Let's see...I have:

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2

Cabela's Deer Hunt Season Opener

Cabela's Big Game Hunter

Cabela's Outdoor Adventures

Cabela's Alaskan Adventures

Other than that, I have:

Gran Turismo 3

Sky Odyssey

MX Unleashed

Basically two-thirds of the games I have are hunting yeah, I've got it bad when it comes to hunting. That reminds me, I need to dust that thing off because I haven't played it for about 2 years. I seriously need to find myself a woman who knows how to play video games. It get's kinda boring not having someone to take turns with me sneaking up on "digital deer". Hehe :)

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Video games
Posted : 14 Oct, 2012 01:16 PM

Haha! It's cool. I've got a weird taste of video games. I'm a sucker for racing games and third person shooters ( Uncharted!). I'll have to admit that I've never played any hunting games, but I'll bet I could shoot some bucks because of all the war/shooters I've played. It's really hard to find non Mature war games, but I've found some great ones!

What's Sky Od.? It sounds interesting.

I know what you mean. I really want someone to just sit down with at my PS3, grab some cokes and snacks, and have a blast playing games together. My sis gets into a few of my games with me, but she's older and is not around much.

By the way, thanks for taking the time to reply. It's nice to know that I'm not the only person who hasn't played any M games.

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Video games
Posted : 14 Oct, 2012 03:41 PM

Sky Odyssey is an airplane type of game. I rarely play it, but it's pretty fun.

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts is probably the most fun of all the hunting games I've got. You normally have one animal that you're actually hunting for, and the other 2 kinds of animals in the area are simply there to attack you when you least expect it. It never seems to get old because you're never quite sure how it's going to turn out. I just love it when I'm stalking a deer, and then a mountain lion (or should I say "mountain kitty") shows up out of the middle of nowhere to attack. :laugh: I've actually experienced an adrenaline rush while playing that game...and it's times like that when I'm so glad that it's only a game! Yep, nothing quite like suddenly being attacked by a wild animal when you least expect it.

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Video games
Posted : 15 Oct, 2012 05:38 PM

Yeah, nothing like the aldrenaline rush that one feels when he is about to be mauled by an animal. Lol. Sounds like a cool game. Is CDH available for the PS3?

I played both of Tom Clancy's HawX games and loved them. Granted, I crashed a lot, especially in the second one where I had to land on an aircraft carrier. Epic fail!

Ok, be honest, have you ever screamed out loud when something attacked you in one of the Cabella games? I'll have to admit that I've had some America's Funniest Home Video moments while playing my war games and Uncharted.

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Video games
Posted : 15 Oct, 2012 11:09 PM

I don't know if it's available for the PS3 or not. I don't really know much about the PS3. I think the game would probably work in the PS3 though because they're suppose to be compatible with PS2 games...or so I've been told.

Oh, about the screaming out loud...Nope, I don't think that's ever happened, but I might've "jumped" a time or so. :laugh:

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Video games
Posted : 3 Nov, 2012 10:04 PM

I actually don't pay attention to the ratings of the games I buy, though most of them tend to be rated T. My advice to you is to not just look at the age ratings of the game, but to read up on reviews and do research on the game to find out what kind of message it's bringing and what kind of stuff is in the game.

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