Author Thread: In your opinion what is considered the right guy?

In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 24 Apr, 2020 11:11 PM

My question is simple, but I find this question odd at times. It’s odd to me because I no longer know what the right women is. I know she has to be a Christian and that she has to be nice, but for some reason it feels empty to me. It feels empty to me because I don’t know what sort of person I’m supposed to be looking for. It’s like trying to picture something that hasn’t happened yet. I guess part of the problem for me is I have never had a relationship with anyone before. I may have not met anyone, but I have learned there is no such thing as a perfect person.

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 12:11 AM

The right guy. There is no one right guy definition for everybody. It's not a criteria that fits all. But for me, the right guy is someone who'll love me and treat me right. He should be able to show his love in such a way that I will never doubt it. He should make me feel secure in the relationship. I wear my heart on my sleeves when I love. So I expect the same thing from my man. I don't want to be guessing as to how he feels. That's the worst feeling ever. Most especially if he makes me insecure for being me. It's wonderful to be in the arms of someone with whom you feel you're home. The rest will follow when there's love. One would wish nothing but the best for the person loved. So when both love each other, both will do what's best for the relationship and for the other, even sacrificing oneself. Moreover, I should find him attractive. I want to want my man, if you know what I mean And of course, we have to be believers. I don't want to have to argue about my faith.

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 12:14 AM

You ought to ask guys about their idea of the right woman if that's what you're confused of. Kind of boys' talk.

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 09:23 AM

The right guy is the one not left.

Sorry, that's all I've got. :)

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 09:30 AM

clever answer Toth :)

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 09:53 AM


I hope you don't mind if I add my two cents (okay, more than two cents, sorry about the length) but I can identify very well with your question. I have some experience dating, but it's been a bit scattered throughout my life, and as such I get a fair amount of time to think about what I need and want in a relationship. The problem is, sometimes what you think you want in a relationship can be very different from what you actually need or want. For example, you may think you want someone with a highly analytical mind, but after dating a few analytical people, you may decide they have habits you find very annoying.

You can also learn a lot about your own personality in this process. Some things you've always believed about yourself when you're alone may be different from what you're actually like, and it may only reveal itself through a relationship experience. For example, you may have gone through life thinking you're an introvert and a homebody, but when you date someone who is an introvert and a homebody, you may find that you are a lot more extroverted than you originally thought.

Since no one can just take a scan of you and know what you ultimately need, the best thing to do is take what you think you know about yourself and what you think you need or want, and give that a try, but the key is to try to keep yourself open to learning new things about yourself and what you actually need in a partner. I hope this helps, and I wish you God's richest blessings in your search!

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 10:40 AM

Hello Amorgan707.

Maybe you have over looked the obvious of what a "relationship" is? You stated you "have never had a relationship with anyone before" and I was shocked that you would imply you had no friends! Do you? I think you do and if so, isn't that what a "relationship" is when you took the time to actively pursue those "relationships" then? Can you talk to them and relate to them in a loving non judgmental way, excepting them the way they are? Now mind you your "relationship" with your friends should be non judgmental of others to be a real Christian, yet help other friends that are actively living in sin by wrongfully judging others. How about your "relationship" with your Father in heaven and how to speak (pray) to him everyday. Can I assume that you have a loving "relationship" with Him and understand how he loves you? How do we show our love to Him? The Bible says we do that by keeping His commandments (His loving instructions) and that's the evidence of our faith in Him! Its no different really in our human "relationships" in that we do what's right, we love our neighbor, we don't wrongfully judge them yet it is our "job" (if you will) to call them out in the most loving way possible if they are wrong about something stated in the Bible that is or is NOT a sin!

As far as a Christian lady type of "relationship" that may come along eventually for you, Spiritualconnections brought up some VERY important qualities and beliefs that are important in a "dating" type of "relationship" in finding out if you can be Biblically yoked together one day in possible marriage, in being the same kind of "believers" in Christ, as a loving non judgmental true believer in Christ! I agree with her but where I disagree with her is where it comes to claiming when two persons disagree on something, then its just "arguing" and one or the other gets upset, when it should just be a discussion to learn and make changes to do what's right! To grow in our Christian relationship in a Christ like manner, not be judgmental of others!

This is where Spiritualconnections and I differ and why I could not have a Biblical type of relationship with any woman like her because I would be wrongfully judging others to be with that type of person. This is extremely important to know Amorgan707 and find out in the "dating" process of the "relationship" to know what kind of "Christian" the other gender is, the true colors if you will!

Spiritualconnections has different "beliefs" than me, for instance she thinks it wrong for a "older" man to date a "younger" woman and her "belief" is by assumption that "it should be illegal" for "older" men to date OR marry "younger" women because according to her "it's like a different form of pedophilia" she stated in forum section location - "Advice On Love and Dating" and thread - "Age Appropriate" in her opinion anyway. She is entitled to her opinion but Amorgan707 this is classic example in that none of that

"opinion" is even remotely Biblical and there were two more "christian" women agreeing with her! Yicks!

The point I'm trying to make Amorgan707 is it takes time to make friends, know people, to really know them but you have to put forth effort just like you do with everything else. Like getting out of bed everyday to work, to play, see the world! Be honest, be fair, be non judgmental yet always rightly defending those who are wrongfully judged! Now that's the kind of righteous "faith" I can relate too with NO "argument" but just the facts of proper Christian living! And with that you will make many wonderful friends and hopefully one day a BEST friend that you can spend the rest of your life with Amorgan707! Right?

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 02:46 PM

Aaron, you have a good profile. You are young and supposedly rather care-free at the moment. If you see a girl/woman that seems pleasant to both eyes and ears, go ahead and ask her out. If you meet her at the Y, they probably already have a coffee shop there which makes it easy to say "would you like to have a snack with me before we go? I'm paying." (i am old school thinking to start out, the guy should pay). if she says no, you have lost nothing. If someone on here writes you its ok to correspond on here for awhile. Dont jump to Hangouts or other apps. This works just fine. You might find a girl to date who is neat and clean and fun to be with, but find out that she has some silly habit that drives you crazy. Mention it. See if she's aware of it. if she gets mad and walks out, you still have lost nothing. Pray about it, but don't stew over it. Some people find the "right" partner when they are 40. Good luck in your search.

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2020 03:24 PM

Thank you for the reply needsafriend7. Funny enough I do have some traditional values that I have learned from my mom. If asking a girl was easy, I think I would have asked someone out by now before the virus had come to America. I'm just not sure who is a christian at times or who is available. Also there are times in which I get cold feet thinking it might be creepy for me ask a girl out in public. I'm just not sure where to invest my time or who I should get to know is probably the biggest problem. It's one thing asking a girl out, but whats the point if I haven't spent anytime getting to know the other person.

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 26 Apr, 2020 02:16 PM

Maybe invest your time in getting to know someone before asking her out? Also take time to make friends with Christian people around you (both Male and female) and in that circle you might find what you are looking for, one person might stand out, you never know!

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In your opinion what is considered the right guy?
Posted : 26 Apr, 2020 03:17 PM

Well that's part of my problem too. I have some guy friends for Christians, but they always dodge the question about how to meet someone. Also the current church I go to have a lot of old folks, so almost no women close to my age goes to that church. Also while I'm at work theirs almost no Christians there let alone, someone I would be attracted to. I sort have lousy luck when it comes to meeting someone.

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