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I'm tired of trying and getting nowhere
Posted : 19 Jul, 2020 10:59 PM

Well you gotta try, to get married. You need to get on one knee to ask will you marry me. You gotta ask someone out for them to say yes and to go out with you. You put God 1st and put God in the equation and put your trust in God, so you are 100 percent on the right direction. I wouldn't worry about words. Even a simple hi my name is ____, works. Even just a non-verbal smile works too. You dont need to have a special wording or poem or key phrase. Just be yourself, and authentic to yourself and be confident that your someone worth it and open to offering love.


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How many girls did you have to message before you got one to respond?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2020 01:51 AM

Youre not here to have 20 wives. You are here to find just 1 who in effect you will be their 1. Dont worry. Even if you get 20 at least 15 are scammers. So find 1 who is virtuous christian kind and understands who you are. Nobody cares about having a big pocket with 19 useless keys just keep the 1 that unlocks your marriage soul mate.


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why do guys run away from a celebate woman?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2020 01:27 AM

Ive never heard of this before. Im not sure why a Christian man would run away for that reason, but i can see why a non-Christian would run away for this reason. Their desires are stuck with the worlds and not rooted in faith love and chastity. I grew up learning from people mostly males who were celibate. But those were mostly vows of celibacy for God, rather than for marriage vocational. But i've met many lay ordinary people who have set themselves for a life of celibacy. Practicing the virtues of patience and purity and not giving into lustful appetites. The ability to restrain is the ability to fight addiction or the temptations of the devil. And is likely a better candidate for marriage as one can maintain a commitment to love to one single person without wanting or desiring another or more. The problem with sexual appetites before marriage is that one can easily fall into the trap of objectifying a person for their own personal pleasure rather than giving freely fully and fruitfully to an individual you love. Simply the men who run away for that reason are trying to fill their life with something, but will always find themselves empty if they do not profess and practice true love. Every now and then i see a nun, I think it is quite something special and beautiful to see a woman who reserves her body spirit and heart and mind for complete and honest and untainted love. Full intimacy is not necessarily sexual but full on love. But if one engages in the procreative reproduction in cohesion with the creative powers of God, then one must be aware of the awesome gift and incredible responsibility to uphold that gift honorably. The sexual gift and function is to manifest and create human life offspring. The byproduct of creating human life is enjoyable and pleasurable inherently native to the Designer and Creator God. Life is good, Creation is good, and therefor the act feels good. But to seek the byproduct and not the actual functional product of reproduction aka Life, defeats its purpose and design and is in direct contradiction the owners manual The Bible and the Architect God.


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Being divorced, a special situation. (Warning tmi!!)
Posted : 9 Jul, 2020 01:06 AM

Im not sure what marriage means to you but it might be worth researching the the bible says what love is and what marriage is defined by God and the teachings in the bible.

Marriage is a life long commitment between a man and a woman, who is in love, and a love that has matured enough to sustain that life long commitment, through sickness and health till death do you part. In my church it is a sacrament, meaning it is bound and sealed by God. And no man or woman can separate the seal of God, as He is the witness during your marriage ceremony. You are promising to God this commitment and when you break that marriage you break that covenant with not just your ex-wife but with God. Jesus says he condemns the notion of divorce. He says the God in old times allowed for their ancestors being that God the Father felt sorry for them, but then Jesus affirms in the New Testament that each time one divorces or separates from their wife or husband they are committing adultery and breaching the commandment Law of God. Its not a question if you are a virgin or not or if you had sexual actions with your wife or not. Its a matter of moral consciousness, and potentially may considered be evaluation in your afterlife. The second is to know real love. Corinthians has a line that is a textbook Christian definition of Love. It is often read during weddings. I suggest read that verse. Also ask yourself if you tried to append the marriage by making sacrifices or recognize areas of compromise, looking for professional and spiritual help for marriage council before you divorced. The special circumstance is death aka widowed. Jesus also replies to others that marriage on earth and husbands on earth, assuming you had 3 widows, that once you reach heaven, Are you married to 3 ex wives or 3 ex husbands? The truth is that since everyone in heaven is united with Christ, everyone is like your brother and sister in Christ in heaven. Interestingly enough as many say WWJD. Jesus was never married in the human conventional way. Jesus never preformed sexual intercourse as God doesn't need a human to create life because God is already parent of all. In an apostle letter, we are urged how to love our wives and how to love our husbands....As Christ loves the church, As Christ loves us. That is the deepest unconditional love. Jesus urges us to love with purity, and to love with passion, and with commitment and promise and unselfishly kindly and without seeking ones own reward. Marriage is a vocation. It is not to be taken lightly and must be discerned upon. Meaning you need to put God into the equation, and you need to put all in when you say Yes at an alter before God. Or say No if you do not have the intention and full consent to an agreement with God. If you are looking to have multiple wives please refrain from this course and seek repentance immediately. Ultimately in the end Jesus will be your Lawyer, Friend, teacher, Judge, and bridge and door to Heaven, but He will respect your decisions to make your own choices in life. So remember marriage is not just a legal contract by the state, Its under Gods bounded domain.


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Popular movies and shows
Posted : 9 Jul, 2020 12:22 AM

Theres also Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty, but that might breach the line of mockery or parody.

I hadn't seen Joaquin Phoenix portrayal of Jesus in the Mary Magdalene film.

I haven't seen the Aronofsky film Noah with Russell Crowe.

I haven't seen the Christian Bale version of Ten Commandments.

I saw another film with Pryce, I forgot the name, but it was about an interview with God. Intriguing premise, but not the portrayal of God i assumed it would be.


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Popular movies and shows
Posted : 9 Jul, 2020 12:09 AM

Mel Gibsons Passion of Christ. Paul the Apostle of Christ, Another Jim Caviezel starred film. The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston. Dreamworks The Prince of Egypt. Martin Scorsese Silence. Jon Voights JPII. Netflix the Two Popes starring Jonathan Pryce and Anthony Hopkins. Son of God. The Nativity. Sister Act. Sister Act 2. VeggieTales, for the kids.

Theres plenty of content out there, even not religious out there that are wholesome and not grotesque or overly saturated with swear foul language and unnecessary nudity. I also avoid the Saw series as well or similar genres of horror, not because im scared but because its like garbage ideas for want -to- be serial killers. You dont need evil ideas in your brain. If you watch Passion of Christ however, there is plenty of blood, plenty of suffering, plenty of hurt and torture, but the difference being the self sacrifice for the good of the world and saving all sinners. That is a movie i can find heart piercing yet knowing more intimately and simultaneously the greatest pain and greatest love story in the world in the eyes of our Savior. I generally dont enjoy shows involving evil spirits or the occult or cults and witches. Again, same reason why i dont need a real curse or spell being voiced out from my television in the disguise of a scripted show. But someone keeps greenlighting these types of scripts and storylines for shows and films.