Author Thread: drinking emoticons aren't appropriate for this site.

drinking emoticons aren't appropriate for this site.
Posted : 23 Oct, 2007 09:32 AM

Does it bother anyone else that there are emoticons on this site that promote drinking and getting drunk? There has to be some better kinds of images we could have on here. I don't have a problem with having a drink now and then, but I do have a problem with people who promote drinking to excess. CAN WE PLEASE REMOVE THOSE EMOTICONS PROMOTING THIS AND REPLACE THEM WITH OTHER APPROPRIATE ONES? How about a Cross? Emoticons that express our faith better?

Alcohol and tobacco have become one of the numerous gods that is worshipped regularly in this world. If you can't go for a day with out one than it is controlling your life, and it is your god. Many people don't even realize that they are worshipping a false god. They drink their troubles away in hopes it will disappear in the liquor, therefore placing their trust in the god- alcohol. They are disappointed when their troubles are still there and new ones are added. I don't think that is something this site wants to promote, so we should all voice our opinions on this matter.

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drinking emoticons aren't appropriate for this site.
Posted : 5 Nov, 2007 05:31 PM

I so agree with you...

I also have an issue with "separated" people being on a Christian site.

Ok so at least they are telling you the truth BUT----

depending on your religious/spiritual background, I don't feel it's right for them to post. I guess I still believe that one should not be searching until the divorce is over so you can be open to a possible reconciliation if that is God's will for your marriage. My other thought on this is that newly divorced people should probably be a good kind of selfish with themselves and heal before they go forward into new relationships. I think if you don't spend time to heal and understand what truly happened, you can bring it (baggage) into a new relationship and repeat the same mistakes. Divorce can take a toll on you mentally, physically, financially, self-esteme wise, etc... Take time, slow down and make sure you're ready to start with someone new.

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drinking emoticons aren't appropriate for this site.
Posted : 23 Feb, 2012 07:52 AM

Yes, and I'd also like to see a prayer emoticon that isn't Catholic specific. The two prayer icons available (:prayingm: :prayingf:) show the person crossing them self. How about one with the person just bowing their head and folding their hands?

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