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Biden losing support
Posted : 12 Dec, 2023 02:00 PM

I recently realized that some people are doing an incredible job at recruiting people to join the Patriotic movement (which in the United States is being led by Donald Trump)

Joey Biden is an incredibly powerful voice for why Americans need to join in with the Patriotic movement. The entire 'irs' system is making people realize that the dumpster fire that is in an abanden ally is not a good 'hang out spot' Look at the stellar job Kamala is doing showing people 'Hey open borders is a bad idea'. Then you got all of the deep state 'stooges' that are working overtime trying to make sure Trump does not get on the ballot.

How can I not say 'Good job all around folks...however I am about done using you!' You know that I am long past sick of the shenangians that are going on...and the every day Americans are about fed up....."Eww, things are about to get very interesting!!!!!"


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A major section of the house of cards that the deep state has built...has just fallen (part 3 of 3)
Posted : 11 Dec, 2023 09:34 PM

After the fraudulent 'election' of 2020, there is a period of time before the next president (in this case resident Joey Biden) takes office. I think it was originally put there so that the new president could move across country while the old president remained in office Alot of people observed the 'funny business' that took place surounding the 'election' (My buddy Gregg wanted to hear someone speak about what was going on from a Biblical perspective) So I wrote him an email and told Greg that when someone does something bad, the action is like a drop of water that GOD places into a cup. When the cup gets full then its "Lights Out" for the evil deed doer. In 2020 a group of evil doers wanted to win the election so badly that they put there cup under a soda fountain and wedged a concrete block in there. In the mental picture that I painted, I wanted it to be known that the bad guys did not just do something that would quickly fill up there cup...but the bad guys might soon preformed actions that 'no human hand" would be able to prevent them from heaping upon themselves massive amounts of wrath from GOD HIMSELF!

A group of people did go to Warshington to try to prevent the bad guys from completing the evil deed

The evil minded people doubled down and reaffirmed there commitment

1: to double the original bid in blackjack in exchange for only one more card

2: to become more tenacious, zealous, or resolute in a position or undertaking

The list of trouble that thoes evil people have heaped onto themselves would proably be over a mile long (see when you tell/support a lie, then in the future you will need to tell two more lies to cover over the trail of the origional lie. Before long your one lie has turned into a thousand. (Right now I do not consider it a part of my job to expose the thousands and thousands and thousands of lies) But by no means have the evil doers recieved a 'get out of jail' free card!

Right now I am just going to talk about January 6 2021. A group of protesters went to Washington and there was some chaos that happened. (Before Jan 6th happened I had knowledge that some 'antifa/black lives matter' counter protesters were going to cause problems on that day...and blame it on the Patriots) I almost feel the need to defend my position...but in the comming days a landslide of evidence that supports my claim will come to light. But I will give the 'highlights'

A group of protesters are said to have created chaos at the location that the United States Congress meets...and the evil crew want to act like a couple of hundred peacefull protesters managed to breach the defensive line of the capital? I have been told that there are 44,000 hours of video tape footage of the event...I think that the evil ones that have tricked and frauded there way in govermental positions have 'allowed' something like 100 hours to be viewed. Yet the 'goverment' has managed to charge and convict over 1000 people with only a small amount of the evidence

The evil people will not like what will happen in a few days.


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A major section of the house of cards that the deep state has built...has just fallen (part 2 of 3)
Posted : 11 Dec, 2023 08:07 PM

The sickos in the deep state 'love' to opperate in a clandestine manner.

clandestine: planned or done in secret, especially describing something that is not officially allowed

In this post the topic will be George Floyd.

I am not trying to declare myself an expert in an event that took place 100's of miles away from me. However I have learned a tip that I would like to pass on to you...The news media is about at trustworthy as a fat old mans wind that is passed so 'if suddenly the news media must be on the ball because they seem to be experts'...then ask 'What is going on?'

The media enjoys 'leading the witness'

(what is leading the witness)

the attorney during a trial or deposition asks questions in a form in which he/she puts words in the mouth of the witness or suggests the answer. Leading is improper if the attorney is questioning a witness called by that attorney and presumably friendly to the attorney's side of the case.

I have already explained that the deep state is filled with mentaly deranged individuals, and the deep state likes to 'muddy the waters' and then boast about how clear sighted they must be because they know what is hidden in the waters. A good example can be found by looking at a dollar. It says 'federal reserve note', but the note is printed by a institution that is not federal and they have no reserve. Actualy its more like a wish list for them...they want to be a federal institution and they like to fancy themselves as 'the last line of defence'; but at the end of the day the money supply is just a note that was printed by a gang of crazy individuals.

So back to George many times were we told that Mr. Floyd was killed by a law enforcment officer that had his knee on the mans neck. I wonder where people got a crazy idea like that...oh wait I think that I remember the kinds of people that past off the lie.

(Wikipedia even got in on the action, and they made sure that everyone knew that what had happened was just one instance in a long line of police brutality that was committed against black people)

-Murder of George Floyd

Part of police brutality in the United States and racism against African Americans-

The less than truthfull news reports did not just come from American media, it came from the bbc as well

( even got a little piece of the action)

-A brilliant new crowdfunded documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis,” aims to remedy our collective amnesia about the events of May 25, 2020 — a time when the country was already half-mad from the ravages of COVID-19 and forced lockdowns, and when Democratic Party operatives, including candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, seized on the “Defund the police” movement, in order to bring down President Donald Trump. So many lies have been told since, and so much truth buried by the Big Tech censors that control reality, that the documentary arrives like a slap in the face.-

Do you think that some of the "leadership" of this nation would stoop so low as to help create this stain on this nation? Not only do I think its possible...I am confident in saying that what was done.

If you care to look throgh videos of 'Terminator 2' will find footage of a kid riding a dirt bike. As Arnold chases with the Harley Davidson he rides into (like) a storm drain. In one scene Arnold passes under a viaduct. Even thoug the storm drain was not meant to be a road way...a sign on the viaduct states that to drive through the viaduct a persons vehicle must be no more than 9 foot 11 inches tall. But why 9-11? I was told that the deep state sickos was 'warning people' that they were going to cause chaos on 9-11.

So what does that have to do with Joey Biden? Well the demontic entities that have put Joey Biden and the rest of the deep state into power they want people to think that they are origional...but trust me there is not a creative bone in there bodyless spirits

I would like to take the oppertunity to call out thoes nasty demons. I command you to appear step out so everybody can get a good look at you (I know that they much prefer to remain hidden in tn he shadows). Very soon there will be nowhere to come out and show yourself and then I will give you my permission to exit off of this planet (however eternity will be very diffrent for you!)


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A major section of the house of cards that the deep state has built...has just fallen (part 1 of 3)
Posted : 11 Dec, 2023 03:57 PM

Concerning the son of Joey Biden, the inward quality of the man is such that he will spend over 1 million dollars hireing prostitutes and funding his drug adiction...while at the same time he neglects to pay his own tax bill.

From what I understand the man has about the same amount of 'tallent' as your advrage run of the mill cr ack head...which is near zero! But I have heard that 'the artist' sold maby two of his paintings. The first sold for $75,000 and the other one sold for $500,000.

Wait is'nt it against the rules for the 'goverment' to get involved with the business affairs of a private citizen.

(also despite the above picture of Joey...we are told that he still has blue eyes.)

(Back to Hunter Biden) Lets ask 'What kind of person would pay $500,000 for a $3,000 quality painting?' (By the way this is the point that the news media can not figure out...or shall I say the media does not want the public to figure out.) There are people that are happy to over pay nearly $500,000 because maby the real item that was being sold was not 'art work'.

It seems to me that perhaps Hunter Biden was trying to get high net worth individuals to give him money, but what thing of great value did that 'artist' have access to (some people that have raging addictions will not hesitate to sell all of the carpet in there house) In Hunters case instehead of selling the appears that he might have sold access to 'the big guy' (and in this case 'the big guy' might be a meeting with Joey Biden, or Obama)

What I am suggesting is that maby Hunter Biden was actualy selling access to 'his daddy' or some other person. You might think that what I am suggesting is beyond the actions of a cr ack head but I think that its not out of the question?

Also it sounds like part of a money laundering opperation when a cr ack head artist take an excutive seat on a natural gas company in a foreign country. (Why did an energy company that is in Ukraine, want the cr ack head son of then vice president Joe Biden, do you think that it has something to do with the fact that Joey Biden has given an insane amount of money to fund a Ukrainian war?)

-Hunter Biden served on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings from 2014 to 2019-


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Research on j Biden som
Posted : 11 Dec, 2023 03:36 PM

Concerning the son of Joey Biden, the inward quality of the man is such that he will spend over 1 million dollars hireing prostitutes and funding his drug adiction...while at the same time he neglects to pay his own tax bill.

From what I understand the man has about the same amount of 'tallent' as your advrage run of the mill cr ack head...which is near zero! But I have heard that 'the artist' sold maby two of his paintings. The first sold for $75,000 and the other one sold for $500,000.

Wait is'nt it against the rules for the 'goverment' to get involved with the business affairs of a private citizen.

(also despite the above picture of Joey...we are told that he still has blue eyes.)

(Back to Hunter Biden) Lets ask 'What kind of person would pay $500,000 for a $3,000 quality painting?' (By the way this is the point that the news media can not figure out...or shall I say the media does not want the public to figure out.) There are people that are happy to over pay nearly $500,000 because maby the real item that was being sold was not 'art work'.

It seems to me that perhaps Hunter Biden was trying to get high net worth individuals to give him money, but what thing of great value did that 'artist' have access to (some people that have raging addictions will not hesitate to sell all of the carpet in there house) In Hunters case instehead of selling the appears that he might have sold access to 'the big guy' (and in this case 'the big guy' might be a meeting with Joey Biden, or Obama)

What I am suggesting is that maby Hunter Biden was actualy selling access to 'his daddy' or some other person. You might think that what I am suggesting is beyond the actions of a cr ack head but I think that its not out of the question?

Also it sounds like part of a money laundering opperation when a cr ack head artist take an excutive seat on a natural gas company in a foreign country. (Why did an energy company that is in Ukraine, want the cr ack head son of then vice president Joe Biden, do you think that it has something to do with the fact that Joey Biden has given an insane amount of money to fund a Ukrainian war?)

-Hunter Biden served on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings from 2014 to 2019-


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Alternative Ecconomy
Posted : 9 Dec, 2023 04:52 PM

Some people that supported Joey Biden (thoes people had there heads in the sand) and they just voted for Joey. Now they are realizing that they did not intend on signing up for the trip on the crazy train that they are on, but they cant blame anyone for putting Joey into office but themselves.

Its a little hard to imagine that ther are decent minded folks that did not have the good sense enough to figure out "Maby I should not vote for a guy that enjoys sniffing the heads of strangers babies...and when Joey the creep is not out sniffing the heads of stange kids he is nibbling the ears of strange kids!"

How did any sane person not see the huge red flag that Joey was waveing? For crying out loud the man kept challenging random strangers to a push-up contest!

Yet, some people were unable to figure out that Joey Biden has a severe narcisstic personality disorder

-Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.-

I am reminded of something Mark Twain said 'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

Well I tend to be a 'rip the bandaid off fast...kind of guy' so I hope thoes people are not expecting me to coddle them!

So here is the song that the Democrats proably want me to play if you are feeling disenfranchised (look Alien Ant Farm knew to include a kid that was wearing a corn aviriu s mask!)

(Here is your song!)

Now that the 'affectionate display of emotions' has been dealt with...stand up (and straighten your pants!). While you guys have been trying to avoid the elusive china virus, the Patriots have been working on building a parallel ecconomy.

For example, instead of just funneling your money into the aarp coffers, and inturn aarp will spend your money to fund things that conservatives do not aggree with. Conservatives will spend there money and join Amac.

You might have heard the saying "go woke...go broke'. I will tell you what it means "If companies/businesses go woke...then thoes companies will end up becoming financialy broke"

it is the companies decision to 'try to change nursery rhymes' and -The brand has made numerous steps towards becoming more comprehensive recently - it included a gay kiss between two female characters in the movie Lightyear, and black actress Halle Berry was cast as Ariel in its upcoming, live-action re-make of The Little Mermaid.-!

It was the decision of bud light to get a man that likes to wear makeup and wear womens clothes...they should proably do that again!

And target they went woke and they tried to impress the crowd of people that 'wake up in the morning and think -today I will run down to the store and buy a shirt for little Timmy that says something about homosexual rights, while I am at the store I think that I will by a bathing suit that will not make a man look funny when he tries to tape his male sexual parts between his legs!'

Remember the simple saying "go woke...go broke"

Here is a list of some alternative marketplaces


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Is USA really responding for funding !?
Posted : 9 Dec, 2023 04:45 PM

This part of the conversation...can 'plug into' what I said in that post about democrats being like a herd of cats.

Some people that supported Joey Biden (thoes people had there heads in the sand) and they just voted for Joey. Now they are realizing that they did not intend on signing up for the trip on the crazy train that they are on, but they cant blame anyone for putting Joey into office but themselves.

Its a little hard to imagine that ther are decent minded folks that did not have the good sense enough to figure out "Maby I should not vote for a guy that enjoys sniffing the heads of strangers babies...and when Joey the creep is not out sniffing the heads of stange kids he is nibbling the ears of strange kids!"

How did any sane person not see the huge red flag that Joey was waveing? For crying out loud the man kept challenging random strangers to a push-up contest!

Yet, some people were unable to figure out that Joey Biden has a severe narcisstic personality disorder

-Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.-

I am reminded of something Mark Twain said 'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

Well I tend to be a 'rip the bandaid off fast...kind of guy' so I hope thoes people are not expecting me to coddle them!

So here is the song that the Democrats proably want me to play if you are feeling disenfranchised (look Alien Ant Farm knew to include a kid that was wearing a corn aviriu s mask!)

(Here is your song!)

Now that the 'affectionate display of emotions' has been dealt with...stand up (and straighten your pants!). While you guys have been trying to avoid the elusive china virus, the Patriots have been working on building a parallel ecconomy.

For example, instead of just funneling your money into the aarp coffers, and inturn aarp will spend your money to fund things that conservatives do not aggree with. Conservatives will spend there money and join Amac.

You might have heard the saying "go woke...go broke'. I will tell you what it means "If companies/businesses go woke...then thoes companies will end up becoming financialy broke"

it is the companies decision to 'try to change nursery rhymes' and -The brand has made numerous steps towards becoming more comprehensive recently - it included a gay kiss between two female characters in the movie Lightyear, and black actress Halle Berry was cast as Ariel in its upcoming, live-action re-make of The Little Mermaid.-!

It was the decision of bud light to get a man that likes to wear makeup and wear womens clothes...they should proably do that again!

And target they went woke and they tried to impress the crowd of people that 'wake up in the morning and think -today I will run down to the store and buy a shirt for little Timmy that says something about homosexual rights, while I am at the store I think that I will by a bathing suit that will not make a man look funny when he tries to tape his male sexual parts between his legs!'

Remember the simple saying "go woke...go broke"

Here is a list of some alternative marketplaces


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Is USA really responding for funding !?
Posted : 8 Dec, 2023 04:06 PM

The short answer is that we have given enough aid to Ukrain...the time has come for America to spend money to fix some problems around our own shores.

But they are hopeing that we can not read or understand charts and graphs...but we can. So it appears that the evil ones just shown us there hand.

Not only does Janet Yellen want America to give more money to the 'conflict' in Ukrain, but her buddy Joey Biden is attempting to blackmail Americans.

-Biden: Help Ukraine Now or Send Americans to Fight Russia With NATO Later-

We know that Joey has absolutely 0% problem with blackmaiing people...blackmail is like a badge of honor to Joey

I am someone that does not like it when people twist my words, so perhaps Joey was meaning to point out 'Since Ukraine is a member of Nato, and America is also a member of is our duty to help defend one another' (But this train of thought is abit more damming to him and his friends!) But lets run with it!

Why has the U.S.A. singlehandedly contributed as much money as every other Nato member combined?

I think that people need to consider two factors (sure its frustrating to watch Joey "the pathologicaling pooser' pretend that he is the president of the United States. And I would argue that America has an obligation (I might even say a moral obligation) to look after the wellfare of our own nation before we send billions of dollars to another country that we know contains at least so Natzi's. (At this point in the conversation a person might think 'Hey its just like WWII...the Russians are fighting the Natzi's, again) A person might question why America is throwing money down a rat hole (do you really think that if the Ukrainians could not beat the Russians in 2 years time and 100 billion dollar budget...well maby another couple of million dollars will push them up the hill)

But I smell a rat being cooked, so lets not look at the story that thoes crazy evil people are broadcasting. Lets dig deep into the vault and ask a question that I think needs to be asked. Question: "Why is Joey Biden (Who is obviously just the front did not think that Joey was in charge did you?) So we will call thoes crazy evil people 'the syndicate'"

We know that the syndicate does not want America to prosper...but part of the syndicates evil plan is that they cant ask for a glass of water themselves instead they need to trick other people into asking for a glass of water. Ordinary people are being tricked into preforming the evil deeds of thoes crazy clowns.

Wait you dont believe me do you? You proably think that most people are to clever to be fooled by thoes crazy clowns.

"What is meant by saying that politicians need to spread the wealth around?" It sort of sounds good except the idea is a socialist idea, and in pratice the idea causes everyone to be equally poor.

(I assume that the conversation that I am laying out is about to get very...interesting)

I have seen proof that at least part of 'the goverment in Ukraine) are filled with Natzi's (remember the movement that Adolf Hitler led) So the question sort of shifts from "why do the crazies in the syndicate want to turn America into a poor nation" and the question becomes why are the crazy people trying to give U.S. taxpayers money to Natzi's? In an odd turn of events the 'new Natzi party of 2023' is trying to be funded by the 'democrait socialist party of America' (Hahahaha) the socialist part that exists in America is trying to steal taxpayers money so that they can fun the socialist party over there. (Hahahaha...oh the irony of it all!)


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Norman Lear died at 101
Posted : 7 Dec, 2023 05:56 PM

Thank You for the information.


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Norman Lear died at 101
Posted : 7 Dec, 2023 01:12 PM

Which character did he play on the t.v. show 'Frazier'?

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