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"Pagan Christianity?" by Frank Viola and George Barna
Posted : 7 Jul, 2015 03:21 PM

Has anyone read this? Thoughts?

The book is about how many of our current church practices had pagan or secular roots, and that they don't have a Biblical foundation. Topics included in this book include- worship on Sunday, pastors preaching to passive (just sit there) audiences, and even separate dressing styles for ministers, among other things.

I've started reading the book, and it is interesting to see some of the history noted in it, not to mention to see where some common day focuses like "GET MORE SOULS!" evangelism have come from. I recommend the book to most people.


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Posted : 2 Jul, 2015 07:43 PM

No, photos aren't that important. You just keep getting the same kinds of men messaging you, and in order to know if they want to get you into bed, they want to see a photo first. ha.

Seriously, there is a portion on men on all free dating websites that spam messages to a million women hoping that one of them will finally have sex with them. They are desperate, hoping that something in life will pick them up. Since they are the loudest voice, because they message so many women, that is what women think a lot of guys are doing. In reality, they are just a piece of the whole pie, and unfortunately, aren't typically respectful of the women they are pursuing.

I don't need to initially see your picture to get to know you. I would need to see you at some point to know you weren't a dude posing as a woman, as the internet is full of people who are lying about who they are, but the soul is what is the most important part of a person. The body fades over time.

Hang in there. There are a few decent guys out there. And a lot more guys would be worthwhile if they didn't get knocked down by the culture that doesn't give them much to hope for.


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Any TED fans here?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2014 05:16 PM

I'm talking about TED talks. So many great science talks there. The other day I was watching a video about programming quadcopters and the importance of mathematical calculations. It was neat to finally see someone being able to say "See, you do use math in real life!" in a fun and engaging way.


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Western black rhino officially extinct
Posted : 10 Jan, 2014 05:12 PM

Yea, it does stink. I'm still glad we even have elephants and blue whales. It seems the bigger they are, the more they are wanted dead.


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The Happy Intercessor
Posted : 10 Jan, 2014 05:10 PM

I'm currently reading "The Happy Intercessor" by Beni Johnson. Considering it's the first book I've noticed on prayer that mentions happiness while being a prayer warrior, hopefully it should be good. It's been good so far, and it's by an author that I trust (more than I would a random stranger).


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does the site work
Posted : 10 Jan, 2014 05:08 PM

The site is only as useful as the people who use it. If enough people get on here, you will have better results. Can you find "the one" here? Yes, probably with a higher probability than you would standing around and waiting at one church your whole life. Is it guaranteed? Of course not. The person you are looking for may even be a on different dating website looking for you there. :P


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Happy New Year 2014 !!!
Posted : 10 Jan, 2014 05:03 PM

Happy New Year all! :)


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modest vs fashion
Posted : 2 Aug, 2013 02:24 PM

Modesty is relative. The human body isn't inherently more sexually attractive with or without clothes on. Take away the cultural influences and this would become apparent. In older times in the church, they had no problem with nude statues or paintings, and for some time until private tubs/showers started to come out, men and women bathed together in the Roman Empire in the public bathhouses.

1 Timothy 2:9 wasn't dealing with sexually provocative dress. It was dealing with women spending lavish amounts of money on themselves so that they could look rich. Paul advised them that good deeds (making a difference in the world) was a better beauty.


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How do you know if a man has a crush on me?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2013 08:54 AM

If he gives you a lot more attention than he does other girls, and if you keep finding him looking at you a lot.

Of course, if you keep looking at him to see if he is looking at you, then he might be wondering why in the world you are looking at him so much. So one has to be careful there.


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Got to ask you guys about what would you do
Posted : 22 Apr, 2013 08:52 AM

Sometimes it's better not to get in a relationship until some people are healed up a bit more. I would probably just stay friends with the girl. There is a guy out there somewhere who could probably handle having a good marriage with her, because he knows how to deal with those sort of things, but not me.

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