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Please keep me in prayer
Posted : 29 Mar, 2023 06:12 AM

Thanks I appreciate it


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Please keep me in prayer
Posted : 23 Mar, 2023 11:17 PM

Hey guys please keep me in prayer.

1. Enrolling in School for September

2. To Start a business when I finish school because I am weary and tired of trying to find work to get off social assistance and believe it to be a lost cause.

3. My health. I have had sores on my lower legs that have not healed since November, and have to see a surgeon on the 28th regarding an ultrasound done on the vascular veins, possibly see a vascular surgeon.

I have to go for an MRI for a ganglion on my right foot that was surgically removed and grew back. That is April 20

I have had a Lypoma on my left abdomin for over 2 years about 3 or 4 years now.

I have to go for a sleep apnea test in January.

4. That I can some day come up with the money for driving lessions to get my drivers license up graded from a beginners to a full G license, but I had a beginners for 3 years and held a beginners in 2 provinces.

5. that I can get a box spring and a steam cleaner so I can clean the mattress my dad died on and put the bed together so I dont have to sleep on the floor anymore.


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Do you think I should contact him once more or let it go?
Posted : 23 Mar, 2023 10:54 PM

I uh, hate to say this, but it sounds like something I saw a reply video on youtube for.

Anyway based on what you are saying, It sounds like he may have some personal issues he needs to work on, or perhaps he is not interested anymore. I would suggest just letting go and moving on at this point.

Their are just some people you have to walk away from.


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Posted : 23 Mar, 2023 10:41 PM

Hi guys, I am new here, and wanted to say hi.

Also keep me in prayer, I have to go to Brantford this weekend and its never good when I have to go to Brantford. In fact its 1:30 am and I am expecting my ride in 8 hours.

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