Author Thread: How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 27 Apr, 2019 09:25 PM

Is there possibly any pansexual girls or nonbinary people on this site? I cannot seem to find any, and it is quite discouraging. It is ok, dears! You are free to be your wonderful, beautiful selves!

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 7 May, 2019 08:03 AM

I will leave you with this - In the days of Noah, when God looked upon the earth and saw that all flesh was corrupted in its ways, He told Noah that the end of all flesh was come.

Because the the earth was filled with violence, God would bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh from under heaven and instructed Noah to make an ark; establishing a covenant with him.

Noah, his wife, his son, and his son's wives went into the ark, and the animals went in two and two, the male and the female, as God had commanded. Of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort - male and female. There was no place on the ark for a spectrum; no third sort or fourth, and no gender that does not correspond to its sex.

If any one thing existed that blurred the lines between the two of each kind - male and female, it was not chosen to enter the ark and perished in the flood.

The father of lies is your god for as long as you argue any other way. And as the flood came, so too will the fire, as it is written.

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 7 May, 2019 09:52 AM

I will take this moment to point out that biblical Hebrew recognized 6 different genders and included all in its text in a positive light, and male and female were only kept because they were considered the "norm".

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 7 May, 2019 01:00 PM

Zachar - Male

Nekeva - Female

Tumtum and Androgynos are not genders. They are instances of people whose gender is not known, not a third or fourth sex, but indeterminate. By Talmudic law they are essentially male or female, they are not non-male/non-female genders.

Aylonis and Saris are not genders either. They are either males or females, who did not mature sexually, e.g. they didn't enter puberty, were made an eunuch (emasculated), or sterile/infertile and can't bear children.

I am no expert, but from those six, we still only have two specific genders. The supposition you want to embrace is false, but I'm sure your LGBT family will have plenty more in the works, because those who exchange the truth of God for a lie, tend to be truer to their craft than the idle believers who are supposed to uphold the truth.

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 8 May, 2019 07:45 AM

This person is not real. He is just an internet troll who made up this ID to harass Christians.

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 8 May, 2019 07:58 AM

I was still real last time I checked. Let's see... Yes, I'm still real. Still happily and stunningly myself.

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 14 May, 2019 07:28 AM

what sex was you born as, boy or girl?

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 14 May, 2019 07:25 PM

I do not have to answer such a question.

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 30 May, 2019 10:52 AM

Careful what you say to this non gender specified person.

It is probably an AI Googlebot or Alexa taking notes of who is going to not conform to the future rules of society. Your posts may be used against you.

I mean what person would use the word 'nonbinary'?

Alexa....Are you going to ban me for hate speech on the CDFF forum?

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 30 May, 2019 10:55 AM

Our freedom of speech is freedom or death

We got to fight the powers that be

Public Enemy - Fight the Power 1990

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How does one find a girl or nonbinary person willing to try a relationship with me?
Posted : 30 May, 2019 05:58 PM

It appears I have found the most dense and ignorant person on this site... I am a person, the same as everyone else on this site (or at least I hope, some of you have shown animalistic characteristics). I recommend that you do some research before you reply on a post you know nothing about.

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