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Posted : 26 Apr, 2012 07:46 PM

first of all i think its unfair to say that only men expect sex before commitment. i think its pretty equal from both sides. but who is to blame? turn on the tv, the radio, open a magazine or newspaper and sex is every where. it seems we are raised to believe that sex is more important than love, or that sex gives some kind of social standing or ego boost.


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Posted : 26 Apr, 2012 07:38 PM

cmon really?? santa is satan? maybe you all should look at the idea behind santa. the concept of giving!! i believe in "santa" for what it stands for, giving without putting your name on the fact that you gave something. when my daught was two and i was just getting back on my feet an unknown stranger in walmart baught her a very expensive power wheel and had a cashier give it to us with only FROM SANTA written on it. so yes the is santa and know he not satan. as far as i know satan has never helped or given anything to anyone