Author Thread: A Non Rant Dating Advice For Men

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A Non Rant Dating Advice For Men
Posted : 15 May, 2024 01:20 PM

Dating tips for men in the modern world.

 It's a jungle out there for men and as I'm sure most people have heard the old saying " Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ".  Well that phrase certainly does speak a lot of truth about the differences between the genders. Everything in this list is knowledge that some or even most men already know so really nothing new here. I can only speak in generalities about meeting and dating women. Although I don't know where the best places are to meet women. I do honestly think the worst are social media, dating sites, bars and nightclubs. Anywhere else is a step up from there.

Probably the most important thing a man needs to know about meeting women is the ability to talk them up. The modern term for it is "game". Men and women speak a different language and although the words may be the same, the arrangement of those words is one difference, another is women will assign different meanings to some of those words. I can't teach you how to speak their language but there are many examples of men running game on U tube along with many examples of women speak. The quickest way to attract a women is through her ears. So remember these 3 EEEs. Education, Education, Education.

Another important attraction for women is your physical appearance. There are things we can't change like our height and face, but losing weight and building muscle are things men can do. Although to men clothes aren't usually that important, to most women they are. So wearing nice clothes is a plus especially if you aren't very muscular. How much money you have is also very important, but any woman who focuses on that isn't worth your time.

 So let's say you're ready to go out there and slay some dragons. So where do you take this woman you want to ask out? Unfortunately there are many women who will happily take an expensive free meal from a guy that she has no intentions of starting a relationship with. The absolute cardinal rule is: DON'T BE A SYMP AND TAKE HER TO AN EXPENSIVE PLACE ON THE FIRST DATE! In fact don't bring her flowers, candy or anything unless you have become exclusive. What you should do is plan a simple inexpensive (or free) date. Don't ask her what she wants to do. You do all the planning as women prefer the man to do all that.

 How she reacts to the date will tell a lot about whether she's worth a second date or not. You will literally be under her microscope and if there's any little thing you do or say that bothers her. Then a second date will be out of the question. By the way there could be hundreds to thousands of icks a woman might have that will turn her off so the chances of a second date are slim.

  Men should also look out for red flags on the date. Some of the obvious would be. Was she late? A few minutes would be no biggie. Did she complain about the date being cheap? Did she complain about other things? Was she on her phone a lot? Was she hard to talk to and vague when answering questions? Did she laugh at any of your jokes? Did she have a more natural tasteful appearance? Or was her makeup caked on and her clothes trampy?  Was she videoing the date? Now this one is almost always a huge red flag: Does she already have children?  Please never try to rescue a woman like this no matter how beautiful she is. There's a reason she's in that predicament and it's almost always all her fault and one she could have avoided and you should too. So don't be a symp!

 For those who don't know what a Symp/Simp is:

“Simp/symp" is a slang term used to describe a person who is perceived as overly submissive or even desperate for the attention or affection of someone without receiving anything in return. In other words a man who bends over backwards doing things for a woman in the hopes that someday she will finally see the light and begin a relationship with him. But that almost never happens because few if any women find men like that attractive. But they have no problem taking as much from him as he's willing to give without ever giving anything in return. In fact many women will have several sympy men that they use for different purposes. One might be used for monetary support, another may be used to fix her car or do repairs around her house or apt, and another may be used for emotional support. There's really no limit to what some women will use a symp for. It all depends on what she wants and what he's willing to do.

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A Non Rant Dating Advice For Men
Posted : 19 May, 2024 10:38 AM

Careful how much you "talk them up". They may never come down 😉

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A Non Rant Dating Advice For Men
Posted : 28 May, 2024 07:05 PM

Do you think if I turned it into a rant it would catch more flies?

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