Author Thread: ELLA, WALTER, LYDIA, LEON!!!

Posted : 1 Mar, 2009 06:52 PM

PLEASE COME HOME!! :applause:

The four of yall have brought so much to the forums and I thank yall very much!

Each of you has your own offerings to the discussions and it really helps a growing Christian like me to develope.

I respect yall very much!

With love,


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Posted : 2 Mar, 2009 10:28 AM

Hi Tandy,

I was on strike until you started posting again. Now I can come back. LOL. Just kidding, I have been sick this last week. I will be back to normal soon. I have missed all of you as well.

Now that you have let us get to know you, there is no excuse, you are well grounded enough to be posting much more than you have been. Come on now, step it up. LOL. Be blessed my sister.

Love and joy,


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Posted : 2 Mar, 2009 01:23 PM

Hi Tandy,

I have begun a Bible College correspondence course and have been very busy with studies. I also work the graveyard shift at the prison, so I have very little time for the computer now. But I will be on a couple days a week with my humble opinions, so I will talk to you soon.

Blessings, Lydia

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Posted : 2 Mar, 2009 08:19 PM

Thank you both for your kind words!

Leon, I hope you are feeling better very soon. :nicenurse:

And I'll see what I can do about stepping it up; I'm sortof shy. lol

Lydia, congratulations in following your dream and goals! That's wonderful to see in this world!

God bless yall,


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Posted : 2 Mar, 2009 11:45 PM

Hey Tandy,

I suppose the heated fellowship Lydia, Leon, and Walter and I have been engaged in, is the most action in discussions this board has seen since it started:yay:...

Each of us has our own views about insignificant matters regarding the minor things in the Bible. But the greatest blessing of it all is that, we all agree on the major things of God's Word, and this is our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that He is the Only Begotten Son of the Living God, and that He died for our sins, and will soon be returning to setup His kingdom... and that's the good news of everything that brings insight for living and learning.:glow:

Thank you. And as Leon says, hope you get into posting more, you bring forth some good questions.:angel:

Love ya much,


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Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 12:18 AM

I just got goosebumps as I read your last post Ella!!!

Your words sound an awful lot like what I just posted in the Apostle post!!

Thank you for your kind words also!!

Love ya back!! XOXO


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Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 05:11 AM


Thank you for your wisdom and kind heart. I am ashamed of myself for even getting into that discussion, I know better. It always ends the same. Thanks for the reminder.

Much love,


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Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 09:58 AM


I hope you know that just because i don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't love you.

These same discussions have taken place here, usually with much worse results. Usually these things end with one or more leaving the site, that is why I was reluctant to join in. For one it is fruitless, we all believe what we believe, and two, it causes hard feelings among friends.

Much love,


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Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 12:03 PM


I feel that it is okay to discuss our beliefs in the forum posts as long as it is done respectfully. We should all have a teachable spirit, and if we can not handle being challenged on our beliefs and can not present the scriptures to back them up, then we should simply state that this is our opinion and not present it as fact.

I have learned a lot from the posts on all of the topics and respect those who post in a manner that seeks to edify and encourage. And I also admire the loving spirit in which you and Walter often agree to disagree. Just my two cents.

Love and respect, Lydia

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Posted : 4 Mar, 2009 08:01 AM


If you(generic you, so there will not be any misunderstanding that I'm speaking directly to you), well maybe I should say if a person can't take the blows with what you know, then what is it worth disagreeing with another person? I have never been a person who becomes beat by what other says or think about me or say about me... and when in a heated discussion, I always find it amazing when people can't have others to disagee without taking it personally or being sensitive in a discussion, and the other person, began to throw out what they THINK the other person hwo is in disagreement with them is about. But suddenly, Becoming therapist and all knowing about ones personality, as Walter offered regarding me. I've never understood such... if you will notice in all of my posts, I never got personal with any of you, I stuck to what we were talking about, when comparing all of what as spoken as to your own personal feeling toward me in your anger.

And sure saying those things in comparing your biblical interpretations ot that of Jim Jones, still was not in a personal way toward you, but your belief system. These hitngs are said all the time and if one can't express such about the fales doctrines or teachings of another, then Jesus and Paul should not have written all the things they spoke out against the false doctrines and teaching of others. Has anyone read what or how Jesus and Paul expressed their thouhts about such? But these things don't offend me nor cause me to get upset just because you voiced what you personally were feeling inside, as you guys were offended because I expressed my views and thoughts in disagree ment with you.

I never felt nor expressed toward you, Walter or Lydia expressed of your feelings toward me. I still view all of you as my brothers and sister in Christ, and what you expressed in your feelings as your own inner thoughts, I see this as being no different than if I was having it out with my own blood sister or brothers, in a heated discussion. Those were your own personal expressions, and you are responsibile for keeping those under control for yourselves, not me...

No where in the Bible does God tell us not to express our emotions or feelings about a matter. I'm no different nor do I have any different feelings, of anger or hostility toward you, Lydia or Walter. And this can't be found in any of my posts. I am the same now, as I was when we started the discussion, as I am after the discussion. And although, what you guys have expressed showed your personal feelings and emotions toward me by what you said, because I disagreed with you , only showed your own thoughts of me in your heat of anger because I disagreed with you. But you can't find this tenor in my post toward neither ofyou. I still view all of you as my sister and brothesr in Christ. I'm still at the same address and I haven't moved, and I hope neither of you have moved either, even though you may have packed in the heat of your passions in the discussion, prayerfully, you have unpacked those things... one thing must be known, you can't very tell another person whta or who they are or are not, and yet you're expressing those very qualities you project out on that person.

If one must get so upset or find what a person has to say in expressing their thoughts and what they know to be truth as being different than what they think they know to be truth, then they very well should not enter such discussions if it will cause hard feelings. Which I can't understand in the first place. In my experience, its usually the one who runs away from the truth who find themselve angry and leaving a discussion, and not the one, who see the truth... and as I stated, what we were discussing is minor and has nothing to do with spiritual insight into God's word about salvation, so I can't see why it was taken so seriously in the first place...:yay:

I'm whole and ok, and I hope the smae for you, Lydia, and Walter. But soft shoeing God's word to please others or be firends with others is not mystyle nor will I eveer do. We are to speak what God has to say and be in season when it feels good, and out of season, when it doesn't feel good, regardless who it offends...

I'm ok, and prayerfully you, Walter and Lydia are ok:glow: So let's get back to the business of doing what we all know to do best... PSREAD THE WORD!



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Posted : 4 Mar, 2009 09:15 AM

Bless you Ella,

I am not angry either. I am just a little gun shy when it comes to some of these subjects, as Paul instructs us to be.

2 Timothy 2:23

But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.


And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,


in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth

Titus 3:9

But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.

Like I said, I have seen too many of these discussions get out of hand already. I don't want to see it again.

Much love,


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