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Proving the Trinity Before Council of Nicaea | Early Christian Theology
Posted : 25 Oct, 2023 02:09 PM

Proving the Trinity Before Council of Nicaea, Early Christian Theology.

The doctrine of the Holy Trinity stands as one of the most foundational and yet enigmatic concepts in Christian theology. The belief that God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has been central to Christian faith since its earliest days. However, the formal and precise articulation of this doctrine took time, leading to the famous Nicene Creed, formulated at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. But long before Nicaea, early Christians grappled with the mystery of the Trinity. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating journey of proving the Trinity before Nicaea and uncover the threads of evidence and theological exploration that preceded this critical council.

To establish the existence of the Trinity before the Nicene Council, we must first examine the biblical evidence. The Old and New Testaments provide clues that allude to the Triune nature of God. While the term "Trinity" is not explicitly found in the Bible, the foundational concepts can be identified through various passages and theological clues.


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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 7 Oct, 2020 08:31 AM

I heard many asking his do I spread the Gospel? And many were trying to give an answer, and many failed, when the answer is too simple, to spread the gospel you need 2 things , the first one is the Holy spirit and the second a good knowledge of the word of God, that is all you need to spread the Gospel.

You do not need a program that you follow or a philosophy or any book to tell you how to spread the Gospel, if you let the Holly spirit lead you and you used your knowledge, you can spread the Gospel, and remember do not expect or try to convince people it is not your job, your job is to share the Gospel and the job of the Holly spirit to lead people to the truth, so if none accept Christ while you were spreading the Gospel remember it is not your fault , it is their fault they didn't make the right decision.


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Hi from Morocco, born again fellower of christ
Posted : 27 Dec, 2019 07:24 AM

You are welcome, and thank you for your prayer.


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Hi from Morocco, born again fellower of christ
Posted : 26 Dec, 2019 01:23 PM

Hi i am from morocco, this is my brief testimony:

In 1993 I had questions about Jesus in Quran and the first question came to my mind is why they need to take Jesus to the cross, because Islam teach that they wanted to crucified Jesus but Allah put someone in his place , so I found no answer in Islam, and one day o was discussing with some friends about religion. And we started talking about Christianity and one of the guys told me he has the bible and some other books, someone came from Europe gave them to him, I asked him of I got them, and he gave them to me , started reading the bible and after few days I understood why Jesus went the cross and die, do I started doubting Islam and I started investigated and I found it has a lot of lies, So I kept reading the bible and it made a lot of sense for me , and I understood the plan of God for salvation, and I prayed to god to lead me the truth, He answered many of my questions, and the decision to give up my old faith was so hard because I knew of some one found out I can be in danger . but for me was the truth is something worth to be in danger for, so God gave strength to accept Jesus as my savior and my Lord.

This is my testimony briefly because i have a long testimony.

God bless you