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Posted : 3 Oct, 2013 12:23 PM

Yes! Fitness is incredibly important to a healthy life, and something I love to keep up on! I think everyone should have at least some sort of daily routine, whether it be running or walking, or more advanced things :applause: I don't know if I can give any running tips, since most of the workouts I do are high intensity interval workouts, but I know for a fact that having the right shoe is very important. I used to run when I was playing sports, and I started off with a very flat shoe that did not fit my foot like it ought have, and resulted with tons of blisters and sore feet x(

I would love to hear recipes as well! Food remains a dangerous and constant whisper in every kitchen, I think. One way I help stave off overeating is keeping a jar of peanuts (or something similar) near me at my work desk, and rather than eat big meals every three or four hours, I eat smaller ones every few hours with peanut snacks interspersed to help with hunger. It seems to work a lot better for me than eating five or six small meals, because I have a habit of losing time and not remembering to eat :rolleyes:


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Dating Dollars
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 01:11 PM

Hmm, that's a good question. I've only ever taken one girl out, so I don't exactly have a huge wealth of experience, but I can't imagine asking a lady on a date and not paying for it. I know some couples do the 'Dutch' thing, but to me, I would want to treat the lady as if she were worth the money it would cost for the date (though I would hope the lady is proper enough not to go too crazy on her side of things).

That said, I wouldn't see any problem with a 'Dutch' get together if it was the first few times we had met. But once I expressed romantic interest in her (and she returned the feeling) I would fully expect to pay whenever we went out.

As for the amount? Ha, well, I've never really thought of that. I don't know if there's an 'amount' I would have set. It seems to me that if the guy is not in a position to pay for the date, and it wasn't already agreed upon to be a 'Dutch' date, then he probably shouldn't be taking a lady out on an expensive venture anyways x)

(And I think I'm a little too young to comment on the age/geography thing =)



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Ladies, I have a question for you!
Posted : 27 Dec, 2010 11:34 PM

Wow! That was a lot of quality responses. Thanks a lot ladies! Many of you echo what I would feel from a guy's point of view: it's important to a point, but the core beliefs are what matter most and the rest would be something for the couple to work through.

Thanks for the responses, and keep them coming!


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Ladies, I have a question for you!
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 09:26 PM

Okay, I'm going to try to do this without opening a can of worms, so... here it goes.

Ladies, how important is it to you that a guy be of the same denomination as you are? I.E. Baptist - Baptist, Lutheran - Lutheran, etc...

Would it be a deciding factor in whether or not you get to know a guy?

Do you think it would be a damper on your relationship?

If you were okay with being parts of a different denomination... would you seek to change him at any point in the relationship, or do you think a relationship can thrive despite the difference?


This question is born of a little scientific curiosity. I've seen a few (not a lot, but a few) profiles on here that have a 'Must be ___' attachment to them (both for men and women). I would like to see how the forum-going crowd responds.

Oh, and please, please, PLEASE keep it civil. I'm not asking you why you are a part of your denomination, or why you think another one is wrong. Be nice, even if you have to give a simple yes or no answer =)



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A mans perspective of attractive
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 08:02 PM

As you can see, there's a wide variety of things guys find attractive. We're not all the same, hence this world is so wonderfully populated with unique personalities.

Brandon was absolutely correct: a woman should worry less on being what every guy wants and worry more about being who she is. Odds are, no matter how beautiful or attractive or alluring a woman is, there will be a guy somewhere that will find her unappealing. And, odds are, no matter how un-attractive a lady finds herself, there's a guy somewhere that thinks she's worth more than the world. After all, it's not about attracting every guy out there, just that ONE that you'll spend the rest of your life with!

For every guy that wants a model, television styled girlfriend, there's ten more that would just like someone to watch the Office with them! :laugh: Shawn67 doesn't like the frantic, high-stress, always going corporateer, but guess what? Somewhere out there, there is a guy that LOVES that in a woman. We're all different, and that's why women hate us.... err... I mean we're awesome :laugh:


Oh, and one little piece of advice to all women: NEVER fake yourself. EVER. If you think a guy wouldn't like some core aspect of you, then ask yourself why you want that guy in the first place. Trying to be someone you're not will only lead to trouble down the line


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A mans perspective of attractive
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 01:54 PM

Hiya Cj,

Well, obviously I can't speak for all guys, but I know for me the first thing I will notice is a smile. A nice, pleasant, natural smile is far more attractive than tight-fitting clothes or that 'just right' make-up. I really think a nice smile goes a long way on the internet as well, as it says a lot about your personality that a profile simply can't.

I'm also a big sucker for a girl in a nice dress, but... that one's kinda tricky, since there are a lot of dresses out there that definitely would NOT fall under the attractive scale.

On a converse note, I can't STAND when girls try to give the pouting lips! Sure, it can be attractive once you've known each other for a while, but when it comes out right off the bat... I just can't help but get the feeling she's trying too hard. But again, that's just me :laugh:



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Profile Tips and Advice?
Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 06:04 PM

Well shoot, that's unfortunate. Thanks for the reply though. Hopefully one day Ye Olde Forum will get an upgrade :laugh:


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Profile Tips and Advice?
Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 04:22 PM

Hey all

Was perusing the forums lately and have been coming across a lot of awesome tidbits of advice that people are giving to newcomers who are looking to get a good profile set up. There's some really good stuff out there! Unfortunately I can't seem to find any centralized thread where people can put those tips. Is there one hanging around, or are people stuck searching through forum pages to get some advice?

If there's not, I think it would be an awesome idea to get one thread, or perhaps even a single topic forum (though that seems a bit much) where people can give their advice on what works/ doesn't work in a profile.

And if there is one and I totally failed at reading, then I apologize :laugh:



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New... but not really!
Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 04:18 PM

Thanks for the encouraging words, ladies, I really appreciate them!

I'm definitely looking forward to the day I meet the one God has chosen for me. (I'm just praying for the patience to make it that long, haha)

Y'all have a great new years!


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New... but not really!
Posted : 21 Dec, 2010 11:41 AM

Hey all, I'm Seth.

This isn't my first go around on CDFF, I've actually been a member for about a year now. For all of you who are wondering if this site actually works, I can say with full confidence that IT CAN!!! I met a girl here about a year ago and we struck up a friendship very quickly that eventually turned into more.

Sadly, a few weeks ago the same girl and I ended up ending our relationship (I'm not going to say how, as I don't want to bash folks or make it seem like I'm some kind of little victim). And while I had been praying and knew it was coming for a few days before she came to the same conclusion, it didn't soften the blow at all. Truly losing someone you had considered your best friend is not a pain I would wish on anyone, and really is something that can only be understood through experience. To say I'm completely over it would be a lie, but I'm getting there =)

So, I'm back on CDFF! This time around I'm looking for friendship and hopefully some long lasting ones at that. I've already met a couple people in my first few days back that seem to be pretty cool, and I hope those friendships can spark up and become strong. And of course, if more came from that, then who am I to complain ;)

So, this is just me saying hi, as I never did it the first time around. And again, I really want to encourage folks, this site does have some amazing Christian folks on it! Don't be scared off because it's the internet. I've seen first hand that there are people worth meeting out there =D