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Why are almost all profiles so lazy?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2024 06:02 AM

One woman’s perspective:

I whole-heartedly agree with the frustration. You guys only see the women’s profiles, obviously. I assure you that it goes the same way with the men’s profiles that I encounter. Not just here, but also on other dating sites. Vast Number of Profiles: 1 photo in the gym, if a photo is there at all. Interests: “Ask me.” (Really, guy? You’re gonna make me do ALL the work in this relationship? Sorry. Nope. That’s exhausting, and a waste of my time.)

But, in the midst of this shallow wasteland appears the occasional real guy who is willing to put in the effort, to give us women Something to go by. Granted, those things might not be what I’m looking for— but isn’t that the point? To help us all, men and women, to find our way through the crowds, to our kind of people, so we can narrow it down from there?

From my perspective, I’ve begun to realize that most of the men (the 1/3 that aren’t bots or scammers) who contact me are doing so based solely on my photo. Again, I speak of all dating sites. My first response has been: “Thank you for reaching out. Have you read my profile yet?” After which, I often don’t hear from them again.🤷‍♀️

So, why are almost all profiles so lazy? All I can conclude is that these people are really, really poor communicators , not serious, way too shallow, way too confident that all should flock to them based on whatever crumbs they offer, or truly just lazy. All of which say to me, “Move right on by.”

All that said, DON’T GIVE UP! God can guide us to our people, whether on the web or in the grocery store. If we’re His kids, He’s got this. Sincerely— Marti