Author Thread: Lets follow the money (and we will see the fraud)

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Lets follow the money (and we will see the fraud)
Posted : 18 Jun, 2022 08:10 PM

First of all money is not bad, however 'the love of money is bad'. In my opinion some people do not have a lot of money and thoes people think that since they are broke that must mean that they do not love money...however loving money is a matter of who you are going to put your trust in. JESUS said that humans only have two diffrent choices in who they are going to put there trust in...either they will rely on GOD or they will rely on money (Matthew 6:24)

Secondly I need to explain that we dont use money all that much. Instead we have been taught that the currency that we use is just like money. I want to explain that the currency that we use is basicly a reciept. Before 1971 Amercia used money, and money represents value. I guess you can think of money as like a brother/sister that actualy represents actual wealth, but a currency is more like a distant realitive. A persons brother/sister (money) has some kind of first hand knowledge about the guy that we will call 'Mr. Wealth'. But a distant realitive may or may not have a connection to 'Mr. Wealth'.

In the case that we are currently discussing, the currency that we use has almost 0% connection to actual wealth. In short we have been taught to use 'fractional reserve banking'

The evil people that control the money have intentionaly created a banking system that has many twists and turns and so the avrage person has a difficult time understanding what is going on. But basicly the bankers at the very top (not the banker that lives down the street) have created a 'shell game'

In fractional reserve banking (something that I do not care to understand well) but its something like every dollar that the banking system touches, $3 additional in 'funny money is created' (and by saying funny I do not mean the 'haha joke' I mean 'a cheap knock off'.) Lets look at another one of the twisted actions that the financial kabaul does...the word is 'morgage'...many people are familiar with the word. Basicly its a word that means a loan...right? Well not exactly, its true that it is a way to get financing, but lets take a look at this shell game. The root word in 'mortgage' is 'mort,' (as in a mortician). The term 'mort' comes from Old French, and Latin before that, to literally mean 'death pledge...So when you take out a mortgage, you are agreeing to enter into a contest in which you are pledging (or wagering) your life. You might be asking yourself 'what type of person would trick the everyday person into entering into a contest that by definition tells people -this wager will kill you-' (hint its the same type of people that think that it it is fun to frighten people so much that the release adrenaline, then kill the person and drink the blood infused adrenaline...then they will celabrate the benificial qualities of this strange drug (lets call the drug adrenochrome)...hey look what I found:

Adrena- - HR is a mobile app designed for employees and superiors so they can proactively perform self-service HR administrations online.

Chrome- - syncs bookmarks across all your devices, fills out forms automatically, and so much more.

(For more information please search 'Adrenochrome Addiction, Satanism, Pedophilia, and/or Elite')

Lets talk about inflation, its a crazy thing that no one really understands...right? No that is not right. Proper finances are actualy part of GOD's system of organization (the princibals of a free market ecconomy are outlined in the last 5 of the 10 commandments) So inflation only happens when someone is monkeying around with the way that GOD designed things to work. Adam Smith called it 'the invisible Hand' ( friends that invisible Hand belongs to GOD. Some people do not like GOD so naturally those people put their trust in the things that money can buy. (thoes people feel that they do not need GOD because 'all of there problems can be concurred with money') Explaining why there is inflation is easy, 'inflation is caused when there is too much currency and the amount of goods/services stays the same'. To counter inflation you can do two things #1 you can not print insane amounts of money (but this option requires people to be responsible) or #2 you can increase the amount of goods and services that are offered - but that is hard to do when your in the middle of a fake pandemic that sent millions of workers home (its almost like the powers that be want inflation?)

Your proably saying why would the federal reserve want there to be hyper inflation, after all the goverment is supposed to protect us from external threats. To which I will reply 'What does one thing have to do with the other?' Then you will say 'what' and I will explain that that the federal reserve is not part of the goverment. They should have named the bank 'third national bank that does business with the U.S. goverment'

Just for the next few moments, stop thinking like a normal human being...remember that we are talking about the actions 'insane people that think that they are vampires'. According to insane folks if you are not them then you must be a slave/worker. In short we are cash cows to them...according to them all we are good for is for them to steal our lunch money.

On September 10, 1833, {Andrew} Jackson removed all federal funds from the Second Bank of the U.S., redistributing them to various state banks, which were popularly known as “pet banks.”

As you proably know greedy people get very angry when you take there money away (the following article is disturbing...but please review the information!)

Most of us have heard the saying 'never let a crisis go to waste'...just understand that there are people that will start fires simply to herd people into a certain direction. (Boy the love of money causes people to do unspeakable things)

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