Author Thread: Finding and ending

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Finding and ending
Posted : 15 Mar, 2018 02:18 AM

We are on a dating site and in most cases, communication is with more than one person. Some ends with hi. But what does it mean when a guy asks a woman to get off this site? What happens when a guy asks multiple women to get off the site and starts communicating with them simultaneously? Is it possible that more than one woman would be led on to believe that it is headed to something serious? If so, how can this be avoided?

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Finding and ending
Posted : 18 Mar, 2018 04:04 PM

Thanks for the interesting questions

Some women fall for this isolation technique they give their hearts and emotions to a man so many times they get blinded to the red flags and dangers of dating strangers

To avoid this women must give their hearts only to God who is the best matchmaker and best provider of wisdom and discernment

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Finding and ending
Posted : 26 Mar, 2018 01:23 PM

I only talk to one woman at a time. Period. I let them know up front. I change my profile over and state that I am talking with someone and if it doesn't work out I will be back. That's MY choice though. I realize that no matter what the other person says they could very well be lying. It happened with the last one. She said one thing and did another. I found out later. I moved, etc., but she was juggling the man she said it was over with. To make a long story short, you can't do anything but be honest. It's the same thing in a marriage. If someone is going to cheat on you there's nothing you can do to stop it. We trust and that trust is often broken into a million pieces, but we CHOOSE to trust. For instance, my ex-wife lied and cheated for years but since I'm not the type to do that I didn't pick up on the many things most people would have. This other woman that things didn't work out with here just stopped all communication for a week and then later for a few days... but I gave her the benefit of the doubt (just as I would want). In light of that, I am changing the way I approach things. For instance, if someone reads my messages but will not reply (after previously replying) then after one week I will simply say that I am moving on (a week is more than enough time to reply with SOMETHING). Just be honest about it up front, and maybe they will be, too. MAYBE. If it's something that YOU feel the need to do (as I do) THEN DO IT. You can ask any married couple, "How did you two meet?". That is a typical story that every couple has. That's also "when the cameras started rolling". We, as people, can forgive... but rarely are things forgotten. The way I see it is that if someone has to weigh me between other options then I must not have been good enough to drop the other things for. That person, the one who will not commit to one person at a time... they end up devaluing themselves in my sight as well as me in general. BUT, that is just how so many women roll. For me though, two people are "married from hello". "If they do it with you they will do it to you." <<< Remember that phrase especially. If you are talking to someone who is IN a relationship... chances are you will be on the other side of that coin one day. If you are the type to talk with multiple people at once like it's some type of TV dating show... then just tell them. If someone says they want you to break everything off with everyone else and you don't trust them... just tell them. Just be honest. It's all you can do anyway. If they are going to break that trust then they are going to do so no matter what. Even if you are married.

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Finding and ending
Posted : 27 Mar, 2018 06:01 PM

Thank you savedbygrace9 and Talon1983. You have provided some great insights! Everything you said Talon1983 hits to the core. We can only trust hoping that people we come in contact with are trustworthy. Savedbygrace9, the thing that I pray about is for God to take care of my heart. I don't pray for a specific person because I trust that His choice is better than mine. He will separate the weeds and the tares.

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Finding and ending
Posted : 27 Mar, 2018 06:24 PM

"If someone has to weigh me with other options, then I would not have been good enough for him/her to give up the other options for. They end up devaluing themselves in my sight as well as me in general."

Thank you for sharing Talon1983. We sure cannot control how others behave or why they choose to do the things they do. One thing is for sure, as for a true believer in the all loving God, we know He uses trials for our good. There are lessons to be learned and the hardest one I have yet to learn is forgiveness. I realized that it is possible only by the grace and mercy of God, and a true understanding of what it cost Jesus Christ to forgive me. God bless you.

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