cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia


Man of God

Male | 54
United States
Last Login Date
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cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 1 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 2 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 3 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 4 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 5 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 6 cflyboy38 is Single in Atlanta, Georgia, 7
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
African American
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Commercial Pilot
Running, Art, cycling, weight training, writing, reading, MMA
About Me
Hi, thanks for checking out my profile :waving: First and foremost, I'm a man of God and eternal optimist that loves the Lord and is dedicated to walking out His word on a daily basis. I believe in giving my best in everything that I do (i.e. ministry, family, relationships, and career). I have a great sense of humor and will definitely make you laugh :) I am a bit "old fashioned" in the sense that I believe very much opening doors, pulling out chairs, and the art of romance. As a man of God, I am a man of excellence and integrity. While flying is my calling, I'm also very much into art and being creative. I love expressing my creativity through woodworking, glass work, and poetry. I live a fitness lifestyle and am looking for someone that does too(mutual support and encouragement is important). I'm interested in meeting a truly single, godly woman whose a consistent Christian, into fitness, has a great sense of humor, and both attractive internally and externally. Race is unimportant, but an open heart and mind is. While I do love children and am very much interested in a family, I'm currently looking for someone whose never been married and does not have them. This will give my future wife and I a chance to build a family from the ground up. I'm looking for someone thats honoring God and their future husband in their consistant Christian lifestyle. If you'd like to find out more, I'd love to hear from you. Have a blessed day! :)

Man of God here. I don't believe in sex before marriage for several reasons.

1) I honor and am faithful to God's word.

2) I honor and am faithful to my future spouse even now. Sexual self-control and faithfulness is not some "magic switch" you turn on after you say "I do", it's a developed function of a Godly/Christ like character. Yes, there's red blood in my veins like everyone else's, but my "spirit man" is running the show.

3) I honor myself. As a man of God I don't live life like the world. Sin doesn't defeat me, I defeat it. As a Godly leader I ALWAYS lead people toward God and never away, as well as, set the example.

4) I am my sister's keeper. I will not allow myself through action or lack of action to be used by the enemy to hurt, harm, or hinder my sister in her Christian development or in her walk with the Lord. Even when not the initiator, I'm still responsible for doing the right thing for both myself and her.

5) That if I want a lifelong successful Godly marriage then I have to follow HIS "recipe" for one even now in my single life. Even after meeting my future wife we stay w/in the boundaries of God's word during our time of dating and prior to marriage (see rule #1). In doing so, we invite the Spirit of obedience into our marriage, family, and lineage and not the spirit of compromise.

As far as not drinking goes, it's personal preference. For me, I file that under, what may be permissible as a Christian, would not be beneficial me and my future relationships. While I've never had a drinking problem, and certainly don't judge those that choose to drink, I have seen how having what is perceived as a harmless vice can have both great personal and generational consequences. So in that light, I'm looking for someone that like me has chosen to keep this spiritual, mental, and physical "access point" closed for ourselves, those that will come after us, and those viewing us as examples. As a man of God, the process of protecting my family from things that I know could be harmful starts well before they arrive, and for me closing this door is just part of that process. Besides hasn't the drinking pilot clich� been done enough :0)

P.S. Allergic to cats and dogs :rolleyes:
First Date
Lunch, great conversation, and a walk through a good museum.
Account Settings (To message cflyboy38 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 25 to 37.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
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