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Posted : 7 May, 2012 09:29 PM

Santa is based on the Christian Bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra. He is a Christian hero of the faith. He was a pivotal force in the Nicene Creed's formulation of the Trinity and the divinity of Christ.

I suggest focusing on the positive instead of negative, which I believe Christ would do. It would be a good learning experience to give the truth of the real St. Nick to children in a way they can understand it. Such as standing up for the truth, or giving to the poor.

When it comes to the question of lying, a young child's imagination is a precious thing. To foster a healthy imagination is a duty of a parent. To look at the fostering a belief in Santa as lying distorts the meaning of the myth. It is to inspire wonder, not manipulate. Children these days already have to face a harsh reality all too soon. I say let them enjoy the myth.