Author Thread: Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 7 Nov, 2019 07:15 AM

Wouldn't a missionary be someone who takes the Word of God abroad? In other words to Foriegn places.

Why is there so many, so called missionaries titles, in churches?

Aren't all Christians to be a Witness for Jesus in Life !

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 26 Apr, 2020 09:11 PM

There are all kinds of "missionaries" and its really misunderstood of the "kinds of work" to be done. Most assume also its all about a certain denomination teaching and what have you! LOL!

Don't know what the big deal is about the kids sleeping in late on Sunday morning, as there is nothing sanctified about that pagan day? Its interesting you mention the catholic "church" and its "missionaries" and that's the very "church" that claims the change from the Biblical Sabbath to Baal Sunday! WOW! Talk about "DAMAGE" in authority over what the Bible says, the WORD written and the catholic "church"claims to be "missionaries" of truth???

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 9 Feb, 2021 10:21 AM

A missionary can be foreign or local, in person or by internet, by verbally speaking or even giving out tracts. It gives life great meaning and purpose and helps us not to waste our lives. It is also fun.

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 10 Feb, 2021 12:14 PM

A missionary depends on who they are and where they are doing their missions. A protestant going to eastern europe where their churches are much better and much less divided than ours is nothing short of aself righteous trouble maker who will just divide their relatively unified faith. Basically in some circumstances a western missionary is just trying to import and replace truth with a cheap imitation which isnt even wanted our own barren homelands, Whereas if eastern europeans or russians were to set up a mission in the UK these would be considered (in my view) as true evangelists!

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 8 Dec, 2021 03:02 PM

Any Missionary that is chosen God Almighty

Will spread Truth not false doctrine.

No matter what Country they're in .

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Just What is a Missionary in Your opinion ?
Posted : 8 Dec, 2021 03:08 PM

" that is chosen By God "


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