scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina


service & learning

Male | 55
United States
North Carolina
Last Login Date
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scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina, 1 scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina, 2 scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina, 3 scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina, 4 scienceGeek is Single in Durham, North Carolina, 5
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Raleigh Vineyard
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
CNA (temporarily)
church, service / missions/ helping people, SCIENCE, environmental stewardship, human-rights, (occasional) jogging, NPR news, serious conversation, German, Spanish, naps, (new) Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, science-fiction movies
About Me
CAREER GOALS: My general career/life goals include SERVING people and using my love of SCIENCE. This MIGHT someday include serving in a developing country (perhaps in Latin America) as a science/health teacher. I'm also very willing to teach science in a Catholic, Episcopal, or Friends private high school. Working at a science museum is a back-up plan.

MY JOBS: I currently work as a nurse-aide (CNA I) and do a little math/science tutoring on the side. However, I hope to return to teaching science and/or health. It would really be cool to teach science/health sometime in a poor country.

MY FAITH: I am born-again & am involved at a Vineyard church. I like moderate charismatic evangelical churches, but in my personal thinking I'm NOT conservative/orthodox enough to be a true evangelical. So I'd need to marry someone who is not offended by my non-conservative beliefs such as theistic evolution and gender equality. I definitely prefer contemporary worship and contemporary Christian music. I'm generally steady & consistent in my walk, but I have not read the whole Bible and I'm not really a mature Christian. I really am not good at hearing God in a clear, direct way. (Pastor Shawn Bolz is incredibly good at hearing God, and perhaps he has helped me trust God's love.) I feel I'm not good at having faith, but I do act on the little faith I have. (regarding alcohol: For most of my life, I only had alcohol in moderation on rare occasions. However, I think red wine is supposed to be healthy, so for a few years, I had a cup of red wine sometimes. But I quit when my local Kroger (my source of cheap red wine) closed! I think I could avoid alcohol totally if I married a woman who needed me to totally refrain from alcohol. But I don't think alcohol in moderation is a sin. (John Ch.2)

STRENGTH / WEAKNESS: Always bear in mind, you will have to live not only with your husband's strengths, but also with his weaknesses. A weakness of mine is that I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I have trouble being organized (my bedroom is a mess!) and tend to be overly-meticulous & slow with some things. So I'd need to marry someone who is patient.
But my strengths are SERVING and being PATIENT & GENTLE & KIND. I think morality includes saving sex for marriage, but ALSO includes being HONEST, controlling my tongue, and being helpful. I feel I'm good at being affectionate and romantic, too.
I have a BS in biology and I'm bright, but grad school did not go well, so I did not become a scientist.

IDEAL WIFE FOR ME: I would like to marry a committed Christian who is kind, tactful, gentle, and patient. She must be born-again, but not Fundamentalist. I'd like to marry someone committed to service, and ideally someone who is willing to live very modestly and willing to consider serious service in a developing country, such as in Latin America, either as a missionary or in a secular charity (if God opens the door). She should be college-educated and like intellectual conversation. It would be a bonus if I marry someone who jogs or who likes to chat about science, visit science museums, go star-gazing, etc. I've never been married (and have never co-habitated either), but I am willing to marry a divorced believer. However, in that case, I'd prefer that she met the pre-condition allowing divorce in Matt. 5:32 (i.e., an unfaithful husband). Age: I want to have kids of my own, so ideally I'd marry a lady in her child-bearing years. But if she's a bit past her child-bearing years, I'd be open to considering IVF with a donated egg.
I hope to hear from you! Come change the world with me!
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