Author Thread: Why would you do that?

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Why would you do that?
Posted : 15 May, 2019 08:21 PM

I've met a lot of men that expect every women to be submissive and spend their days keeping house and caring for children. I'm letting you know right now: that is not realistic. Not every women is "oh dearest one my heart, soul, and body belongs to you I will obey your commands without complaint". There are so many women who are learning that it's ok to be strong. It's ok for a women to be powerful. It's ok for a women to be independent. So, the question I ask is this: why date a strong, independent women when what you want is a meek, submissive wife? Why date a women who wants to work a job when you want a wife who will stay home and keep house? Why date a women who doesn't want children when you want a wife who will give you many kids? Some women don't bow down to the men in their lives. They are strong enough to be their own person, to stand tall and tell the world that it cannot tell them what to do. Some women want to have a job. They get their sense of purpose through a paycheck and promotion, not a clean house and home cooked dinner. Some women don't want kids. They simply do not wish for children, or perhaps they have gone through something in the past. So why would you force them into your dreams when they don't force you into theirs?

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Why would you do that?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2019 08:42 AM

Short answer? (and believe you me, I'm not known for them)

"Ignorant selfishness", the opposite of love (Agape)


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