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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 12 May, 2012 07:42 PM

Many blessings to you and your husband ..ff


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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 12 May, 2012 07:39 PM

thanks so much for the kind words, I am going through a second divorce which I am not wanting but there seems to be no way out of this one, I wanted so much to be the wife for my husband and to be there for his kids , but I feel as if I failed him and his kids I tried so hard to be a part of his family and life , I was trying to please everyone and ended up losing him because I was overwhelmed with the responsibilty of being a new step-parent. I begged him before he sent me away, for us to talk to the pastor . It did me no good, now I am wondering what God is trying to show me in all this, I filed for my divorce in febuary and in July will become final, I ask that all who reads this post to please remember me in prayer, many blessings....FF


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How to deal with the ex's new significant others?
Posted : 25 Mar, 2012 08:45 PM

I have been in the situaton of trying to gain my step daughters trust ..very tough to deal with when you have the mom of the child not letting go of the past...and therefore , the child feels obligated to the mom (loyalty).

my husbands ex cheated on him and instead of wanting him to be happy , wrecked our marriage our happiness through her children which I felt was wrong and unfair to me. he was divorced 3 yrs from his ex before he married me.

My son who has autism , bonded quickly with my husband and now wonders why he sent us from texas to ohio..I filed for a divorce because there was no way I could fight against his ex like that . It was unfair to me , him and his kids the way his ex took advantage of the situation.

I know you may feel justified in your feelings of her but give her a chance as long as there is no abuse involved ,let your ex and his new wife live their life. I really loved his kids but was accused by his ex as a bad example for the kids when I cared about them like I did my own son. I was robbed by his ex from bonding with my new husband because she felt our marri7age was such a disapointment to her. she even texted me that.

I will be praying God impart His knowlage and wisdom on how to deal with the sitatuation ...many blessings FF


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Growing anger and hate
Posted : 21 Dec, 2011 07:10 PM

It is always a tragic situation when either parent chooses to use their child to intentionally control or lash out to hurt the other parent. Children are truly a gift from God.

It is a good thing that you are intune to relize the situation for what it is. The best thing to do is cut off the behavior from your ex before it should carry into a new relationship.

I know you have good reason to feel justified in the anger you are feeling...but maybe you could file for is never good if the child constantly feels torn between two parents and has to decide which parent to side with.

Be praying that God guides you in this situation and God allows for forgiveness to flow in both your hearts for the sake of your daughter..and I know forgiveness is easier said than done..but bitterness and hate left unchecked will cause a whole new array of problems if not given to God...just want you to know that I am praying over your situation...many blessings in Christ Jesus....ff


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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 8 Dec, 2011 03:34 PM

a husband...

A husband is that special man you could write a book about,

the one you love to be with and could not do without.

a husband is a gentle look a hand within your own;

He always makes you proud to feel your his and his alone.

A husband understands your moods and laughs at things you say: He see you when you are your worst yet loves you anyway.

A husband is the one you kiss and make up with again

when theres sometimes a difference of opinion now and then.

He is that special man who shares all that your dreaming of

and gives a magic meanikng to the wonder that is love.


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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 8 Dec, 2011 12:40 AM

a person has a choice (power) to honor their spouse and give self-fufillment into them.

or a person has a choice or power to cut into their spouse by use of sarcasm.

recommitment means romance...this is very powerful because it is not based on conditions or feelings.

Respecting your spouse means recommitting your self to them daily. By showing value and uncondtional love to honor each other.

Respecting honors the spirit:

1. couple submits through reverence/mutual submission.

2. husband leads through romance . Through serving and treasuring his wife.(as Christ loved the church Ephesians 7).

Through sacrificing.

The husaband initiates the cycle of romance and mutual respect by self-sacrifice .

3. The wife reciprocates then through respect for her husband.

4. a couple truly bonds to one another through a mutual awe of Jesus Christ and what He did for the church.

A christ-centered marriage models to the world how Christ gavve himself to the church.


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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 28 Oct, 2011 07:13 AM

Men are to love their wife as Christ loved the church and Gavehimself up for it..A christ-centered marriage takes work and dedication on both parties as not to give place to the enemy in the marriage..

A willingness to work out problems together..and to apologize to each other when wrong..those are the things that created a loving happy marriage that lasts a lifetime.

Communication is the foundation that builds trust and intimacy in a marriage...and promotes an inseperable bond..shutting down on each other also gives place to the enemy..

It takes two to have a marriage that is Christ-centered and is equally yoked. Romans 3:23 says that we all have sinned and fallen short of Gods Glorious standard of perfection...but paul says we are to strive for for thought anyway..Blessings in Christ...FF


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equally yoked a christ centered marriage
Posted : 25 Oct, 2011 02:15 PM

:waving:hi everyone want to leave the topic open for discussion ....anythoughts scripture please stop by feel free to commment