Guitarman67 is Single in Lebanon, Kansas


Lonely, Laid Back, Likeable

Male | 66
United States
Last Login Date
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Guitarman67 is Single in Lebanon, Kansas, 1 Guitarman67 is Single in Lebanon, Kansas, 2 Guitarman67 is Single in Lebanon, Kansas, 3 Guitarman67 is Single in Lebanon, Kansas, 4
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
railroad worker
play guitar, sing (well-smile) collect rocks, go to aucitons, restore houses, regular church attendee
About Me
Being honest (as we all should be) I am a lonely, laid back, likeable quiet, slender, average-looking, shy (especially at first) guy who was an athlete in High School: football, track, basketball. (Still hold the High School Record as a Kicker for Field Goals made (like David in the movie Facing the Giants) and hold record for Field Goals made in a row). Still in good shape. Was also in high school vocal, played my guitar and sang between acts of class plays. Also played small roles in those plays.
Presently, I own my own paid off home and am restoring a second older (paid off) farm house that I purchased. I own a little other land. I own two older vehicles also paid off. My debts are all paid off.
My parents and grandparents were Kansas farmers. We raised both crops and animals including cattle, chicken, geese. Have had bees on my property. We also had a large garden. Went to work on the Rock Island Line (railroad); then to Burlington just before Rock Island line folded. Was with Burlington Southern-Pacific Railway for about fifteen years. Disability retiree. Tried to return to work against Doctor�s advice, but railroad said, �No.�
Was married for about four years, but she was unfaithful. Divorced long ago while I was still working for railroad. No children.
Although I am not as good a Christian as I would like to be, I have been in church for more than fifteen years and regularly attend the Christian Church. When growing up, my family did not attend church on a regular basis. Enjoy playing the guitar and singing. Have sung at Retirement Homes, also sang solos in church, also have done some recording of songs. Some of the songs are inspirations from the Lord. Read my Bible (but not enough) Pray (but should pray more) Have been on Street Witnessing with Common Ground Ministries of Oklahoma but we were in St. Louis, Mo.
You can download one of my songs at the following link (copy and paste into your browser):
SEEKING A WIFE. : a mate or date or talk . or some interchange lighting knoked out my computer must go to librery
First Date
How about going for a walk or a drive around the lake, anything simple and so you would feel safe and comfortable.

Must not smoke - I have an allergic reaction. / hope not dogs / my profile /says interracial dating is ok But i did't say that . and some one was wrighting for Me and i dont know hot too chang it
Account Settings (To message Guitarman67 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 18 to 65.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 1 members favorites lists

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