JamesEG is Single in Lexington, Kentucky


Nondenominational Christian James

Male | 67
United States
Last Login Date
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JamesEG is Single in Lexington, Kentucky, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
I enjoy visiting various churches as a nondenominational Christian.
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
bivocational freelance writer
reading, writing, attending seminars and lectures, bicycling, taking nature hikes, playing board and card games, visiting museums, traveling when my budget permits, conversing with friends and relatives about current events and other things
About Me
My name is James, and I am happy being single. That may be God's will for me for my entire life. But I joined this website as a way to meet new people, develop friendships, and to possibly at some point develop a relationship that leads to marriage. I am so happy being single and celibate that I consider my main purpose on this site to be developing new friendships.

I prefer to develop a relationship gradually over time instead of rushing into romance. I am reluctant to take the step of showing one person favorable treatment over all others that is necessary to develop a close relationship that leads to marriage. However, I am receptive to the possibility of marriage if I meet and develop a relationship slowly with the right person at the right time in the right way.

Although I dated one girl in college and kissed her, I feel that it is best to not even kiss someone until the minister states "You may kiss the bride." Kissing can arouse emotions that lead to other things, and it is difficult to evaluate a person objectively when emotionally aroused.

For me, friendship comes before romance. I firmly believe that sexual abstinence before marriage is best and ideally will not even kiss another person unless/until we are married.

I love to read a variety of things, write, discus current events with persons of various views, attend seminars and lectures, take nature hikes, bicycle, play board and card games, visit museums, and to travel when my budget permits, among other things. I do not participate in sports, and I am not a big fan of most sports. However, I do follow University of Kentucky basketball and football.

I rarely watch television or movies and would generally rather read, look at Internet news websites, engage in stimulating conversation, take a walk, etc., to watching them. Though there are exceptions, I am usually a person who likes to plan things ahead of time instead of doing things on the spur of the moment.

Music is a sideline for me rather than a centerpiece. Generally I prefer doing other things to listening to music. But when I do listen to music, my favorite types of music are Christmas carols, certain contemporary Christian songs, a few classic hymns, and some soft rock.

I think keys to building successful relationships include having and developing common interests, trusting one another enough to engage in open communication, being honest and truthful, enjoying similar morals, etc.

I seek to adhere to a vegan diet, avoiding the eating of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. I feel that this is a healthier diet and is better for the animals that would otherwise be on the menu, too. But I respect the right of my friends, including any potential spouse, to make their own decisions on this issue.

Although I hold a master's degree and have had opportunities to make much money, I have chosen a career path as a bivocational writer that pays relatively little. I work a second job to keep the bills paid, and I feel blessed to have two jobs that I enjoy. Obtaining and developing an enjoyable, honest career that benefits others is more important to me than being a huge financial success. Integrity is very important to me.

I rent a car occasionally to visit relatives and friends in southeastern Kentucky. But here in Lexington (where I live) I walk, ride buses, bicycle, ride with friends, and on relatively rare occasions take taxi cabs. To save money, I do not own a car and haven't for many years.

I am a caring, compassionate, nondenominational Christian who seeks to love all people. But I try to make decisions logically rather than emotionally. I feel that the advice of Jesus and the Apostle Paul to love even one's enemies is great. I seek to do so, and actually consider everyone a friend.

Although I love children, I do not have any of my own and do not desire to have any or the 24/7 responsibility that comes with it. However, I do have two younger sisters, two nieces, and two nephews whom I love much.

I registered as an independent voter at age 18 and remain one today. I am probably typically very conservative on moral and fiscal issues and probably typically very liberal on environmental and social issues.

I took the photograph that is posted as my profile photo on this website in my apartment in 2020 when I was age 62, using the time-delay feature on a digital camera.

Thanks for taking time to read this. Regardless of whether you (the reader) and I ever meet, I pray for God's perfect will for you. Enjoy God's blessings.
First Date
The most important thing to know is that I will want to get to know a person via e-mail and phone before meeting her in person.

Also, I would prefer the first meeting to be just to get acquainted as friends, rather than as a romantic date. And the relationship might remain just a friendship even after several meetings or even permanently, though I am receptive to the possibility of romance and marriage over the long term.

Other details about "a first date" could likely be discussed via email and/or phone before a prospective "date" and I meet in person.
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