Author Thread: Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 30 Sep, 2010 10:43 AM

"If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I'm going to live," Christian singer Ray Boltz said in a recent article disclosing his decision to divorce his wife and live as a homosexual.

But did God really create Ray Boltz as a homosexual? The media certainly would have us think so.

Time recently ran an article ("What the Gay Brain Looks Like," Jun. 17, 2008) attempting to demonstrate the "science" supporting a "gay gene." Interestingly, the article referenced a study done by Simon LeVay in 1991. The study had major gaps in its methodology, and even LeVay, a homosexual neuroscientist, has said that it didn't prove what he hoped it would.

An article such as this demonstrates the difficulty of speaking truth into our culture today. Studies attempting to normalize homosexual behavior are introduced with much fanfare, and we hear about "important" new discoveries that are accepted as facts. We don't hear, however, about the studies which don�t pan out or which could lead to a different conclusion.

Dean Hamer also came out with a study in 1993 which trumpeted the likelihood of a gay gene. Most major media outlets reported on this. But in February of 1999 the Boston Globe said, "Six years later, however, the gene still has not been found.�

In his book �The Language of God� Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome project, made the following comments:

"An area of particularly strong public interest is the genetic basis of homosexuality. Evidence from twin studies does in fact support the conclusion that heritable factors play a role in male homosexuality. However, the likelihood that the identical twin of a homosexual male will also be gay is about 20% (compared with 2-4 percent of males in the general population), indicating that sexual orientation is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA, and that whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations" (p. 260, "The Language of God").

Dr. Collins has since stated that this should not be taken out of context. He further stated: �That certainly doesn�t imply, however, that those other undefined factors are inherently alterable �I would urge anyone who is concerned about the meaning to refer back to the original text.�

I would certainly encourage readers to do that, paying particular attention to pages 257-263.

The need for Christians to be prepared to deal with this issue is shown in another comment by Boltz: "I guess I felt that the church, that they had it wrong about how I felt with being gay all these years, so maybe they had it wrong about a lot of other things."

Notice the emphasis on "how I felt." Far too often we allow "feelings" and the validity of each person's "story" to trump the authority of Scripture. In Boltz's case, his struggle with homosexuality apparently caused him to doubt other tenets of the faith. Beliefs to which he had held all his life were reconsidered. This is not uncommon among strugglers from Christian backgrounds. When we fail to help them deal with this issue, other fundamental beliefs are questioned.

Another sad byproduct is that his former wife has joined a pro-gay advocacy group. I've often thought that many people turn to various pro-gay groups because the church was not there at the time of their crisis. The end result is that not only is the struggler lost, but family members as well. Tragically, they often become very effective instruments in the hands of homosexual activists.

I grieve for the loss of the testimony of Ray Boltz. I grieve for those who will follow his example. I grieve for his family. I pray that one day Ray will realize that God did not create him a homosexual and that there is a way out.

We are in desperate need of children of Issachar, who understand the times and know what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). Far too many in Southern Baptist churches are struggling with a temptation they neither seek nor understand, but they are terrified to ask for help. Ray Boltz said, "I read every book, I read all the scriptures they use, I did everything to try and change." Scripture (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) tells us that people can leave homosexuality.

Those with long experience in this ministry will tell you that very few people have left homosexuality without the support and involvement of others. But the fear of being found out keeps many in bondage, and that bondage is intensified when the world continually trumpets, "You're born that way. Just accept it."

I pray for the day when all of our churches take seriously the need to train their leadership to redemptively provide the tools needed for the people like Ray Boltz in their midst. I long for the day when every community has Christians who are prepared to present a positive, joy-filled alternative to the lifelong struggle he has endured.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 01:14 PM

all I have to say is that the bible points out in sooo many areas that leading the life of a homosexual is wrong. God destroyed a whole city for it! So what does that tell you? They can come up with all the "facts" and scientific research they want. They're not going to find what they want, and if they do, they're lying.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 06:32 PM

Wow, I never read that Ray Boltz did that ... I remember listening to Ray as a kid.

No, God didn't create him that way. Ray chose to give into the temptation that was presented to him. The Bible talks about people being prone to certain sins, via iniquity. Perhaps, homosexuality was his iniquity, and he just decided to give up fighting it.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 21 May, 2011 05:22 PM

I firmly agree that people are tempted to different sins than others. I'm not tempted towards alcoholism and there are others who feel no desire for violence or pornography or any one of a host of possible sins. Feeling pulled towards homosexuality just reminds me that there's a Devil out there pulling the strings of Mankind. Once Satan is removed from your understanding of sin, you're far more likely to enter into the lies of the World.

At any point, did Boltz mention the Devil? If not, that concerns me.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2011 12:16 AM

Great post.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 22 Sep, 2011 03:31 PM

We all are born into sin. So, yes we are born that way.

However, jesus died to set us free from sin.

Ray Boltz is in sin because he chose to go back.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2012 03:21 AM

Did you know that there are 6 scriptures in the bible that condemns homosexuality and over 600 scriptures that condemn heterosexuality so God has made it clear he has more of a problem with the heterosexual community than the homosexual community gee there are more important issues to be concerned about.God loves you whether your gay or straight

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2012 07:22 AM

misscolorful, wrong. God has a problem with any homosexual act. God only has a problem with heterosexual intercourse if it happens outside of marriage or with someone other than your spouse. God actually ordered us to be fruitful and multiply. God has no problem with heterosexuals unless they commit fornication or adultery.

To the OP. The Bible says that it is a sin when someone turns away from the natural use of their bodies, lusting (and commiting sexual acts) with members of their own sex.

I have never believed in original sin.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2012 12:34 PM

What kind of reasoning is that Misscolor? This is just a blatant attempt to twist scripture to make a point. The reality is that men are born sinners. I have no doubt that there are people out there who have felt tendencies towards the same sex for as long as they can remember liking someone. However that doesn't excuse someone from sin. There are definitely those who obviously weren't born that way. We'd be lying to ourselves if we didn't notice a pattern of abuse or no fathers being in the home of many who are homosexual. Are we to just act like this has no affect? You ruin the family, you have problems. Homosexuality is just one of the problems that results from it. Again, whether someone was born gay or not is irrelevant. Ray Boltz is just trying to excuse his sin.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 10 Dec, 2012 10:46 AM

GraceUndeserved, thanks for the tremendous hack your words drew! Do i need to say more? You had done enough justice. What kind of reasoning is that from misscolorful? I guess we know male and female created he them and blessed them..not homo and hetero created he them and bless them. What kind of jaundiced view is that from MissColor?

Gen 5:2 King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created"

It shame. I listened to Ray Bolts in high school when I met the lord (Nov 30, 1991), he was such an inspiration.. Do i judge him? NOOOOOOOO! Do I condone him? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

But certainly i pray for him.

Again, GraceUndesreved. Thanks for that wonderful words.

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Did God Create Ray Boltz Gay?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2013 09:46 AM

Im not a lesbianne Ive been a christian and with guys since 16 years old I just have sympathy for a community that cant help the way they are and must be the way their born to live and God loves them unconditionally after all wasnt jesus for the marginalised the most and funny how he never mentioned homosexuaility throughout the entire gospels ohhh dire sin it must be.I thought christians were meant to support the marginalised.what I am saying is there are more important issues and dire sins too be concerned about.Throughout my jorney of christianity I have never witnessed so much controversy twisting of scripture and hidden agendas within the christian community I feel like giving it away.Gee no wonder theres a great big falling away of the church and chfristianity is unappealipng.

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