Author Thread: Maybe I should just give up

Maybe I should just give up
Posted : 26 Oct, 2019 08:00 AM

It seems like no matter how much I pray, no matter how much faith I have in God, no matter where I go, no matter what I do, no matter what I say I can't find the right one. My heart is completely shattered because no woman out there wants to be with me. I try. I really do. But no matter how hard I try women just don't want to try for me. I give up. I'm beaten. I failed. I'm sorry. I just don't know what else to do.

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Maybe I should just give up
Posted : 26 Oct, 2019 09:37 AM

Morgan , do NOT give up!!

I have been a widow for over 15 years and it took time for me to even want to date a man again because I was physically and mentally abused. It took me 4 years until I was ready to start over again. I started to realize that I wanted to put away the fear and try to date again. Satan kept speaking to my mind and trying to reason with me because that is where the battle starts is in the mind. He knew my fears and used that as leverage, knowing that I was afraid of men and tried to plant seeds of doubt that I didn't want a man but a woman! I was lonely but not enough to trade my beliefs and morals to gratify the flesh .

I realized I could never be a lesbian and when my mind was made up , i got on a dating site after putting away the paralyzing fear. It was many heartbreaks later and over a decade but I think I finally have almost reached the promised land! The fact that you do not want to be alone is a good indicator that you desire a marriage. BUT Yahuwah wants you to put Him first! I had to be in a place where HE was sufficient and I depended completely on Him. He is the love of my life! Now he has prepared me for a significant other by revealing what an earthly marriage should look like as it reflects His heavenly marriage to us. I recently had a breakthrough with the baggage that I had in my past being exposed for what it was and have been changed by the liberty of truth and accepting what happened to me and healing from it . My relationships are improved and I have alot of hope and faith for the future . Keep pressing forward into Christ and get to know him deeply and bask in His presence and you won't feel the burden of loneliness .

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Maybe I should just give up
Posted : 26 Oct, 2019 09:49 AM

Morgan , I can tell you are a sweetheart of a man and any woman would be lucky to have you but please don't sell yourself short. You have worth and should only desire a woman who can realize it and respect and cherish you back. I know what low self esteem can do to a person and you end up accepting whatever comes along. When she is presented to you, make sure she obeys Christ and would make a good wife! That should be something to consider when you are in the dating process..I have said it this person going to pull me away from you Lord or closer? This person has to be good for US and treat US right. We are a package deal!

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Maybe I should just give up
Posted : 28 Oct, 2019 09:14 PM

KJ - i do read profiles. Yours is very long, but very worthwhile reading. You are right about it taking time to heal from undeserved wounds and trust Jesus instead. I pray for Morgan and many others. Thanks for your comments here.

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