Author Thread: Why is it so hard for christian women to give a christian man a chance?

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Why is it so hard for christian women to give a christian man a chance?
Posted : 7 Aug, 2021 05:19 AM

It's unbelievable... I see Christian women whine and complain about never finding men yet never give a good Christian man a chance because he a) has a disability b) isn't rich enough and c) she never makes the move/adjustment to him.

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Why is it so hard for christian women to give a christian man a chance?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2021 07:53 PM

Then why are you on this site?

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Why is it so hard for christian women to give a christian man a chance?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2021 07:54 PM

Then why are you on this site?

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Why is it so hard for christian women to give a christian man a chance?
Posted : 21 Oct, 2022 02:16 AM

I think people need to be honest and not over spiritualise dating, looks and money are not the be all and end all in a relationship but they do factor in along with other things. Christian or not no one wants to be with someone they don’t find physically attractive. In this day & age when most women work and have their own money, they are not relying on a man for finances. Unless they have a one income household, when my children were babies I didn’t work because my ex had a very good job and I didn’t need too…:-)

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