Author Thread: Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?

Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 06:09 AM

In light of the recent posts in the forums,

Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?

To spiritually love our wives. What a beautiful thing! To understand their physical bodies in light of their spiritual reality! What significance might a woman�s bre asts have spiritually? How can we truly come to see our wives in this way? How can we come to love our wives in spirit and in truth? The way they deserve to be seen as bearers of the image of God.

Anyone is able to love someone in the physical, focusing only on the physical reality of the person they are with, while the person they are focusing on remains in a state of spiritual death and decay. But if the "flesh counts for nothing", and yet Jesus calls us to love one another, then is He calling us to love one another in what does not count (the flesh)?

When we come together with our wives, are we to only be focusing on that in our wives and enjoying that in our wives that counts for nothing? That, which will not last, but is going to eventually perish (the flesh)? Absolutely not. It is appropriate to enjoy the physical aspects of our wives, but the emphasis needs to be placed on Christ within them. HE needs to be the focus of our affections. Otherwise we set ourselves up to be able to enjoy the physical aspects of anyone and anything whether Christ is a part of those things or not. We set our wives up as well to respond favorably to this type of affection - which can come from anyone.

How many mothers focus only on the physical aspects of their children in the name of love and do exceptional jobs of raising perfectly healthy children who are spiritually starving to death and in a state of spiritual decay? How many husbands focus only on the physical aspects of their wives in the name of love and do exceptional jobs of leading a perfectly healthy woman who is spiritually starving to death and in a state of spiritual decay?

When most Mothers raise their children they are focused only on the physical state of their children instead of their children�s spiritual reality. When most couples engage in physical intimacy they are focused only on the physical state of their intimacy (themselves) instead of each other�s spiritual reality (Christ within each of them). When people view pornography, they too are focused on the physical and not on Christ in themselves or in the people or persons they are viewing � and yes, this �would� include mental images one may think of while fantasizing (mental pornography is what it is). And whenever anyone focuses only on the physical, they are able to enjoy the person they are focusing on regardless of that person�s spiritual condition (reality). They are able to �in the name of love� show no concern whatsoever (true love) for the starving spiritual condition of the person they are essentially using. We do not mean to do this to ourselves or to others. Adam and Eve did not mean to do this to each other either. But nonetheless, in both cases it is what it is. And somehow we are disconnected from the truth (reality) of what we are to be focused on.

Are we attracted to physically dead, decaying people? Not at all. Have you seen a coke advertisement using a rotting corpse lately? Probably not. How can we become reconnected to the �meaning� that is truly there? Someone�s or something�s spiritual reality. Remembering that the flesh counts for nothing.

It was Jehovah God that the Israelites were to enjoy in the richness of the Promise Land (spiritual). Not just the Promise Land itself (the physical). But because the Israelites failed to see this, they failed completely.

If attraction, arousal and intimacy were seen for what they are, for what they must be, for someone�s spiritual condition, and we weren�t so focused on what counts for nothing (the flesh), then it would not be so easy to be tempted by pornography. Adultery would be seen for what it is. Countless television shows would lose their appeal and be canceled, and on and on and on.

We are viewing each other with eyes that will one day rot and decay. We are not viewing the reality of what is around us, which can only be seen with our minds. And because of this, we are being deceived. Appearance seldom equals reality. Just because someone is nice or physically appealing does not mean that they�re good.

Why would someone want to have children with a dead person? Why would someone want a dead person to kiss them, make love to them, raise and teach their children? Can spiritually dead people make God feel good? Are they able to please God? Should spiritually dead people be able to make us feel good? In movies, music, as friends and even family. Who were Christ's mothers, brothers and sisters? Which reality was HE focused on? Remember, that it is His image that we bear.

All of the above has everything to do with the "soil" of untruth that enables pornography and pornographic thoughts to take root and grow. = There are basic untruths needed in order for pornography / pornographic thoughts to be enticing to anyone. :eat:

As we come to know the truth of our own sexuality and of God's original blueprints for intimacy, pornography (a major untruth) will automatically begin to lose its grip within a person's life (being renewed with the mind of Christ). = As we come to know God's truth (Light), the untruth in us (darkness) is automatically driven back. :angeldevil: And we begin to be set free. :angel:

God bless

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 09:57 AM


If that was me talkin bout porn and sexuality, they would be ready to stone I said, it's not what's said on this forum, it's WHO says it. That's sad and very ugly. God is watching. (James 2:4) And if you take offense to that, it must apply to you.

With that said....I'm proud of you Dream. I'm glad you started this post. We have to learn how to talk about this kind of stuff. Period.

If I sweep dirt under a rug and leave it there, when I come back, it's still gonna be there. Actually, the longer I wait, the nastier it'll get. Keep on speaking your mind and speaking up for us "less than perfect" Jesus chasers who want to do better. Those who want to learn and grow. Those who need the love and not the judgement. People like me. No more sweeping topics under the rug. We end up doing ourselves a disservice. I commend you for this post and I see where you're coming from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if anybody says bringing up such topics causes people to stumble or fall into temptation, I'd advise them to pray the prayer of Jabez and/or confess 1 Corin. 10:13. They'll be alright.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 12:00 PM

It's not -who- says it, it's -how- they say it.

And he said it right.

Well done, dreamtime.

The intent of your heart breathed life into your words (Perhaps it was the Lord speaking through you?) Either way, it made a lot of sense.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 02:44 PM

if something is said in love it wins support.

if something is said to show off or to pervert then people will reject it.

If you can not say a certain word because it might be filtered then it is bad.


Would Jesus say it?

If not, then we should not.

If somebody is defensive they are being convicted by the Holy Spirit of some issues.

If I was a child and said what some people here have said my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap for real.

I remember those days.

soap taste bad.


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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 03:47 PM

How many of us have ever experienced the love of a Father?

I had my dad growing up and I know he loved me but he never protected me, he hated confrontation and I paid a price for it. He told me he loved me often and I knew he did but his experiences kept him from standing up for me toward my mom.

Just how many of the men here grew up in a christian household and how many of you men ever had your dad say, I'm really proud of you and give you a firm embrace, just on an ordinary day...not because you won a trophy or graduated high school.

Or the women, did your daddy ever set you on his lap and brush your bangs to the side, look into your eyes and speak life into your little heart? beauty, boldness and value. Most of these things, we didnt have growing up.

How much different our lives would be. somethings that seem so simple but are life changing for a child.

we still have opportunities to be that for someone else.

speaking LIFE into the lives of others is crucial.

love all you guys on the forums and wanted to say that you all bless me.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 04:25 PM

Nope, it's who, not what.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 04:26 PM

Oh, please.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 05:01 PM

HolyGhostgirl, your a writer...right? Well don't be looking a gift horse in the mouth. You are getting alot of free criticism, most of it constructive. I don't think you have peaked as a writer yet, so don't miss out on what is being given you. You may get insights a friend would never share with you. You know what I mean?

What is, Is. You cannot change your readers, the only thing you can control is your writing. You have a opportunity to be creative and practice finesse before a audience of critics, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Have fun!

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 05:03 PM

I have no animosity for you, or anger or judgment.

Though you may not realize it, HolyGhostGirl, I love you, and I think you will be a great writer. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, really. I know it's the heart of a person that counts the most, and I think you are kind-hearted. What do you say, truce?


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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 06:24 PM

I agree with the OP 100%.

I also agree with MsMarvel that what someone says is not nearly as important as how you say it. Although "who" says it certainly does have an affect as well based on that person's reputation. As it says in Proverbs 22:1, a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches! A person's reputation depends greatly on how they choose to represent themselves which leads right back to the fact is is about "how" you speak and act.

In I Peter 3:15 we are called to always be ready to give an answer with meekness and fear. I think the OP's message fulfills that quite well.

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Men, How Are We Viewing Women? How Are We Viewing One Another?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 08:56 PM

Dear Holyghostgirl,

�Less than perfect" Jesus chasers�?

Would these include the prostitutes, tax collectors and murderers (the Apostle Paul) that Jesus often hung out with? I was just wondering ;)

"I see where you're coming from!!!!!!!!!!"

Then it was worth every word!

Thank you very much for your comments HGG. Not only have I enjoyed reading your posts, but I've especially enjoyed reading the responses you've prompted from others. It has made for some interesting reading!

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