Author Thread: The swamp/deep state and school days

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The swamp/deep state and school days
Posted : 29 Mar, 2024 03:55 PM

It might have been my freshman year in Highschool I had a great math teacher. The way that the lady explained the problems was easy for me to understand. With realities ease I was able to achieve high grades in the class, however the next year in math class I had a different teacher. Although the teacher was a nice guy, I had a very hard time understanding him. My grades were extremely poor and I was required to attend summer school in order to pass the class. The point is that sometimes the race is lost due to poor job performance of the coach.

In a similar venue, this morning I learned that ir-regardless of who is elected into congress...the same old coaches remain (in this example the coaches are secretaries and file clerks.) The current rules are written so that a congressional coach can have the same job for 40 or 50 years.

In the higher level sporting events...if the team looses a game or two, then the defeat is blamed on the players. But when the team goes on a 20 game loosing streak...then the coaching staff should be examened. Its the same way with a congressman a handfull of rogue decisions are more than likely the fault of the athlete, but if the team goes on a loosing streak or in this case if the congress starts acting like each other when they get to washington...then the problem might be caused by the washington coaching staff that remains the same.

The solution is simple...make it mandatory for each congress person to hire there own coaching staff.

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