2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia


Even in the last days, they are eating and drinking, living their own best life, not knowing what is

Male | 43
United States
Last Login Date
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2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 1 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 2 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 3 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 4 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 5 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 6 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 7 2mountain is Single in Griffin, Georgia, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Date
Church Name
not specified
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Tree Farmer
nature, physics, astronomy, history, sociology, religion, anthropology, archeology, engineering, construction, gardens, genetics, natural health,
About Me
I've not married yet, or had any children. I've been waiting, not for Miss Perfect, but for my rib. Hope to find you here, or somewhere, sometime soon.

I'm not a GMO for the record, for scientific and philosophical reasons, and the only person I'd consider a relationship with would be unmodified as well. Tattoos are a big turnoff as well. They're fine on other people, but not me or my girlfriend.

Love all good electronic music, mostly from Europe. Ask me for recommendations? 🎶

Currently researching genetics, immunology, and quasars, among other things. I'm inclined towards Plasma Physics, long before I read The Big Bang Never Happened (Lerner) or Worlds In Collision (Velikovsky) years ago.

Into gardening, DIY, home improvement, crafting and hacking things, bikes, YouTube, nature, photography and blogging.

Mildly allergic to dogs, cats and birds. My cat has her own room in the house, with a brick floor I layed myself recently. She also has bay windows and sunny windowsills.
Pets generally decide they love me or hate me (or want to see what I taste like) after the first sniff. The same could be said of wild animals, even spiders and insects. Mosquitoes for instance think I taste like Spam 😜
First Date
There's a nice coffee shop in the next town, perhaps we should stop there for a while and grab a cup. A number of miles south there's a State Park with a special spring, we could go there as well to play in the river or walk the trails.
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Age between Any Age to 37.
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