XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri



Male | 62
United States
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XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 1 XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 2 XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 3 XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 4 XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 5 XSenergy0baggage is Single in Kirbyville, Missouri, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
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Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
About Me
Hi ! Sooooo............ you thought you've read it ALL aayy ? SURPRISE ! Don't sigh and roll your eyes yet cuz this may be your momentary reprieve from cookie cutter. Proceed with caution if you're easily triggered.

You've chanced upon (in my opinion) a youthful, responsible, un-emasculated, honorable, moral, humorous, energetic, principled, somewhat well informed and cultured gentleman of sound mind, body and of average intellect, blah, blah, blah. My passion in life is truth and without it all endeavors are compromised at best.

After much investigation, my actions and views concerning history, religions, banking/financial systems, governments, world affairs, prophetic writings and our Creators' laws tend to shape my mindset a bit differently than most. I'm acutely tuned to current events, suppressed technologies and the deep state agendas of those lurking in the shadows while pushing the world's buttons. As you know, the more you know, ........ the more you know you don't know. We live in very interesting and precarious times that few have eyes to see and ears to hear. I'm active in attempting to preserve a remnant of freedom for generations yet born.

Due to a diagnostic repair tech background, I'm guilty of being analytical, organized, gadgetized, motorized, 1% abrasive, brutally honest yet congenial, protective, conscientious, farsighted, passionate, frugal yet generous, homophobic, politically incorrect, fun to be with and WORSE. Sports, TV, fads and styles short my meter. GOING ALONG TO GET ALONG???....FORGET ABOUT IT !!!

No need for arm twisting when it comes to traveling, touring, RVing, relaxing at waters edge. amusements, thrill rides, small town music festivals, water related activities, 2 or 4 wheeling, muscle car racing or meets, live band or people watching and most of the usual bread and circuses the world offers.

My favorite things include a special lady friend, time with true friends, freedom, privacy, home baked deserts, prime rib, Italian, seafood, Andes thin mints, answered prayers, pets, big sound systems, passionate music, summer nights, horse power, hot showers, hugs and kisses.

My reading encompasses everything non-fictional from scripture and prophecy to proposed or passed legislation, U.S. founding documents, history, blueprints schematics, diagnostic/repair procedures, alternative media news and health articles, main stream media propaganda and BS.

I'm transplanted from back east, 23 years past a childless, 17 year, career driven monogamous marriage and now suffering from "hug and kiss deficit disorder", but not just ANY old hugs and kisses will do.

Ideally, they'll emanate from a lady that honors her Creator and His laws, is always a lady, awash in sweetness, honesty, modesty, self esteem, grounded, adorable, petite, slender/average, inquisitive, health minded, energetic, rational, tempered, conscientious and any other great assets the good Lord granted her, She likes wearing dresses anytime yet doesn't mind dirty or broken nails from digging in the garden. She thinks outside the box, holds her own, has substance, not just fluff or eye candy. She's a special order and a real dish !

Who am I to be requesting so much you ask? You can usually judge a man by the company he surrounds and seeks to surround himself with. I've long realized I'm a slight misfit by today's standards and tend to "lay low" on this site hoping to be noticed by that one special lady with realistic worldly insight concerning the future.

If you read this far and aren't yawning, groaning, scrambling for the Pepto Bismol, voodoo doll or gnawing and frothing at your monitor, ......... PERFECT ! You're a rare being if you're actually contemplating contacting me, please do! I'm shallow enough to be swayed by aesthetics & chemistry but also expect full disclosure so please have a detailed profile including pictures.

Time is precious and nothing ventured is nothing gained.......
Best wishes in all of your endeavors and may all of your dreams come true !
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Age between 40 to 67.

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