Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee


Looking for a traditional woman

Male | 42
United States
Last Login Date
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Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, 1 Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, 2 Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, 3 Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, 4 Setsail28 is Single in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, 5
Eye Color
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Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Midtown Followship
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Real Estate
I want to see your life!Instagram: tray91917snap chat: tray91917
About Me
TLDR: (Too long didn't read) I'm looking for a wife, a mother for my future children and a servant for the Lord.

**Wisdom for those open to receiving it. Wise men are looking for the following traits in a woman.
#1 Loves God.
#2 Listen and obey the husband in submission well. #3 Stay physically fit.
#4 Make peace and be supportive/not to complain just to be entertained.
#5 Create a warm household.
#6 Be a good mother.
#7 Be the type of women that asks him what he wants and then comes along beside him to help him.

Take the time to communicate/show to your potential partner that you are these things and you will offered marriage by someone**

Hopefully the desire to find an equally yoked Christian partner brought you here. If this were a tinder profile I would probably say something about my height and income. Thank God this is not Tinder.

Since you clicked all this way, here is a little bit about me. Showing the love of Christ to those around me is an important focus of mine.

I serve in the children's ministry at my church. The pastor asked for volunteers and so I did. I was unsure about how I would be received however it turned out to be a great decision. It seems that preschoolers respond well to men and I probably get more out of it then the children do.

Separately from church, I have a focus on growing young men in their early 20's to early 30's. There is a lot of brokenness and lack of direction as well as life changing pitfalls if they make the wrong choices. We are called to be witnesses and tell the truth to one another and I am trying to do just that.

I asked God for a disciple relationship and he provided. I seek to serve and lead men into a deeper relationship with Christ.

As for other activities, swing dancing, traveling and game nights to name a few.

For what I am here for. I am looking for a woman who will help and serve with me in loving others. Someone who wants to love and lead women. One who feels that part of her calling is to be a good wife to me as I lead the relationship. A capable women who likes a challenge and wants to learn.

I guess it's time for the hard part. I am not going to make your life easier. It's probably going to be harder. I am looking for the mother of my children as well as someone to help me serve Christ and love others. I will certainly love my wife but my purpose is not just be the provider of children and income. My purpose is to love and serve the Lord. I hope you view marriage as a holy act of submission onto the Lord. If you seek an easy life and are looking to just be provided for then I am not the right fit for you.

TLDR: (Too long didn't read) I'm looking for a wife, a mother for my future children and a servant for the Lord.
First Date
Food and conversation
Something you will enjoy
Account Settings (To message Setsail28 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 18 to 28.

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