Author Thread: Initiate?

Posted : 13 Jun, 2016 10:23 AM

Do guys like girls who initiate conversation? Winks?

I'd like to know..

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Posted : 14 Jun, 2016 05:06 PM

As a guy, I would say yes we would like a female to initiate a conversation. It would makes us feel better about ourselves, especially shy folks like me. Who has tried to start a conversation but get no answer back.

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Posted : 16 Jun, 2016 08:57 AM

If someone looks at my profile twice, that is generally enough for me to send an introductory message. A wink will cause me to look at their profile, but I may or may not message them. If someone favorites me, I usually ask them why.

Probably 70% of the outright messages I get from women are scammers. So... If you are going to message a man straight out, make sure you do not come off as a scammer.

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Posted : 28 Jun, 2016 04:28 PM

That's a really good point, Gamma, for all of us to consider; and, if I may add my two cents to this issue too, I have seen multiple forums on this question, and I'd just like to ask a hypothetical question of any woman wanting to make the first move and initiate a conversation (since the original poster's profile has been deleted):

Do you want a guy that likes it when you pursue him or do you prefer someone that likes to be the initiator of each new step in a relationship? To put this another way, if you are being true to who you are by making the first move, who cares if we like it or not? You are being the woman God created you to be, and the right person will respond positively to that. The wrong person will not. It may not always be that simple, but it may help make the decision whether to reach out first or not.

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Posted : 1 Oct, 2016 10:06 PM

I've seen statistics that show only 1 in 4 messages that a guy sends gets an answer. Those are not statistics from this site, but another one, yet the many posts I've read from men on online forums indicate great frustration on the part of men of trying again and again to initiate a conversation with someone, but not getting a response.

So, I think most men would welcome getting a message from a woman. At least they know this is someone who is interested. He may find that he is not interested in her (and may or may not respond saying so), but I am certain that most men appreciate receiving a message.

Winks...To me, a wink shows tentative interest, whereas a message shows definite interest. I am less likely to send a message to someone who merely winked at me than someone who sent me a message.

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Posted : 24 Oct, 2016 02:56 PM


I've never met a man who wasn't flattered by a woman initiating contact (short of harassment, rudeness, obvious exceptions.)

If anything, I see *so* many women who were raised believing that the man should *always* initiate contact/pursue the woman, and I think this is a fallacy connected with the idea that the only way a man can honor a woman or be a "real man" is by chasing her through some sort of social/emotional steeple chase.

...And then many of these same women wonder why they deal with so many aggressive jerks? Who did you think you'd get to play this game with you?

Ladies, you don't have to/shouldn't ever chase a man, but there are plenty of great guys who through years of being the rejected one, self consciousness, or simply being shy/awkward/intimidated by an amazing woman (maybe even you!) won't stick their necks out without a little encouragement or--gasp, even some initiation by the lady!

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