Author Thread: Response to recent post "once saved"

Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 22 Oct, 2008 08:24 PM

It's been a long time since I've been in the forums, so I would like to say Hi to Deborahe, Susie, Robin, Samantha every godly man and all that are apart of the forums and God's family. I have missed you all, you all brought much joy for me. Now, I haven't posted in a while, but this subject is very exciting for me, so here's my view on "once saved always saved" doctrine. What do I believe? Stay blessed in the Lord, Love in Christ, Will

�Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.�

According to the Apostle Paul, there are three types of people in this world, and they are natural men and women, "people who have never received Jesus Christ. They are sinners by nature and by practice, they are dead in their sins and have no knowledge of God.� Next there are carnal men and women, "this is the man or woman who has received Jesus as their savior, and believes that Christ died on the cross for them, and believes that he or she has been made a child of God. But, listen carefully, we never know they are a child of God because although they are saved by the blood of Jesus, they live just like natural men and women. They live addicted to the flesh, to the world and to self. They cannot discern the fruit of the Spirit or any pursuit of holiness, but we must not ever call them an unregenerate, unsaved man or woman because they have accepted Jesus. It is true, they are saved from hell but is not yet saved from themself. And so the carnal man or woman is saved but still living like they was not saved." And lastly, there are spiritual men and women, "the man or woman who has not only been saved, but the one who has received Christ as their Lord after they have received him as their Savior. They have learned how to walk in the Spirit and we can see real evidence of Jesus Christ living out his life in them. Which are you?

Dear brothers and sisters, there is in our day a teaching that has become very popular, and has negated the clear implications of 1 John 3. Therefore, I am taking this time because this thing is so deeply inwrought, I feel there is nothing but the pure authority of the Word of God, reading it, looking at it, doing it, that will transform and renew our minds and hearts. This message may shock you and shake you. Honestly, it was made to! But do not be angry or afraid to read on, each word is set forth in love, so we can examine our own spiritual standing in the light of God' s Word. Therefore "Examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith... prove your own selves." I am asking you as we come to the word of God to come with a teachable, childlike spirit, come like the Bereans who will search the scriptures to see whether these things are so. Only the dishonest fear the truth, so we shall search these things in an attitude of prayer and ask God to help us, lend us an �ear� so that we may be one minded, as we embark upon this study which is not pleasant, but which is absolutely necessary for our soul's well being.

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made us free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.�

Pray with me: Father, we thank you that your word is truth. We praise you, that by comparing scripture with scripture, and that having an open heart and a teachable spirit, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. We pray as we seek to deal with this problem and this confusion in the church that the Holy Spirit himself shall be present to be our teacher and to cause us to see thy truth, and by your grace to bow beneath it's implication. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Of all the churches Paul wrote to, the church that got more of Paul's attention than any other church was the church at Corinth. The church at Corinth was a very carnal, out of order church and because of the immorality and corruption in Corinth, the church could not differentiate between the things of God and the things of the world. In fact, Paul said these carnal men and women subsist on milk, they haven't graduated to solid food yet. They are spiritual babies because they don't have the capacity to feed themselves spiritual food; they have to be spoon-fed by someone else. Hebrews 5:11 says they "have become dull of hearing," with the word "dull" translated as hard-headed, like a mule, meaning they were stubborn, refusing to learn and apply the truth of God.

Paul pointed out many errors in the church at Corinth, and gave them Spiritual guidance as how to correct their errors and establish order, after which he revealed many Spiritual truths concerning God's Kingdom and His Kingdom people. Paul wanted to establish a vision for what the Corinthians could expect from God, but first they had to get their eyes off the moral corruption around them in the world and unto Christ. Paul informed the Corinthians: "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." By this, Paul was assuring the Corinthians there was more to their life in Christ than their daily existence.

Thus, this applies to the body of Christ today, which has also become morally and spiritually corrupt. The church today is more carnal than spiritual. Much division exists and many walk as sensual men and women instead of being Spiritually led by the Holy Spirit. Even though many have been saved for a period of time, they've had little to no spiritual development during that time. Many still commit the same old sins, they still refuse to think biblically, they still refuse to relate to God as God demands, but yet, they are in the same old seats every Sunday morning. Today, we the church has so focused on the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, that many have lost their way, their truth, and their life. By that I mean, we have lost our vision of God's coming Kingdom, no longer knowing the way to the Father and because of this we have become most miserable.

As we meditate on this, 1 John 3:9 states �Whosoever is born of God do not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.� Thus, a man or woman saved by the grace of God will be a holy man or woman. A man saved from the penalty of his sin will be a man who seeks day by day to walk from the defilement of sin. However, there are many in the church convinced that they are saved but they have never been transformed. Many of us ignorantly believe this, and have managed to somehow deceive ourselves into believing that we can receive Jesus without undergoing a moral reformation. That it is possible to have Christ dwell in our bosom by faith and still not experience what the Bible calls a new creation. By this I mean not a religious experience, but a walk in conformity to the will

and commandments of God.

There are men and women who are convinced in their own thinking that they are the children of God but they are people who seem to be at home in the realm of sin. They will confess that there is sin and failure in their lives, but they do this without any grief. They are gullible to claim in the promise of forgiveness to those who confess. 1 John 1:9. I would rather die crying out against this and be called a fool and a failure in the eyes of my generation than to ever preach that a man can enter into heaven who loves his sin. And dear brothers and sisters, my heart yearns for many of you reading this, because you have heard this doctrine, and you believe it and cling to it. And you are never going to get saved until you are ready to relinquish it, and God will meet you.

Now, I plead with you, brothers and sisters, father and mother, if you are not pressing on in the path of holiness, if you are content with your present measure of grace, you've better beware. Listen to me �parents,� your children made a decision back when they were little children, yet you don't see any evidence of the new birth, yet you have been breathing kind of easy and say, 'oh well, they aren't going on as they ought but they have accepted Jesus.' Is this true of you? If your children die today and they wake up in hell, and you're not concerned about them, and you are not pleading to God for them because you believe a damnable heresy that they are saved but they are just carnal?

I'm not scolding you. It is what we have been taught, but now we have no further reason to believe it. Many �parents� have believed it willingly because we've deceived ourself, and if we know that if our children don't have the real thing, then we are going to have to confess we don't have it because we don't have any more than they've got. And why do the �parents� believe this? We dare not say our children aren't saved because they bear as much fruit as we do. Does this strike fear to your heart? It does mine. Can I be real here for a moment, as a believer, and parent �I want my daughter to grow up knowing that until she is in the way of holiness she is not a Christian. I want her to know she cannot get in that way until she is born again, I want her to know that it is by grace. But I don't want to raise a child who thinks she is saved because she has nodded her head to what her daddy believed and taught. I want a girl who knows by the revelation of the Holy Ghost and faithful preaching of the Word, that until the Holy Ghost has sanctified her heart and has given her a heart that is holy she has no ground to claim she is saved.

I want you to notice and get it now, a few things from Romans 8. Paul contrasts two things constantly, the realm of the flesh and the realm of the Spirit. The carnal mind and the spiritual mind, and notice what he says. These two are mutually exclusive; now look at verse 5. "They that are after the flesh, they mind the things of the flesh, fleshly desire, fleshly longings. Those that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit" Carnally minded = death, a man who is given over to his natural appetites and to the flesh, the end of that is death. The end of the Spiritually minded man, life and peace. The carnal mind is at warfare with God, it is not subject to God, it cannot be. They that are in the flesh cannot please God. But many say, that's referring to the man who is saved but who is still living in the flesh, and he can't please God in that state.' Is it now? Look at verse 9, "But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. But if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

Do you know what Paul is saying? He says a man or woman who is living in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. If his basic desires and interests are this life and this flesh he can't please God. But Paul says this isn't true of you "IF" the Holy Ghost dwells in you, and when you got saved he came to dwell in you. And if he hasn't come to dwell in you, you are none of his. But he has come, we have been basically taken out of the realm of flesh and we have been put in the realm of Spirit, See? I don't know if you do, but this excites me. There is carnally minded � death, or spiritually minded -life. Now, Paul moves on in verse 13, if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. 'That means the sin unto death!' Again, does it now? The most spiritual people we know die, but this is not speaking about physical death, rather it's talking about spiritual death! If we live after the flesh ye shall die. But if by the Spirit ye do mortify, or put to death the deeds of the flesh ye shall live. (For) as many as are led by the Spirit of God they (and only they) are the sons of God.

Ah, but does this mean a Christian never stumbles?' Wait a minute now, let's get this first. Conversion is a change of masters. We exchange the master, sin, for the new master Christ, who will work out in us the path of righteousness. And what is the fruit? The fruit is unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. No man gets everlasting life but in the pathway of holiness, and no man can be holy until he is converted and has a change of masters by the grace of God. Isn't that what the book says? But we've read it this way. 'But I accepted Jesus, even though I am serving the flesh, and I have my fruit unto Carnal Christianity, and in the end the loss of a few rewards.'

Now, as a friend amongst friends, slow down and ask yourself: Is what I want worth Christ dying for? What I am saying here is: If we profess to truly follow the Lord Jesus, we will heed His words about Scripture; "To the law and the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Is.8:20). "Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me". (John 5:39) - for there is a way that seems right to a man but the end of it is the way of death." (Prov. 14: 12) Will you go on believing and confessing you are a Christian while you are at home in the realm of sin? Will you go on professing to know Jesus Christ as your savior, though you have never bowed to him as your Lord? Then brother and sister, unless God awakens you and turns you from that course you will go right on believing those things and go right on to judgment and out into eternity a lost soul.

And with that, I am going to close with this exhortation. God wants us to cast aside everything that keeps us from Him. God wants us to get right with Him! If you invite God to change your heart, He will faithfully administer grace and forgiveness. Regardless of what many have believed, �he that is born of God does not make a practice of sin, he is never at home in the realm of sin.� Because the Divine Seed is at work within him, and if he is in sin as a child of God, if he stumbles, he feels unclean and disturbed until he is back in the way of holiness, he has an advocate with the Father if he stumbles. Yes, if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the Righteous, but that is for the man whose basic desire is to walk in the Light, walk in obedience and in all these other new birthrights that John described. The child of God is one indwelt by the Spirit, and that indwelling severs him from the flesh. Those possessing the fruit of the Spirit, those who belong to Jesus, are basically committed to this.

And so, I ask that we, soberly reflect upon our own heart and ask ourselves this question? Am I at home in the realm of sin? Am I at ease in my present state? Having made a trip to an altar one, seven, or ten years ago, have I breathed easy ever since I've done the familiar ritual? Have I made my almighty decision, therefore God must take me to heaven? Dear brothers and sisters, what a great damnable lie. If we really are people of faith then we also are separated. That is what holiness is: Separation from the world unto God. Being separate means that we no longer belong to the world. We have a new Master. He has replaced the old ways with new ways, the old thought with new thoughts, the old values with new values. We no longer lie and manipulate and deceive one another. We don't take stuff from anybody without permission, we don't live in another's home and bring our own drama and strive. We show mercy to others and rescue those in spiritual ruin. Being separate means that we speak differently. We use our tongue to bless rather than curse, to encourage rather than belittle the efforts of others, to speak well of another rather than criticize or slander. Being separate means that we are no longer proud or haughty, but are prepared to take a sober view of ourselves, seeing others as better and treating them that way.

Are you Christ's? Do you belong to him? Then demonstrate that the flesh and the vile affections have been crucified, and that the fruit of the Spirit is manifest. But oh, sometimes in our life I know it is hard and mushy fruit and at times there is even some rotten apples hanging on the tree. Brothers and sisters, if there is nothing but rotten apples on the tree of your life then you need to hear what Jesus said. �Make the tree good and it's fruit good, or the tree corrupt and the fruit corrupt for a tree is known by it's what? By it's fruit.�

If we are to know the truth, if we desire to come to a true knowledge of God, may God grant that today, recognizing the error of our ways, we might cry out unto God for mercy for us and those who turn the grace of God into a license for their sins, and turn the blood of Jesus into an excuse to carry out their rebellion against God without any fear of punishment.

Stay blessed in the Lord :peace:


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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 11 Nov, 2008 12:21 PM

I've met Christians who believe in "once saved always saved". When you ask them what that means they will tell you that once saved you can never lose your salvation, and that occasionally you will still sin but because you received Christ as your savior you're sins are covered (past, present and future). They give scriptures to back up what they say although I believe they are misinterpreting the Bible.

I don't believe God made salvation so we could have an excuse to continue sinning. He intended it to completely deliver us so we would "go and sin no more" as Jesus said.

Also I believe that if someone is saved and willfully commit sin then they would lose their salvation and have to start over by repenting of their sins. Most Christians I've met who believe in "once saved always saved" don't believe this because they believe salvation can never be lost once received no matter what sins you commit in the future.

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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 11 Nov, 2008 03:40 PM

wow: and this is why a lot of churches are producing deciples of men, and not of JESUS: for many shall say LORD and he shall say I never knew you: I often wonder about some of you and pray that the LORD bring you into the knowledge of TRUTH: look how man has twested the gospel and stared preaching death: yes death: because anything outside of JESUS is death: once saved always what: its not in my bible: but what's in it: for if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 10:26. my brothers and sisters you need to seek the LORD for yourselves and follow not after man: for some seek to please themselves and belly.

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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 12 Nov, 2008 08:53 AM

Interesting views on the fate of our souls... Once saved

always saved truly is sound doctrine, but I see some people

have a hard time accpeting that reality, but please don't

label me as a person who denies the reality of sin and the

presence of satan in this world by committing to what I know to be true.

We all know Jesus Christ is Salvation. He is Eternal Life, the

way, the truth, and the life for all people who never want

to know the sting of death, and feel forever the fiery embers

of hell, a desperate place of isolation and fear apart from

our Compassionate, Merciful, and Loving God.

But there is only one way to be left behind, and it's not by failing to maintain a perfect code of conduct, not by failing to keep the law, not by failing to be in church every Sunday, which please don't interpert this as what my walk of faith looks like. No, it doesn't. I value church. I value integrity.

I value God's Word. I love it. I respect it to the best of my ability according to the Grace, Knowledge, and Revelation I posses, but REJECTING Jesus Christ is the only unpardable sin that will seal your fate in Hell, meaning the you deny Him

as Lord and Savior, and don't accept His always free gift of

Salvation. As Jesus Christ sent Himself to the cross to fulfill

His Father's Will, so the man or woman who says no to Jesus Christ will send themselves to Hell. It's as simple as that. You

can lose some rewards in heaven from your sin in this life, but will never lose the greatest gift of all: Salvation, unless

you intentionally decide to REJECT Him.

Salvation is something you never work on or toward. Don't confuse that with spiritual maturity which comes with cost of commitment. That will require intentional work and lots of surrender to your fleshy will, but how that plays out in

your walk of faith will not influence or revoke the Salvation you already possess through Jesus Christ. That is firm.

Eternal life is always a free gift without man made stipulations. To say that you lose your Salvation after sinning

once since you becamed saved is ridiculous. That's no way

to live. No wonder there are Christians out here who are

a neurotic mess with no confidence in the faith they place

in Jesus Christ.

Also, keep in mind that a sin is a sin. All sin is equal regardless

of the motivation or intentions behind it, and all unrighteousness falls under the category of sin. Whether you accidently sin of intentionally do so still makes you a sinner. The consequences of sin will still exist in this world, and they carry a different weight according to the type of sin (i.e.murder vs. telling a white lie), but do you really believe that Jesus is going to catergorize the "accidental" sinners as being better off than the "intentional" sinners. As in, since your sin after being saved was not on purpose, you have escaped hell this time, but to hell Jesus will send you the next time if that sin is on purpose. Crazy indeed.

It's always and only the work of the devil who wants you

to doubt your Salvation. If he can't keep you out of heaven, the devil always wants to do his best to ruin your life in this world, to make you an ineffective witness to Christ. If he

can prevent you from loving and serving God even in this realm of life to the best of your Divine ability his mission will

still will be successful.

Truly, there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ as it pertains

to your eternal fate if you already confessed with your tongue that He is Lord and Saviour, and believe in your heart that He is. Yes, there is conviction for sin, but not condemnation! Two different things. Nothing will ever seperate you from Jesus eternally unless you make the conscious decision to reject His free gift of love and mercy. Jesus Christ is the end of the law, we now come to him in terms of our faith placed in the compassionate hands of His Grace.

Do I ugre people to sin after their conversion. Of course not.

Do I want to sin...of course not.

Do I believe that awful consequences can occur in your own

personal life as a result of your sin. Sure, as that is what

that scripture implies pleading with people to no longer willfully sin after becomig saved because there can and will be

consequences to live out in this ream of life as result of sinning, but to sin once and lose your Salvation is doctrine of the devil. Your etenal fate is sealed, but don't use God's Grace to support your ability to sin or pre existing sin habbits. You will lose spirtual strength and suffer physical, emotional, or mental loss, but rejoice in knowing that Salvation is only and always a free gift of God's Grace that you can never "lose". Your eternal security is based upon Jesus Christ and believing on Him alone for your eternal well-being. He will always lead you into His Eternal Kingdom unless

you simply reject what He has to offer.

God Bless,


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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 12 Nov, 2008 11:03 AM

This is part 2 if you please seek the previous post to keep this in context with what I shared already.

Please understand that I'm against sin. I hate evil. I hate

darkness. I hate the devil. I even hate my own innate built in

ability to sin even though I like, love, and repsect myself

in a healthy self esteem kind of way and consider myself to

be a full blooded, born-again, bible-believing, Holy Spirit filled

Christian growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ each day of my faith journey.

But I see in the bible and accept that once saved and always saved "theology" is a biblical approach to your eternal fate. Each day I live, I stand in faith to accept and hold on to the promise of Eternal Life which is Jesus Christ. I rest on what He can Do and will do. I believe that when it says in the bible that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for Salvation, you are saved from eternal death. Jesus can't deny who He is. We can deny Him and reject the always free gift of His Grace which is Eternal Life, and expect horrible results: eternal death. Blaspheme the Holy Spirit is rejecting

Jesus Christ, not believing Him to be who He is and what He

did for you, me, and all of Humanity. That is the only

unpardonable sin. Not my words. They belong to the bible.

Sin itself isn't the unpardable sin that Jesus can't forgive. Rejecting Him is that sin, one that He has no choice but

to accept because you don't believe in Him for your Salvation.

Jesus Christ is 100% GRACE, TRUTH, LOVE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, and SALVATION. He can't reject those qualites to himself as much as HE could try to. That's who He is and always will be. In a similar perspective, I, and all Christians

can reject each other for whatever reason, but Jesus Christ can't reject us unless we give Him a valid reason to do so with our unbelief and hardened hearts. I, like you, will need Jesus each day of my life. No matter how spiritually fit we all become we will always have an internal and external need for Jesus to provide for us only what only HE can do to help see through our mission in this world.

Keep in my mind that Jesus died for us not when we were

perfect, polished, pretty, sanctified, and saved. He died

for us in our state of filth, blemished, seld-centered, ugly,

warts and all. SO, now for all Christians who have accepted

Him as Lord and Savior, how much more do you think you and I will be cherished, loved, protected, since we are are reconciled to Him both eternally and worldly?

We belong to Him. He owns us. He loves us in ways that we

will never fully comprehend. He will not let one of His sheep

get lost. He will not turn his back on those who believe in Him for eternal life. A sin will temporarily interfere with your relationship with Jesus, but it will not throw you out of Heaven. To restore peace of heart and mind, and to overcome any of the worldly consequences of your sin, you will obviously need to confess and repent, and God willl be 100% faithful to forgive. (I John 1:9) but this act of faith is not to restore your Salvation. It's to revive your faith, heart,

and spirit, to step back into a right relationship with Jesus. Repentence allows a much needed time of refreshing to come.

All unrighteousness is sin, in attidue or action. To know

the right thing to do and not do it is a sin. What is not

received in faith is a sin. All sin is equal in an eternal perspective, so who here is perfect now? Who will

always be perfect as long as you live in this world with a power of darkness that is alive, and your flesh that desires lust whether it's in the form of food, sex, drugs, libations, lying, stealing, false idos, unrighteous anger, or even failing to serve your brother or sister in love which don't forget is a sin. You knew the right thing to do when you saw a true need but for whatever reason you let it pass, you blew the opportunity to glorify God. Does it sound fair being punished for failing to do a righteous act? Do you deserve to be kicked out of Heaven? Not really, but failing to do a righteous act is a sin just as much as the ones that speak of obvious darkness and immorality. Again, straight from God's word. Unrighteousness is a broad category that stretches here to eternity.

So, I ask again, if Christ died for us even before we knew

and loved Him as blatant sinners in whatever shape, size, of form... how much more will He love and forgives for a sin

that may occur "accidental" or "intentional" now that we do know and love Him. If anything we are more saved because

of Him. More covered because of Him. It's His love that covers our sins, not ours, and His love is always eternal in nature. If you need mercy today, it's as simple as receiving it. If you need Eternal Life today, it's as simple as calling on the Lord in faith to be saved and once you are, nothing will

take away that sacrificial gift of God's Grace and Love.



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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 12 Nov, 2008 01:21 PM

So, I continue on with Part 3 for anyone on here who

doubts their Salvation. I urge you not do so. It's a waste

of heart, mind, and soul. An improper use of Grace just

as much as the person who intentionally commits a sin

after giving their life to Jesus Christ. Neither are good,

and will never serve a Godly purpose, but believing whole

heartedly in your Salvation will make a genuine difference

in the confidence and commitment you are able to bring

into you walk of faith. That's a Godly gain, if you will.

So what does the bible say about Salvation? Where

is there a scripture that says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ

for you salvation, but if you sin again, even once, you're

going to hell? The bible clearly states that if you reject

Jesus there will be an eternal death waiting for you. That

is sound doctrine, but to add something that is not there where God's Word speaks directly of Salvation, well, is ungodly and unuseful to a believer desiring the fullness of life through Jesus Christ.

Back to the basics where simplicity and a child like faith reigns

suprmeme as it lines up to God's Word.

John 3:16....whoever believes in Him shall not perish. Did

it say, believe, keep a perfect record of conduct, never

sin again...No, it didn't...simply believe for your Salvation.

Spiritual maturity is the latter, but Eternal life is what we're

talking abot now.

John 3:18..he who believes in Him is not judged (eternally

condemned), but he who does not has been judged already because of not believing in Jesus Christ (for salvation)

John 5:24...he who hears my word and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgement, but has passed out of death into life. What did it say?

Belive, no? Did it mention never sin again or go to hell?

John 6:29..this is the work of GOd, that you believe in Him who He sent.

John 6:40..For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I myself wil raise him up on the last day.

Did it say, screw up and I'll send you to hell?

John 6:54..he who "eats my flesh" and "drinks my blood"

has eternal life. In other words believe in Him, partake in His

free gift of Grace, Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy for your

eternal salvation.

John 10:27...My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and

they follow me, and I give eternal life to them, and they will

never perish, and NOONE will snatch them out of My Hand.

Do you see how it says noone will take you away from Jesus.

and that you will never perish?


The Salvation Mission: Believe in and on Jesus Christ for your Salvation, and it's your free gift of His Grace forever

secured by His Power and Glory that you receive in faith by

doing what???.....BELIEVING.

I ask you..where is your faith today? Are you BELIEVING?

Where does it say you will be kicked out heaven if you sin

once? Where does it say that unless you live in a state

of perfection 24/7, that you will go to hell. It doesnt.

Acts 16:31..believe in the Lord Jesus you will be

and your household. Where does it say believe, be perfect,

and only then will you be saved? It doesn't.

Believe! Believe!, and keep on BELIEVING for your Salvation.

...and all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will

receive! Matthew 21:22

How do you receive anything from Christ?

By Faith...doing what? BELIEVING!

Now after your conversion in Christ becomes a reality

assuming you followed Romans 10:9-10, and understand

clearly the above scriptures, plus Ephesians 2:8-9, now

your commitment to spiritual maturity begins. This

will take the rest of your life. You will be complete the moment of your earthly death, not a moment sooner, and being Holy is not a man-made effort. It will require the

work and power of the Holy Spirit to transform your heart

and personality, but more importantly your heart. The

New Testament is chalked full of Divine Truth to build the integrity of your character and faith. In fact, Salvation is

the underdog in that sense, as at least 90% of the NT relates to spiritual maturity and things of that nature. Both are important. God takes sin seriously and we all should, but

Salvation you never work on or out, in other words if you try to you are saying it's within your power, your strength to save yourself. Never will that happen. Impossible. You aren't your own god. You can never do what only Jesus Christ

can do and promises to do when we simply BELIEVE.

However, spiritual maturity is something that you work toward through your personal study time, prayer, praise, and worship, and service to God according to your gifts, and regardless of how spiritually mature or "green" you are, your Salvation from believing in Jesus Christ won't be taken away.

Titus 2:11..For the Grace of God that brings Salvation has appeared to all men. What did it say?...Grace of God, not

by the grace of.....fill in your name. Did it mention sin once

and you're eternally dead?

As a result of what Christ did, you will want to seek a life of

righteousness and righteous service to Him, but it's only because of what HE did and does are we saved and will always be when you do what????? Believe! Yes, you

got it right!

If we die with Him we will also live with Him

If we endure we will also reign with Him.

If we disown Him (rejecting Him as Lord) he will disown us.

If we are faithless (i.e. doubting our Salvation),

he will remain faithfull for He cannot disown himself.

2 Tim 2:11-13

Be Well,


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Response to recent post "once saved"
Posted : 23 Nov, 2008 07:01 PM

Happy thanksgiving to all the gang. Hi back at ya will. Bruce . Robin. Sam. Elixer. Love you all. blessings deborah.

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