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If Paul had a twitter account,what would he twitte about?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2010 07:42 AM

we are living in the information age or should it be called the Useless Information Age?

The three giant social networking web sites-Facebook,Myspace, and twitter- allow users to share their thoughts with friends and strangers.If you want to let people half way around the world know that you just save $ 8 at a krogger store,you can. You can share your deepest thoughts and your shallowest feelings. You can air your political views or cheer your favorite team.Whether or not people actually care about sharing what is on your mind.

Twitter's concept is the simplest of all the social sites. Users can give 140-character opinions on any and every issue.

These updates are called "Twittes" the author's subscribers are known as" Followers"

I wonder what the apostle Paul would have twitted about to his followers while writing his 13 epistles?

Maybe he would twitte like this....

Romains: All have sinned . All deserve death. But there is no condemnaton in Christ.

1 corinthians: A divided church is a poor representative of Christ.

2 Corinthians: My apostleship and your benevolence are genuine.

Galatians: Moses Law served it purpose.We are now live by faith and walk by the spirit.

Ephesians: We are saved by grace and unified by one Lord,one faith,and one baptism.

Philipians: Don't let circumstances dictate your faith. Live with joy. Be content.

Colossians: Human philosophy distorts the gospel. Live for Jesus.

1 & 2 Thessalonians: Jesus will return and many people will not be ready. Be prepared for that day.

1 & 2 Timothy: Ministry should protect the gospel and serve the needy. There is no better work.

Titus: The grace of God teaches us to live godly lives.

Philemon: people from all backgrounds can be useful in the church.

By: James Hayes


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How to understand the Bible? continue....
Posted : 12 Mar, 2010 07:04 PM


Have an open mind.

Some reject knowledge as declared in Hosea 4:6 and Peter speaks of some being willingly ignorant, II Pet.3:5. A vivid contrast of open and closed minds is found in Matt. 13:10-16. The Ethiopian treasurer had an open mind, Acts 8:31. We must be willing to do God's will,Jhn 7:17. We must not only be willing to do God's wil, but also obedient to his will, Matt.7:21.


Love the truth.

If a person doesn't love the truth,God will send him a strong delusion that he might believe a lie and be dammed, II Thess. 2: 10-12. This principle applies both to those outside and inside the church. We must not be afraid to face the facts on any Bible subject,but strive to grow in grace and knowledge,II Pet.3:18. One definition of education is tearing down old ideas and forming new. We must be willing to discard an old idea when we see that it is false, and accept a new truth when it is taught in the Bible.


Study and not just merely read.

Take time to look up words that are not understood, for example: a good Bible dict. or a Concordance will help;


Consider the setting of the text.

Whether it be a verse,a chapter,or a book of the Bible; the context should always be considered. Observe who is speaking; to whom he is speaking,or writing; the main theme or purpose in view,and under which dispensation the passage was spoken or written.

Some commands were to the Apostles only. They were commanded to tarry in Jerusalem until they be endued with power from on high,Lk. 24:49. convicted and believing sinners were commanded to "Repent and be baptized... for remission of sin, Acts 2: 38. christians were never commanded to be baptized. Those who are children of God are to repent,confess,and pray for fogiveness, Acts. 8:22,I Jhn. 1:9.

To be continued.....


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How to understand the Bible? continue....
Posted : 12 Mar, 2010 06:14 PM

1. Aproach the Bible with the right attitude.

A) A knowledge of its contents is important.

1. Faith comes from by hearing the word of God.

Rom. 10: 17

2. To give a reason for our hope,

1 Pet. 3: 15.

3. That we be able to teach others

Heb. 5:12

4. we are to be judged by the word at the last day

John 12:48 - Rev. 20:12

5. The word is able to save, Jas. 1:21

b) It was written by holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, II Pet. 1: 21 Acts 2: 4.

c) We should consider the fact that in the Bible God"s will to man is to be found ; and that it is the complete,perfect,and final revelation of God"s will to man, II Tim. 3:16,17 ; Jude 3.

d) The Bible is the standard of authority in religion. It is the final and highest court of appeal for settling all religious questions, I John. 4:6, II Tthess.2:15.

e) We must respect the Bible as a revelation from God . We must not tamper with its contents by adding to or taking away, Deut. 12:32; Rev. 22:18,19.

f) The silence of the Scriptures must also be respected. The secret things belong to God; but the things that are revealed belong to us. Deut. 29:29. we can know God's will only as he has revealed it, I cor.2:9-14.

g) When understood aright, the Bible will be understood alike. God is no respecter of persons. It is absurd to think that God would make a statement and let it mean different things to different persons but not to the same person.

Gideon's army of 32,000 understood alike,Judges 7:3. About 3,000 understood alike in Acts 2:38-41.

to be continued........


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How to understand the Bible?
Posted : 5 Mar, 2010 05:03 PM

God has always revealed his will in terms that men could understand.Adam and Eve understood. Noah understood how to build the ark. Gen. 6: 13-22. Moises understood how to build the tabernacle. God gave him the pattern and demanded that he follow it, Ex.25:40, Heb. 8:5.

The gospel is simple, and the New Testament is written in simple language. God is a just God and does not require the impossible.We may never understand fully all the great depths and heights of the Bible; but we can understand how to become a Christian and how to worship and serve God acceptably if we will approach the Bible with the right attitude and study it sensibly and systematically, and rightly divide it as we study.

The next time I will go in more details on the right attitude one need to have in order to understand the Bible.

May God bless you.


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How to understand the Bible?
Posted : 5 Mar, 2010 04:37 PM

" wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."

Eph. 5:17.

The bible is the world's most wonderful book. It continues to be the world's best seller. It is love in life and cherished even more in death. Yet, in spite all these facts,the bible is abused,misused,misrepresented,and misunderstood more than anyother book in the world.Many confess great difficulty in understanding it,and some declarethat it is an utter impossibility.

However,Jesus commanded the Apostles to "GO....teach all nations..." Matt. 28:19.

He also taught that one must do God's will to enter into the Kingdom of heaven, Matt.7:21; and we must understand his will before we can do it.

to be continued.........