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Johovas Witness
Posted : 4 Aug, 2013 12:26 PM

I'm not writing this to start a negative debate with anyone on here. I just feel I can clarify a few things about JW's since I used to be one. They do believe Jesus is the perfect son of God who willingly came to earth and sacrificed his life for the sins of imperfect men. And as far as the number 144,000. They believe all men and women are capable of being saved. Most of those saved though they believe will reside on a new, restored earth talked about in 2 Peter, Revelations and elsewhere, while the 144,000 selected by God the Father (Jehovah) are taken to heaven to rule as kings and priests for 1,000 years either during or after the 'Great Tribulation'. Lastly I'll say that they only worship God the Father and don't believe that Jesus is equal to God, despite being willing to follow Jesus as the head of the Church and their lord and savior....

Based on this info I'm not sure whether someone of a different denomination would consider them Christian as well...but I hope at least I've given a clearer understanding of what exactly they believe! :-)

May everyone have a successful search for someone 'evenly yoked'!....


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'thorn' in the flesh...
Posted : 26 Aug, 2010 10:47 PM

So I seem to have what appears may be a 'thorn in my flesh'...and it is chronic lateness.... I know many may right away just be thinking I'm simply irresponsible...or lack respect and appreciation for other people's time, and I can understand that reflex assumption...I would probably respond in like were the tables turned! Nevertheless...this is a issue I've had since my early elementary school years.... I have tried, it seems, any and EVERYthing I could think of to discontinue the habit without hardly any success!!!!! The apostle Paul stated at 2Corinthians 12:7-10 that the reasons God allowed Satan to continue afflicting him with this hardship was to keep Paul from becoming conceited and as a tool through which God could show His power! I definitely worry that were this 'thorn in my flesh' removed...I would think much more of myself than is appropriate in God's eyes.... I still wonder though, due to the other VERY negative side effects of this lateness om my life...whether it actually is a thorn in my fesh that will remain regardess of my efforts or something I simply haven't found away yet to master.... I guess that is the question I pose to my brothers and sisters in the Faith. Everyone have blessed day! :-)